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Nathan Davis

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Everything posted by Nathan Davis

  1. Seoni and Improved Mending! Arcane Attack for ever! Especially if you go Frostfire!
  2. Much love! I'll still check in from time to time
  3. Whenever I make an antimagic party, Val is my mental stat guy. Amiri, Harsk, and even Meri can cover Wisdom scores, but Val is where I beef up Intelligence and Charisma. Someone needs to close those locations! Sajan can kind of do those as well, but he's more reliant on Dex bonuses and like the others, he is a better Wis guy. I also tend to give him a number of items in this situation. In an antimagic crew, he's my versatility!
  4. Just to point out, give a Sajan a bow...
  5. There's a whole mess of new things on Tup. Even the concept of a Cohort is new to PA. I will say, that we've got somethin' special coming!
  6. Yeah, I found this too recently. We'll try to get a fix out in the next patch.
  7. I've got a 6 character legendary all costume game going and Lem's brings it. Even went Charlatan to focus on bringing down Henchmen and Villains.
  8. Ooo! I like the Diplomatic Envoy. Similar idea to The Wild Bunch (Harsk, Lini, Amiri). Doing a large group with no casters is a good challenge as well.
  9. I <3 themed parties. Favorite that I've run so far was totally item-centric with 4 or 5 characters getting as many items as possible.
  10. It's something that all parties want! It's more a matter of timing, funding, and resources than anything else.
  11. Hi Y'all! I reduced the number of dailies required and set the reward to 500. It's still displaying as 100 for now.
  12. Thanks for this. I've made a change to make sure this doesn't happen in the next release. For now, you'll probably want to forfeit when faced with that card.
  13. Sooo... Funny you should mention this, we've got a quest mode update coming in the next release that revises card rewards to be more likely to give you something valuable. Cards rewards will always get you at least a non-basic, this later becomes non-basic, non-elite, then starts to have a minimum deck #. Also, we are making many card rewards more customized for each character. Let's take Level 26 for example. Lem gets a Spell. Harsk gets Light Armor. Ezren gets an Arcane Spell. And Amiri gets a 2-Handed Weapon. One more thing! Certain levels give very specific card rewards. Let's take level 39 for example. Harsk receives a Black Arrow Ranger, Lini gets Major Cure and Merisiel will get a Venomous Dagger +2. At this point, many of you are thinking...okay, but what about raising the level cap? Unfortunately, not yet. We are focusing most of our efforts on story content at the moment, which has left very little room for our small team to build (and test). All of the Quest content we want to push out.
  14. This is related to these Erylium issue We have a fix ready to go and are preparing it for submission. Thanks!
  15. We have fix ready to go. We are getting a build ready to submit so we can turn this around as soon as possible.
  16. First, we got a imminent patch coming (any minute or day now). Second, DECK 5!! Currently slated to come out in a matter of weeks. Sorry, I can't be more specific than that at this time.
  17. Oddly enough, it takes almost as much dev time to make a new class (like a Gunslinger, a Kineticist, or a Cavialier) as it takes to make other versions of the same class. Role Powers make a lot of things complicated to both build and test. That being the case, I'd prefer to offer you something new new in any new characters that we decide to make. There is however something else that we are developing that may scratch that new character itch.
  18. I wrote up a little piece about new cards that are coming with the next patch. Check it out here: http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/8/entry-197-new-treasure-chests-cards-in-the-next-update/
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  19. Longshot11 has the right of it. This will be fixed in the next patch (which will be out soon)!
  20. Incidentally, I have a prioritization system for granting Loot cards. There are a few factors that go into this, but I try to give it to character who can best use it. That means they have an appropriate skill, card feats, or powers that take advantage. The Emerald Codex is interesting because as long as you have an item slot free, it's useful. In this case, if you have Lem in your party, he gets it! Part of that is because he can take advantage of divine spells that look for the the divine skill like Swipe and Holy Light.
  21. Yeah. Unfortunately discarding Cure for it's power isn't working with this challenge at the moment. The next time I post this challenge, it will! Apologies!
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