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Nathan Davis

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Everything posted by Nathan Davis

  1. The intent for Forfeit all along has been that it should mimic a constant passing of turns until the clock runs out. To do so, we need to account for strange scenarios like Here Comes The Flood and scenarios that don't allow the Blessing deck to run out. It also needs to account for location powers that can potentially kill you, like Mountain Peak. It also needs to be restricted to not being available during a check or during damage. And character powers that automatically draw at the beginning of a turn (like Sajan's Role Power). All of this put together makes Forfeit a complex feature that would need extensive testing. For Beta and early versions release, we'll keep a simplified version of Forfeit in effect. There was high enough demand among Beta Testers that we felt it better to get this version out there, rather than wait for the full and complex version to be ready.
  2. Thanks Lithrian! Just fixed it!
  3. Who doesn't love topdecking henchmen?
  4. There's a bug keeping Deck C out of the store. That should be fixed in the next Beta build. As to cards that allow only one per party, we'll be labeling these with the "Unique" trait. We will use this mechanic as little as possible. We are still evaluating Loot cards from higher decks, but the only card from Decks B through 4 to warrant it so far is the Emerald Codex. There's arguments to be made for others, but we are being conservative with the use of this trait right now. We may eventually build a feature and interface that lets players adjudicate who gets the full version themselves. And it's clear that some on this thread would appreciate that. But right now, for anyone to run into that feature would take a lot of work on the part of the player, and no one in the beta test can make this happen yet.
  5. Check out Ameiko and Snake allies
  6. One quick note: Elite and Basic card culling has no impact when it comes to filling your character deck with cards from the box in the card selection phase. We do have sliding variable scale for doing this to mimic the effect of PACG. This culling method fits roughly between the standard PACG method (player chooses boons culled) and Organized Play method (auto-cull everything). We took a lot of care in this design decision heavily consulting with Paizo and Mike Selinker. If anything, they recommended going further away from the standard PACG method. We felt that maintaining the gradual draw-down of Basics and Elites was important to maintain and was something we could mimic in software quite easily.
  7. Just so it's as clear as it can be... If you don't pay for the game, you can unlock Burnt Offerings by playing Perils of the Lost Coast plus the heroic version of one of those scenarios. That's natural progression through the game plus one scenario at a higher difficulty.
  8. This is something we are in the process of changing. It used to be linked to a Character Deck purchase like PACG. We are removing that requirement.
  9. We will expand to Steam in the coming months. So definitely PC and probably mac, but we haven't confirmed that yet.
  10. This got strange real fast.
  11. This is a feature we intend to include. It will likely be a later update. For the reasons Borissimo sighted above it is not our highest priority at the moment.
  12. There should be an update coming next week that will have revisions to the Vault and Gallery that make these more clear. Currently: If you access the Gallery from the main menu, they should appear in whatever deck number they belong to. It's probable that none of them are Deck B or Deck 1 cards, thus they will not appear in the Vault. We intend to better communicate the difference between Vault and Gallery soon, but the short version is that the Gallery features all cards you own in any set. The Vault shows you cards that are relevant to your play session. So, when you play Perils of the Lost Coast, no Deck 1 cards will show up.
  13. We have the most up-to-date text. In some cases we change text to fit what is happening in our interface. You are never placing a card next to the Scenario or Character for instance. As updates are made in the future, we will be updated Pathfinder Adventures with the latest stuff. For example, I just received a change from Paizo today for the Village House location power. Old: When attempting a check to acquire an ally, you may instead recharge a card to automatically acquire that ally. New: When you encounter an ally, you may recharge a card to automatically acquire it. Mechanically, it doesn't change much for us, because it's only an issue for cards from later sets.
  14. We can't ever officially support an iOS version that isn't the latest. It doesn't mean it won't work nor that we won't fix bugs from earlier versions. I just can't promise anything on it. Thanks!
  15. You can play RotR offline if you own the adventure decks you want to play.
  16. This Friday, join us while we play Pathfinder Adventures on twitch.tv/obsidian 4:00PM PST I will be playing Black Fang's Dungeon on LEGENDARY difficulty with 6 characters. The scenario will have extra powers that make it more difficult and will also limit my travel between each location on the map. Tell me which characters you'd like me to play in the attached poll. If you don't know who these people are you can find more information here: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/iconics/meetTheIconics I could only include 10 possible answers on the poll so if you want Valeros the Fighter put a note in the comments. See you Friday!
  17. We have no plans to support Apple TV at this point.
  18. So far it still works! It's never officially going to be supported, but we haven't had problems beyond it being a bit slow.
  19. There are some non-immediate, but firm plans to do some twitch streaming of Pathfinder Adventures. We've toyed with the idea of broadcasting the team playing the physical game once a week. Is that something you'd be in to?
  20. A few things I can answer! 1. Permanent Death is optional. Otherwise, you are knocked out and that character has to repeat the scenario to progress. 2. If you play alone, you can play up to 6 characters at a time. 3. Pass and Play multiplayer will be available at launch.
  21. Without getting into the nitty gritty of monetization, assume that we will make sure that fans of PACG (like us) will be able to pay for and play the game as they hope to.
  22. How about a website? https://pathfinder.obsidian.net/news/pathfinder-adventures-will-be-released-march-29th
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