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Everything posted by Omelette

  1. I was going to say, Accept, the Bantha pooper scooper. To each his/her own. Rosbjerg the Jedi Counselor. What's the point of this? Besides waisting five seconds I'll never get back in my life?
  2. Lovely pick...But still not possible. Looks nice, though.
  3. I don't know what that means, either.

  4. Well, I would like my own, personal Wookie, if you don't mind. I'm not watching another piece of SW unless I get a Wookie with it. That'd do it.
  5. I think everyone loved Star Wars as a kid. Everyone's seen it, knows the lines, knows the characters, etc... That's the same feeling that a lot of people, including myself, probably had when they played KOTOR for the first time. I mean, like you said, it wasn't the most imaginative thing there on the market, but it was something of a connection to the past, going back to what made the SW trilogies (the originals, mind you) good. I wanted to go back to the Luke days and have fun characters like Leia, the sassy girl, and Han, the streetwise scoundrel. K1 and K2 are a blending of the old to create something new that's just as fun as watching the movies. Excluding the fact that K2 sort of darkens the plot line a bit more at the end. But they were enjoyable all around. And I definitely go back and play them differently from when I played them the previous time. It's always something new and just a nice little reminder when I go and have another go around with the game.
  6. Yeah, well, random pops up every now and then. And I'm not an "it". I am of the female gender. Meaning I have lady parts and change moods during one week of each month.

  7. You forgot about Rarth, her identical twin brother. And then they get separated at birth, don't know they're related, make out, and then realize that they're brother and sister. And then they have to kill their evil father, who they don't know is their father, and take down the evil Empire, right? Yeah...let's not go toward those possibilities.
  8. I won't believe anything till I see it.
  9. That's so comforting.

  10. The story was what drew me in. I voted for that.
  11. No more movies until the man hires a director (anyone notice the best movies, of both trilogies, was ESB, and he wasn't in it?), writer, and everything else. Anyways, realistically, he's not going to do it. He's done with it. At least until the TV show comes out.
  12. Sux for you, Architect. Is it contagious?

  13. No wonder I couldn't understand what you people were saying. You were speaking gibberish again. :)

  14. I don't know if Accept will like that idea. He's fond of Bastila.
  15. There is no kinkiness! Stop, stop! And stop writing in other languages that I can't understand!

  16. Maybe it's a typo for "fun". ;)

    Or it's another language I don't understand.

  17. Hell, when I saw the 300 trailers, all I was focusing on was the man's chest. Excuse me, the many mens' chests. I'm not ashamed to say that I went to see it for the men in bikinis, but the blood and fighting was a nice bonus. So, it's a great movie for all you ladies out there.
  18. And just to add, Bob Anderson was the brilliant man that coordinated the sword fights in LOTR and Pirates of the Caribbean as well.
  19. Ah, poor Accept. I brought him to tears.

  20. Same feelings here. I mean, I love him as an actor, but to see him in these movies was almost a bit...odd. I mean, he could have done so much more if he had the right script and maybe some freedom to kind of improvise or maybe bring this story to life. But with the story and script that GL gave all the actors, it just fell flat and the lines were so basic and not even what most people would say. The joy about SW IV through VI is that it's realistic and has people that you'd meet on the street. Han Solo; everyone knows that guy. Everyone knows a Leia and a Luke. That's what kind of was lacking in the prequels. They looked good, sounded good, and the CG was top notch, but the script and the writing was just poor. And, by the way, I do prefer some cheesy animation once in a a while, or a man in a suit. Instead of seeing all this animated stuff on the screen, I'd rather see something real. It just stared hurting my eyes after a while.
  21. Holy crap, I love the new personal photo. Now I miss the X-Files again.

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