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Everything posted by Tale

  1. 30 minutes ago I would have agreed with you. But I got to the woods with the traps. Where the paths are not only at angles that are a chore to move the character along, every 5 seconds they turn. Meaning I have to adjust the camera to even see where the character is going. Which is an idiotically slow process. Thank god games have done away with moving characters according to a grid using direction keys and having to stop moving to adjust cameras.
  2. Ace Attorney, all 4 of them.
  3. Breath of Fire IV. I actually purchased this game back in 2000, but never made time for it. It doesn't seem (and common opinion seems to agree) to be as good as III (which I borrowed from a friend, so have no copy of my own), but it seems good.
  4. Atari is about to put tons of their titles on Steam, including NWN2 and the expansion. I won't be surprised if they aim at using Steam to distribute Westgate.
  5. I'll be here anytime you actually want to defend the Witcher with anything other than "but but but roleplaying" and "hurr ur stupid lol hurr" And I'll be here watching you beg for more arguments.
  6. Finally got around to watching a trailer. Visually, it still doesn't seem like it's that much different from more traditional cell shading but using more pastels on the textures, grain, and less black border outlines. However, that does combine to make a very nice and unique (for a game) look that is reminiscent of some animated movies that were CG heavy. Reminds me of the CG in Last Exile.
  7. Don't confuse Yahtzee with "everyone." He rarely speaks for everyone. Though many love to mime him and repeat his opinion as if it is in synch with their own (even if they lack any exposure to the relevant material). Many people do actually like the story for DMC4. The only common complaint I've seen is that Nero's girlfriend is cardboard. Other than that, I've heard nothing but thumbs up.
  8. It looks like it could be a good game. But they always do until we know better. I keep hearing the phrase "watercolor in motion" thrown around in regards to this game. The stills don't look so unique compared to past cell shading techniques, I should probably watch some of the trailers.
  9. I have something against chimps. They killed my family.
  10. I used to be a vegetarian. Then I realized I don't actually care about the animals.
  11. If your argument rests on "well, others got away with it," then you'll never be convinced. Not saying my argument applies, but you could at least try opening your perspective. There are a billion other possibilities. Including that they actually do allow some level of customization. At the end of the day it comes down to: 1) Does it fit what they're doing? 2) Do they feel it is worth it to implement? Either could have many valid reasons to respond with no.
  12. My guess is they're using voice acting and having the voice actors constantly refer to the PC as "superspy," "hey you," or "that person" just doesn't have the feeling they'll be going for. Spy villain: AH HA! Mr or Ms. FILLERNAME, I have you in my trap!
  13. Did I read Sand confessing that it's not a simple matter of aesthetics, but that he actually prefers to roleplay as women? awkward
  14. Xard. You have difficulty differentiating between /b/ and the rest of the web, don't you?
  15. Than what is "excessive wealth?" I would think they key to differentiating excessive wealth from wealth is that excessive wealth is hoarded. Of course, I'm making that differentiation to justify how one could be bad and the other not. I have no actual clue what the difference is.
  16. That's fine. I'm at the age where even legal teenage girls can be a bit of a taboo.
  17. Oh, this is the Vatican. Makes sense then. I was wondering what idiot came up with this list.
  18. I'm sure he'd find a way.
  19. I now have an idea for an anti-Sand system. Screenshots of male butts. I think Metal Gear Solid would be a good choice. Snake's is practically a trademark.
  20. Realism has jack to do with it. It's not an improvement, it's just different. They're not interchangeable. It's like saying first person view is an improvement over third person view. Or over-the should look aim is preferrable to auto-targetting. They do different things. Try throwing a regeneration mechanic into any Half-Life game, the game would become a joke. It all depends on what they're going for. John Mclane would have probably used medkits, in honesty. Games with regenerating health typically have some kind of formal or informal safety mechanic (cover being common, whether it's press a button to flush against a wall or simply press duck behind it) to fall back on while the health regenerates. Games that use medkits are often more flexible, sometimes allowing gung-ho maneuvers (though Halo does include more allowance for this than some others with regenerating health) because they can allow you to take more damage, but you have to ration it. A regenerating health mechanic can't allow that unless they're opting for near invincibility because they drop any real rationing. What this would come down to is if they want the player to hide behind a wall while firing, moving forward then pulling back constantly, or just wade straight in and go for broke. Though I will admit regenerating has to be easier from a development POV. Designers never have to worry about player rationing of health, how to set up encounters to allow for gung-ho approach and then give them downtime afterwards to compensate for low health, or anything of that nature. Aside that Halo/CoD2 level regenerating health would pretty much prevent the appearance of a health based skill. Which I think would be a good customization allowance for an RPG. Edit: That would be an interesting character trait style option. Walk-it-off: Character can recover from most damage very quickly, however has a lower threshold. Or conversely, Soak-it-up: Character can take much more damage, but recovers from damage much slower.
  21. Because games have failstates.
  22. He also voiced Narrator in like 40 games and movies. That must be a popular character.
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