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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Tale


    Now we see why the rabid penguins must be protected. To prevent such as this from surviving.
  2. Eschalon: Book 1 is indeed turn based. Very turn based. My problem with it is the control. I either have to click for every step the character takes or I have to put him on an auto-walk and steer him around. He needs a goto style command.
  3. Here's a question for all you young ones. College aspirations?

  4. Tale

    Except Xard I'm guessing might be closer to... 22?

  5. Tale

    You're visiting the comment boxes of 17-18 year old men. How can you honestly be surprised? Even if only a tad.

  6. My understanding of the sci-fi twist is that it's linked to how they plan the game as a trilogy. This first one is medieval, they plan to have one of the other two be futuristic. Or I could have imagined them telling us that.
  7. Mass Effect
  8. You're confusing Assassin with assassin. The Assassin (PrC) is a member of an assassin's guild, he must meet the requirements they set forth to join the guild. An assassin is any character at all, regardless of class, that kills people for others. Simply selecting any class and choosing options to kill people at the request of others made your character an assassin. Even a level 1 Barbarian can be an assassin. You wanted to be the Assassin (PrC). Do not confuse behavior with Class with Prestige Class. Other examples are: Red Wizard of Thay. This one has to be completely obvious. Joining the Red Wizards isn't a playstyle. It's not a clumsy title. It's an organization of Wizards, a prestigious organization. That's why it's a Prestige Class. Shadow Thief of Amn, Harper Agent, Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, and Neverwinter Nine are in the exact same boat as the Red Wizards. The exact same boat the Assassin is in. The Assassin PrC originally referenced a specific assassin's guild in, I think, Greyhawk. It's been extended to be no specific assassin's guild since. Not all Prestige Classes are parts of organizations, of course. Some require ranks in Knowledge skills (Lore in NWN) that I guess represent finding out secretive knowledge on how to achieve the Prestige Class alone along with skills and feats that represent required aptitudes to accomplish it, such as Pale Master and Dragon Disciple. And there are other kinds. However, the PrCs aren't meant for everyone and they're not meant to be just classes or "clumsy titles."
  9. Tale


    Never been much of a family person, to be honest. I know that it's a frown on thing by society, but nothing I can do. I care about my family, and many of them have been helpful, but I can't say I feel close to any of them or have any particular interest in being close to them. Can't stand family gatherings. And of few family members I recall having lost in my youth, I'd say my dogs and cat were the only ones that caused me to grieve. And when my other family members pass on, father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, I won't grieve then, either. A bit for my mother. At my sister's funeral I'll probably crack a smile. Looking forward at family, I don't really see anything there, either. No interest in a wife or kids. And I tell myself that if, by some freak happenstance, I do get married, I don't intend for kids because of financial and population burdens they would present. Not to mention the interference children would have with either mine or my wife's career. And I'll be damned if I give a woman with no aspirations of career a second thought long enough to eventually marry her. But, again that's probably another reason I won't get married, alongside the feeling that any woman I get involved with for more than 3 months should probably undergo an IQ test just so I can avoid spending too much time with an idiot. This might be part of the reason I don't want a family in my future. When I was growing up, every.single.one of my friends ended up starting an uplanned family before the age of 20. And if there's one thing I want, it's to not be like the people I grew up with. In short; I'm an **** and I kind of like it.
  10. I think I get what you're saying now. And I'd disagree. I don't think society is struggling with them. Some aspects of society disagree with other aspects of society in regards to them. I don't think it's fair to say society is struggling with them, but that society is having a civil dispute with itself.
  11. Be still my beating heart! You should give some details. Did you kill the person? Were you simply an accomplice after the fact? I dream rarely, so it's always of note when I do have one at all. But, usually the ones I do have consist of nothing but me running naked through a department store. Or was that just my weekend?
  12. I don't know whether to find the dream I had last night pleasant or creepy. I dreamt I slept with Franziska von Karma from the Phoenix Wright games. Of course, in my dream she didn't have the whip and she was significantly less gif-like. Maybe I should just tell myself it was a attractive cosplayer dressed like Franziska. Then it wouldn't be quite so creepy.
  13. Tale


    Mine would be Captain Buzzkill. Or Captain Killjoy. They're my superhero names.
  14. Tale


    I wish I was failed moderator. One day, one day...
  15. Take THAT, Accept!

