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Everything posted by Omelette

  1. Ah, I see what you mean there, Mortis. I was trying to say that, but failed to do so with as eloquently as you did. That was rather insightful. Thanks.
  2. Down to 55! (I just wanted to use that)
  3. You guys are jerks. Lord on high on a bicycle, I have female parts! Then again, I hardly believe the fact that either of you have any sort of testosterone in you.

  4. Well, it certainly does look pretty.
  5. Oh my goodness gracious me oh my! It's down to 56. What a wonderful surprise when I looked here.
  6. Okay, to the first one, I'm going to spoiler these just in case. Better to be safe. To the second: I hope these made sense and/or helped you. That's my explanation.
  7. You don't have to be so mean to me. :'( But I agree. I would like more character selection. I mean, a choice of ten ugly faces out of fifteen options isn't what I call appealing. It just wasn't what I'd call a beauty pageant on that character list. Or maybe have some voices added to main characters. But it wouldn't be that big a deal to me. Then again, our characters don't really need to speak or move their mouths. They just nod approvingly and gesture.
  8. Did you watch the movies? At all?
  9. What?! You wanna pick up all those Bantha turds? And if "Banta" is something else, then I have no clue what it is because I just Wikied it and it's not there. (Wiki is God and if it's not there, then it's not anywhere).
  10. I enjoyed the first soundtrack better than the second one. Hans Zimmer is great, but the adventurous, swash-buckling of the first was amazing. It just blew me away. And it's so much fun to perform.
  11. I learned today that Aussies and Swedes can't pick up chicks for nil. My hat off to both of you.

  12. So that's how you pick up girls, huh? Pathetic.

  13. Yup. Both 2 and 3 were filmed at the exact same time. I think they finished filming in February? Or January? I can't remember, but they pulled a LOTR thing, but only two movies. And yes, I share the excitement.
  14. Already played them in K1 and K2. If I want to play them again, I'll play them in those games. Besides, they're too powerful. It's like playing the game where you could just go and kill everyone because you're able to fry the living bits out of everyone. No thanks. Side note: Sturm's on the boards again! (Architect was worried about you)
  15. Glamdring, the sword that Gandalf uses, is a single blade and is a different kind of weight system entirely. You're trying to compare lightsabers to swords, which just isn't possible. The hilt of a lightsaber has got to be quite heavy considering it has to generate that kind of energy to make the beam. And then we're talking about a wooden staff and a metal sword. Different technology. This is something I grabbed off of Wiki: "A lightsaber is a difficult weapon to master, mainly because there is very little weight or substance to the blade, making it almost seem unbalanced. Attempting to use it as one would use a sword will result in uncontrollable swings that are just as likely to damage the wielder as the opponent. Using one effectively requires precise measurement of force with no over-swing." I would bet money that you would more likely chop your arm off if you tried to balance a double-bladed in one hand and then go ahead and swing with a single blade. It's just so different with the weight issue. On one hand you've got a heavier weapon (the double) and in the other a lighter one. It'd be confusing and more dangerous to the wielder. IMHO, it's not worth it and wouldn't work out. Sorry.
  16. It was a sarcastic comment, buddy. No more, no less And it gets you DS points.
  17. Yeah, that does sound rather...wrong. Then you obviously have not played the Zelda game. That's all I'm going to say.
  18. Calm down, Accept. Everything will be all right. Calmly breathe in and out.
  19. Oh, I remember now! You were right, I was wrong. Thanks for jogging the memory. Maybe I suppressed it because it was so horrible? I feel a shiver running up my spine now when I think about that last scene.
  20. That's why I'm waiting before I actually go and rush out for this thing. Have someone else mess around with it and then see if it's worth my time to put in God knows how many hours of my life into this game, if it's worth giving away my precious hours of life.
  21. You're horrible, meta. Just evil. Then again...I was going to say sell him on eBay. With some other things so the bidder doesn't get ripped off.
  22. Falcon. End of story. No more questions needed. And welcome to the boards, D. Kain.
  23. I see you have not seen Alien Versus Predator. Oh, I did. I just meant...don't combine them to form a single entity. That's just...let's not go there.
  24. Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard of DA before. But it seems pretty decent. Well, I'll wait until something like a couple of videos comes out. Then I'll judge it.
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