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Everything posted by Omelette

  1. Well, as long as you keep coming over here, then I'm fine. Just keep adding to my tally, Accept. I'm quite all right with that. :)

  2. I do not live in the everglades. That's where the Native Americans live...with their large casinos.

  3. And that's what we call the Everglades. Four hours from where I am and I could be in Disney or Universal.

  4. Well, we do have lots of alligator attacks, but that's only if you piss them off. And no, I don't live in a swamp. It's a nice equestrian community here. The swamp if further south.

  5. I voted ESB by the way. Still my favorite after first seeing it when I was a small little toddler and I had no clue what was happening.
  6. But I really don't think it'll be K3. Honestly, I think that game is going to be on the back burner for a long time.
  7. Oh, yes you do. Stop trying to cover up the fact you live alone in your room, and the only company you have is your mother visiting every other week.

  8. Damnit. Well, how about the two thousand mark then?

  9. Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you. I have no clue what's going on.
  10. Oh Lord, this whole game is hilarious. Anything that HK does is just pure gold.
  11. Which means that Accept lives all alone.

  12. And now I'm being hit on? What?

  13. I bet I'll get over a thousand before you, Architect.

  14. I concur. Thanks, Dash. Well, I suppose I can wait. And you misspelled "Patiently", Accept. Lord almighty...
  15. As someone said before, I did miss that tournament arena thing. I sort of liked that. It was a good way to get money at the beginning and pretty simple enough to get through. I'd be a bit happier if they brought that back.
  16. Yeah, well, he's special. Not everyone can be like RoboCop.
  17. That sounds about right.

  18. I love that scene. That's one of my favorites.
  19. For our sakes. That's a great list there, Mortis. Quite thorough.
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