  16. How can someone miss out on the Assassin pre-reqs if he wants to be a sneaky bastage? He only needs: Hide, move silently, and be evil. That's it. Was the idea to be a non-evil guy who murders for money? Or maybe a sneaky guy who didn't actually know how to sneak?
  17. It happens only because some regions are anticipated as selling less due to economic or piracy issues (which can often be related). If you're moving from a particularly poor country that gets special low prices on some non-limited supply luxury goods to a more affluent country that gets more standard pricing, you may have to deal with some of that, but not entire catalogues. It's certainly better than expecting everyone who either won't or can't pay the full prices to pay that, including you. It's unfair to some, but the alternative seems less fair to more. You were mistaken. It's limited to Russia and Thailand only.
  18. How could you possibly have any problem with this? As an example, the Orange Box was released with a much lower SRP in two countries that have significantly above normal piracy because they wanted to get into the market in a way that could help encourage purchasing over pirating. However, they limited these copies to those regions. Them selling cheaper in these countries doesn't hurt you. If they were prevented from doing this they would either: A) Sell in these countries at full SRP. B) Not sell in these countries at all. Why in the world would you want either of these outcomes?
  19. The previews for this movie had me almost wanting to see it. There's nothing like the thought of people breaking out into song getting hit to brighten my day. I just feared some of them might complete the songs.
  20. But why link there, and not a "hive mind" type site, were anyone can add their own review, that is similar to all of the other review sites? Perhaps, if you find one that's mature and doesn't emphasize just how idiotic people over the internet are and is not commercial (speaking of Amazon.com here), they'll put it up if you simply link it to them and recommend it.
  21. So children should be stoned for being unruly -as should anyone who missuses the word "god"-? Biblical law is both laughable and dangerous at the same time, if only because so many nuts believe in it... Extremism is the culprit here. All extremism is dangerous. Anti-religious extremism just as much as the religious extremists.
  22. It's the fact that parents might choose not to buy a game because of information linked by the ESRB, something that might, incorrectly, give it more weight in their eyes, due to bad review - one that might a negative review for only religious reasons. So, your problem is that someone might choose not to buy a game because they clicked the last link under the family friendly information section and took that to be an endorsement from the ESRB? That they completely ignored all the other links and went straight for that one and took it at face value without examing anything further, without reading the context and content of the scoring? That they didn't care about the other family friendly information websites or the sections that are about demos and reviews and only cared about that one web page for information despite it being not what they're actually looking for? That they went through all the effort of going to the ESRB website for information, but stopped just shy of actually paying attention to what they're clicking on and noticing that the site is overtly christian and espouses christian values? And that these people took this website's information to be of more value than the ESRB's rating itself? So, the problem you have with the ESRB website is that some hypothetical people might be complete idiots.
  23. I thought I was done. I really did! But, I hate it when other atheists make the rest of us look like maroons.

  24. Because, as I have stated countless times already and you seem to blissfully gloss over, the site is not linked for the religious reviews. You say that, but almost every single thing in the site is laced with religion. Thus, even if they did not link to it for the views, the Christin world view is going to contaminate the majority of the the information. So what? Seriously, so what? What's the problem? What's the big deal? What's the dire consequence? Are they going to end up turning all parents into die hard Christians? Or are they going to manipulate the non-Christian's children into being Christians through their subtle manipulation of the non-Christian parents? What is the big problem you think having a single link to a site with a religious slant could possibly cause?
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