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Found 7 results

  1. Let's hear from everyone about their favorite combinations. Card + card, or card + power, or card + toon. What is particularly powerful or fun? I'll start this with.... Eagle and Amiri - The eagle with Lini is easily the best animial companion for her. But, have you ever considered that Amiri can take a peak before jumping into a location? It is great to avoid those awkward intelligence based barriors, and a few other things. And when you peak a henceman or villian before you are ready to fight it, go somewhere else. Let's hear some more.
  2. In AD4 there are excellent cards in every category. I simply can't decide on any one card. If you can pick one, like and respond. Weapons Ranged - Shortspear +3. The only choice, but it's a good one. Melee - It's hard to go wrong with any of them. But I save Greatclub +3 to the end, and keep Demonbane Longsword +2 in my deck because it is rechargeable. At the end, you get a very nice MokMurian's Club. Spells Divine - Restoration. But you have to remember to use it before the encounter. Arcane - Poison Blast. Unfortunately, a variety of monsters resist poison. Armor Light - Robe of Enery Resistance. AD4 doesn't offer a lot in this category before the end reward Robe of Runes Heavy - Ebon Thorn. Very nice +2 to melee attacks Shields - Reflecting shield. I favor this type of shield over any other armor. But you get a better one in AD5 Items - so many good ones here Amulet of Inescapable Location, Flask of Fire (or Frost, or Magic), Greater Sage's Journal, Magic Spyglass, Necklace of Fireballs, Staff of Heaven and Earth. Ezren starts to shine with this collection to build with. Ally Eagle - among so many good allies, this card is a winner. Putting Eagle on Lini is a bonus!. Blessings Blessing of Gozreh - I'll always keep at least one in my party. Looking through this list, my post selection best card is Eagle. I've played a short deck with the Paladin and LIni. The Eagle is always a big factor when it enters play. Thanks and I look forward to your comments.
  3. Here is the final Best Cards in ADx review. I hope that you have enjoyed the post and especially the game. There are so many terrific cards in AD6, but picking the best was a simple choice for me. It's why I built a new Paladin. If you haven't figured it out yet, look no further. My pick for best card in AD6 is the Ring of Superior Protection. When I build a party for high level adventuring, every toon will carry one. Weapons Ranged - Slaying Bow. So good, I can't say enough good about this. I made a new Lini just so she could carry this. Melee - Slayer Scythe, but I have not seen the other melee slayer weapons Spells Divine - Invoke. More turns...this was an easy pick among several excellent AD6 divine spells Arcane - Sign of Wrath. But, I've never seen Whirlwind. Armor Light - Leopard Leather. If feels like adding +3 to dex and acrobatics is the best of the lot. Heavy - Adamantine Plate Armor. It works better if your toon already has inherent resistance. Shield - Entropy Shield has a reveal. But I'd rather keep AD5 Spell Ward Shield anyway Items Ring of Superior Protection - Everyone should have one. Supplement this with Sihedron Ring, or Ring of Energy resistance Robes of Zin-Shalast - A favorite of every arcane caster Ally Liberated Blue Dragon. I worked countless times to farm this guy. Now you can't part me from him. Clockwork Dragonling. Works fantastically with Ezran Scholar. Like and respond. I enjoy reading them. Thanks
  4. In the very first scenario, if you are earning the loot cards, you gain what I consider the most important card of the set. It is also the best card of AD5, Revelation Quill. Weapons Ranged - Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2, or Venomous Dart +2, or Acidic Sling +3. By this time, you will want all of them. Melee - Flaming Ranseur +3, Dancing Scimitar +2, Keen Rapier, Keen Scythe +2. Just keep collecting them all. Spells Divine - Sunburst. It's the spell you've been waiting for. Arcane - Two most excellent spells. Disintegrate and Gozreh's Trident. Armor Light - Bearskin is better than the alternative Heavy - Fortified Breastplate. It's surprising how useful it's reveals are. Shield - Spell Ward Shield. This is the reason you take one armor card feat and no power feat. Get it and keep it. The best armor in AD5 Items Mossy Disk. For toons that have trouble closing, this item is a real blessing (Amiri) Ally Pyromaniac Mage. Many good allies, but this one adds fire to both arcane and divine attacks Blessings Blessing of Thassilonian Virturues. It's a good one, but can use it's special function only by the toon that carries it. I'm sorry that I didn't narrow down some of the choices, But by AD5 were are seeing some of the best the game has to offer. But wait....AD6 gets better! Thanks
  5. In the last two decks, my top card choice in each was a blessing. Not again! This time, I pick a card that I will keep in my decks all the way through AD6. My top card for AD3 is Greater Aid. It beat out some other very good choices. So keep reading. Barrier Ranger Stash - This is a good barrier. It is a special form of Large Chest containing only ranged weapons. Weapons Ranged - Black Arrow Longbow. You have to finish AD3 to earn it. But it is the best of the pack. Melee - Trident +2. Hey, you don't have to be proficeint with weapons! Honorable mentions to Venoumous Dagger +2 ande Vicious Greataxe +1 Spells Divine - Greater Aid. See my comments above Arcane - Scrying for deck manipulators. Or Incendiary Cloud just fills my imagination. Armor Light - Steel Ibis Lamellar. I regard this as the runaway armor winner in AD3 Heavy - meh Shield - what were they thinking? Item Wand of Enervation (loot) very nice! Or Wand of Scorching Ray (but, it is still an attack) Or Pole, for non-arcane users Ally Black Arrow Ranger - a very useful card for range attackers Blessings Blessing of Norgorber. The really good stuff starts coming at AD4+. This helps you capture it. Thinks have started picking up in AD3. Just in time too. The next deck is going to be a lot tougher. Thanks.
  6. Been having a problem where cards stay on screen win I switch to a character sheet. Also, character sheets occasionally don't show the die associated with ability scores.
  7. Hi, got a question... Which is the difference between the Vault and the Gallery? My guess 'till now was that the Gallery is the "collection" of all of your cards, while the Vault is exclusive to a given party. Is this correct? Which is the difference between "Treasure On/Off" and "Available" Displays? And what is the meaning of the numbers at the bottom of each kind of card? Copies, Copies (including your current deck), Available, Lootable, Random Drop Probability...? I saw no tutorial/explanation on this topic. Thnx ahead!
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