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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Putting him in prison won't unrape the girl, either.
  2. I think it's right for the offense, but not right considering the amount of evidence. And by that, I mean the lack of. However, the story could be biased and misrepresent the evidence.
  3. I think what I see in the high res gameplay trailer is beautiful.
  4. Get Planescape: Torment. Now! I want to second the kitty cat. Good kitty cat. *pets Pidesco*
  5. You're being pretty easy on Carlos "beaner" Mencia there, don't you think. You all are crazy. I know two married couples who had net courtships. They're so perfect for each other it's scary. That being said, I've known several net couples (I had one, heh) that didn't work at all. But the same could be said of any relationship of any kind. You've got no lesser chance of meeting a creep or a liar when you're picking up somebody from a coffee shop or a library or a club. That's the way things work. Statistics are no excuse for breaking the rules!
  6. Baldur's Gate has quite a bit of voice acting. If you can't get into, give up on any other games. It may not be up to date in graphics, but that doesn't mean it's not beautiful. If you want to just get to the good stuff, skip directly to Baldur's Gate II.
  7. What in the name of Zombie Jesus? Next thing you know, Infinity Ward will be making something that's not a World War II shooter! You mean like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare? Stil a shooter, sure, but at least they've ditched the WWII part. It was meant as a joke. It's odd that both of these companies are moving from a specific genre they've been milking for 5 years straight. Practically to the tune of 1 a year. But, I guess it's about time they both moved on, or rather well past.
  8. I'm betting custom from the mods or admins.
  9. Tale

    Hi there!

    If he had ended it with "Muah!" it might have scared me even more.
  10. Tale

    Hi there!

    If it's any art or performance field, I vote ban. Oh? You've got a problem with art or performance? We're gonna have some trouble then, because I'm definitely into art AND performing. But - as far as school is concerned, I'm doing a Bachelor of Computer Science. As long as you're studying something other than art or performance, we're okay. Computer Science even we can be best friends! It's okay to just be into them, we all have our flaws.
  11. Tale

    Hi there!

    If it's any art or performance field, I vote ban.
  12. Anyone else have Chaos Theory for the PC? I've been dying to play it co-op.
  13. Now that is bad. Edit: wait, Meta met Eldar in Vegas cuz of this forum, and they might have gotten married too I don't think even vegas would go for gay marriage JUST yet To each other? Because I think people do tend to get married, and some of those people may have been members of this forum beforehand ... There are two rules: 1) Never marry anyone you meet over the internet. 2) Never bring your significant other to a forum you frequent. They broke number 1, but number 2 is just as bad! huh, how about the wow thing where two players who met in game got married? Rule number 1!
  14. It might not have had the hordes of enemies that Diablo did, but it's near exclusive mechanic was killing bad guys.
  15. I hated it because it was a blatantly annoying hack and slash. If it was a parody, it's one of those one joke comedians that will spin the same joke for hours. The joke may have been funny initially, but after one or two hours of nothing but that one joke, you want the guy to shut up.
  16. So, realism will be outdated? What else could possibly be there? Except it's still different from the way the real world looks. As we get used to that we'll notice the differences more readily. I can already notice a few.
  17. Tale

    Hi there!

    Down boy, down.
  18. When I think Parody, I think something funny in the way it makes fun of something else. When I think Fable, I think the only thing funny about it is just how bad the presentation, plot, and themes are.
  19. To each other? Because I think people do tend to get married, and some of those people may have been members of this forum beforehand ... There are two rules: 1) Never marry anyone you meet over the internet. 2) Never bring your significant other to a forum you frequent. They broke number 1, but number 2 is just as bad!
  20. Fable wasn't a tongue in cheek joke on RPGs, Fable was just a joke. God, how I hate that game.
  21. I'm playing Sam & Max episodes in order, in between missions of Starcraft.
  22. two members got married! We don't have any of that here, do we?
  23. Tale

    Hi there!

    We should all give ourselves a pat on the back... Well done folks... Here's a cookie for everyone, now share nice. We should get a counter for number of newbies shot down to put into our profiles.
  24. It could be good, but so far all we've seen is the same park. I'm hoping the story consists of something more in-depth than getting to the other end of a park away from the cops.
  25. It's god sorting things to their true order. With me first.
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