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Everything posted by Tale

  1. My boss likes to bring his dogs to work. Usually it's just the Black Labrador. He has a couple of other dogs at his house, one of them looks like he's half St. Bernard. This time, though, he brought the Black Labrador and one dog I've never seen before. A female bulldog that is the ugliest dog I've ever seen outside of the internet. Tall brown dog, stubbed tail, short black muzzle, small widely spaced flat teeth.
  2. I'm always up to help scripting. I can't do anything TOO complex, but I've been able to set up areas, spawn in NPCs on triggers, that kind of thing. Been trying to get a cutscene event where a character dies to work properly, but that's keeps screwing me over.
  3. I definitely prefer the NWN2 toolset to say... RPG Maker for the PSOne.
  4. This is kind of brilliant. I had not thought of this. I'm only just now getting around to outlining the project I've moved on to and I think I'll move over to doing it this way!
  5. He was saying the forum was silly, not that Star Wars is silly.
  6. How many other Sith Lords conquered the galaxy with only a smile?
  7. Dialogue is tricky. I was actually going to get a bunch of people from a private forum to write different characters for a module I was working on. With as many characters I had in it, I was afraid that with me writing them all, they'd end up all coming out feeling the same in their dialogue, despite supposedly different personalities. Of course, I've moved on to my less epic idea since then and put the epic one on the backburner. This one has fewer characters. How many recurring NPCs (including party members) do you plan on having?
  8. But, that's pointless if he's a ghost butler! She's hot in a kind of physically highly toned, but spent last ten years wading through slaughter kind of way. I think I'm going to be able to handle the central theming, but some subsidiary adventures would be cool. You know, things she can send people on, other things to be happening. I mean just being a gopher will get tired fast. You could always use a dialogue writer for a character or two. >.>
  9. Is she hot? Also, if you need any help, I'm here for ya'!
  10. Something about that nutter says he'd be mortar.
  11. Isn't Xzar dead?
  12. You're talking to a distant relative of Quanah Parker.

  13. You wanna fight? *gets read to pull hair and scratch*

  14. Tale


    I actually once did that on a forum, but not with PMs. I created an alt account that claimed to be female. She confronted me on the forum by saying she was pregnant and that I should be a man and take care of her and the baby. To which I responded (to myself) that I'm not going to, the babies not possibly mine, we never copulated! At which point I accuse myself of cheating on myself.
  15. I just realized the horrible thing about coming back from college. Because near college, you can run around and see cute girls, and the cute girls probably attend that college. Everywhere else, half the places you go and see cute girls at, the cute girls probably attend the local High School. crud
  16. Or an art student.
  17. Why would you buy a Mac for computing? As for the RRoD, I haven't heard anything about that in a while. I was beginning to presume it was resolved.
  18. I do. My Aim handle is: SeczyGrrl15
  19. I was wondering. But I wasn't going to say anything.
  20. I always try to hit the bargain bins. Sadly, the only thing in bargain bins anymore is absolute trash. Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter! Though, it's nice to wander around Fry's. That's how I found No One Lives Forever 2. They have Fallout 1 and 2. They have some old adventure games. Even copies of Psychonaughts still.
  21. Are you sure you're not my long lost twin?
  22. It's very interesting to watch with no sound. I have to see how it turns out when I get home.
  23. They're conceptually related in that they were both created for the exact place in the films. However, due to Lucas not being sure if he'd get around to the battle of Endor, he threw Chebacca in to A New Hope, then later created Ewoks to fill the role Wookies originally were planned for.
  24. I made coffee trying to measure out with teaspoons because we have no tablespoon. God damn this is bad coffee.
  25. Carmen Electra does often use too much makeup. Which is a shame because she's still damned pretty without it.
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