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Nathan Davis

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Everything posted by Nathan Davis

  1. Dunesparrow and Brainwave are correct! But I could see how you might get confused. There's a lot to take in when you play the physical game. I know it took me over a year to figure out that you can play Cure or Augury off-turn.
  2. We've deliberately built the game to support localization (as we do with all Obsidian games). We don't have any specific localizations lined up, but this may become more important when we prepare for a PC release.
  3. Fantastic! Never underestimate the power of Val's bare knuckle boxing skillz. When writing Val, there's always an 80s action hero in my head full of swagger and ass-kicking. Little known fact, when Wayne Reynolds was asked to create the art for Valeros, Paizo gave him Madmartigan as reference.
  4. There's some robustness I would like to add to Forfeit to make sure forfeiting while you have characters at locations like the Mountain Peak has some consequence (particularly if you are in perma-death mode). But yes, losing a game doesn't reset your deck, and forfeiting is losing. Getting good stuff from lost games is how new parties can build themselves up to deal with the challenges ahead. Also banishing cards should always be consequential.
  5. In the physical version of Wrath of the Righteous, I, as Alain, encountered the same Demonic Horde four explorations in a row. Talk about tilting at windmills! The rest of the part wasn't impressed.
  6. This has been on my list of features I want for a long long time. As the guy who prioritizes these things, you'd think I would have made this happen. Since there are literally hundreds of things I want, I don't get all of them...at first. But eventually... Short version, I'm on it! But it may take some time.
  7. Blackmail photos aside, I am watching this thread. There are a number things that could be addressed by adding options for players to toggle. I think the digital version of Talisman does a pretty good job of this (though they are mostly about optional rules).
  8. Without getting too deep into the nitty gritty, we always strive to ship as bug-free a game as possible. It's something that we are quite passionate about. That being said, there are a number of bugs that we were not able to catch until the game was widely distributed. We are putting together a patch to address these issues. This is a living game that will have regular updates that will include bugfixes and new content.
  9. We have a fix ready for the Quest Mode bug. We need to do some more testing with it and will put out an update soon. Soon in this case = time to build and test + possibly repeating (potential revisions + time to build and test) + approval time. So, as soon as possible!
  10. We plan to revise the Warchanter and Warchanter-like monsters to trigger when you try to use a weapon, spell, or the like. The original implementation was bug-prone and caused a lot of confusion when it happened. We've gone back and reworked the code and interface for this quite a bit. When it's fully tested and ready, we'll include it in a game update. I'm unreasonably excited about the cool effects and animation our UI designer and art lead, Andre Nguyen, has made for it!
  11. Any new scenarios may include treasure cards of the appropriate deck number. If you are mid-scenario, the cards in play do not change.
  12. One other small factor as you are making a decision. Some character combos yield distinct dialogues as well. For example, solo Valeros at the beginning of Poison Pill and a Lem-Merisiel only party at the beginning of Approach to Thistletop will cause a special dialogue to fire.
  13. Monk is a steam roller until he hits Nualia (in Scenario 1.5). Then it's all about finding a bow and an armor laying around. Steam is planned but not imminent.
  14. Start out with a mix your first time out. I like a challenge, so I will often go with an overly specialized party. No magic parties are great for that. Or no weapons parties for that matter. Beyond that, just remember: Seelah's the best. http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lhdj?Chads-Best-Character-Ever-Seelah Edit: Before I forget! Tips for a balanced party in RotR. Try to have one Strength Melee and one Ranged Dex character. Likewise one Divine caster and one Arcane caster. Try to create a group that doesn't compete for cards. So balancing card lists so that not everyone is looking for allies or another card type is good. Balance skills: Try to balance skill die for each character and get as many '"sub" skills (like Diplomacy and Disable) as you can.
  15. We will not be initially available in the Amazon App Store. Only Google Play and iTunes.
  16. Amiri is great. You'll find her to be an essential part of playing Legendary difficulty. As to what's included in the bundle: All currently released Rise of the Runelords Adventures All future RotR Adventures All RotR characters (including the Add-On deck characters) Character Add-On Deck (deck C) Promo Cards! Bottom line: If you are giving us money, you get it all!
  17. I'm rewriting a number of Store blurbs at the end of this week. My goal is to make it all super duper clear!
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