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Everything posted by Tale

  1. This is what a 10 million dollar advertising campaign helps purchase.
  2. I'm playing the crossing fingers and hoping the TF2 beta comes out any minute now... game. Interspersed with short bouts of Puzzle Quest.
  3. He was on the last book and supposedly he was working off of notes at this point. He's given all the details to someone so that the story can end the way he wanted it to. So, depending on how his wife and the publisher feel, we may see the final book.
  4. I thought it was terrific fun to play. It's not really the same spell over and over again. Treat yourself as the Swiss Army Knife of the group and you're good to go. Limitless see invisibility, limitless dispel, an essence that ignores SR, and a shape that is AOE.
  5. If memory serves the Big Cheese himself started with QA. Indeed I did. Err, wait... I mean "yeah, that sounds about right."
  6. All that says is they are adding epic feats, which I presumed to be the case. No actual information into WHAT those epic feats are. It's nice to see they're implementing two important non-epic abilities/feats, Imbue Item and Weapon Focus (Ranged Touch), but neither are what my Warlock cares about.
  7. I just finished The Key To Time boxed set this weekend. It has its ups and downs. Ups: The Pirate Planet (the one by Douglas Adams) The Stones of Blood The Armaggedon Factor (6 episodes long instead of the usual 4, as well) Downs: The Power of Kroll 3 terrific serials, 2 simply good serials, and 1 serial that I will probably never watch again if I live to be 200.
  8. Seaman 2. I'm so frackin' excited. I wonder if Sony will make a PS2 mic for it.
  9. It will be a unique work, the collaboration of John Williams and Harry-Gregson Williams. I'm thinking somewhere between the Star Wars Imperial March and the Metal Gear Solid theme.
  10. No Wals, he's right. He's not going to destroy the world. I am. With an act so vile, that the nations of the world will join together under one banner to stop me. And in a final battle in London, the handful of survivors will engage my 50ft Titanium body in one last climactic battle. They will succeed. But, the world as we know it will be long over by this point.
  11. It's not "the only logical conclusion" nor is it even A "logical conclusion." I have serious doubts that any conclusion you've ever made on this forum has ever been logical. There are several other rational explanations for why the Bush Administration misled the public about the reasons for invading Iraq, not the least which among them being that IT'S FRICKIN' IRAQ. No, it's like saying we should have attacked another opposing power in the asian sphere when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. At least make a reasonable analogy. Al Qaeda and Iraq are at least based within the same relative area on a globe.
  12. I have to figure out whether I'm going to start Puzzle Quest this week or finally finish Final Fantasy IV Advance.
  13. Oh god why had I not heard of him before... just finished watching all his escapist stuff, comedy gold. PLAY HIS ADVENTURE GAMES! He's not just a critic, he's a dev.
  14. Jeremy Christmas, the bonus case in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a long fricking case.
  15. I hate Opposing Force, myself.
  16. You can ignore the Half-Life expansions. Made by Gearbox at the direction of Sierra while Sierra owned the IP.
  17. Team Fortress 2 is the attraction for most? I'd like to see stats backing that claim.
  18. Still keeping up my running. However I found an incredible food yesterday that will help me lose some weight, as well. Rice and fat free cheese burritos. Mmmm
  19. I'm hoping to finish Persona 3 this weekend.
  20. "Besides, chris loves everybody.

    With hate. "

    That's so funny I'm stealing it and claiming it for my own.

  21. http://kotaku.com/gaming/tgs07/sega-reveal...e-up-300079.php Seaman 2 is coming for the PS2!
  22. Yes, but nobody in this thread is praising Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. So, making a comparison against it is moot. Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my top 5 games of all time. Tactics Advance? I can barely start that game. The whole "law" system is silly.
  23. gonna have to agree with this, although admittedly i only played the GBA versions Tactics Ogre - quite an interesting story based around a fallen angel FFT - starts off will a snowball fight... Do not confuse Final Fantasy Tactics with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Advance isn't even a port, it's a new game. The original is much better and is being ported to PSP. Tactics has a terrific plot revolving around the Zodiac stones and a Saint.
  24. I was dissapointed when I heard XBox was getting a revamped version of Conker. Not so much when I heard it was edited, too.
  25. Tale

    I do my best to stave off heat death. By doing as little as possible.

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