I've actually taken to setting up an spreadsheet listing the games I haven't finished yet. I went so far as to download Open Office just for doing that. You know you have too many games when you have to make a spreadsheet to organize them and items 7 - 45 are just the ones you haven't finished (and they're organized by series, so Silent Hill only gets one entry for all 5 games). Even worse is that's the short list of only unfinished games. Organized by title, platform, genre, and the priority which I should finish them. Need to update the list to include books, too. Oy.
Tomorrow I'll probably throw my books on there. Got The Dark Tower series (I'm on Song of Susannah) on their as the highest priority item along with my NWN2 modules. I should put The Wheel of Time (with a note to restart from the beginning), the two Salvatore collections I recently received, and the ton of Star Wars books I have that have only been collecting dust. And quite a few more, including the programming and webdev books I have.
I may start expanding this to include my entire library. That's actually a neat idea. Cataloging my game, movie, and book library into Spreadsheet form. I'm an exciting person and tons of fun at parties!