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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Can't play Kane's Wrath. The problem I had with TF2 is not exclusive to it. BAWWWWWW
  2. I didn't know there were any RTS Civ games.
  3. Man, seeing Zack and Aerith running around on a date is kind of depressing. Because it's kind of cute, but you know how it ends.
  4. I have a friend who outright refuses to even look sideways at a Civ game because of that. He threatens to burn my Civ4 discs whenever he sees them.
  5. I wish my original title were kept. "Problems" isn't sufficient. I want your rage inducing moments! Or maybe simply your WTF?s
  6. I'm absolutely loving Crisis Core. It's more action game than you might expect of a Final Fantasy title. And the action's not remotely as deep as you'd find in Devil May Cry or even God of War, but it's several steps above Diablo. And the levelling system is absolutely nonsensical. It's entirely dependent upon a slot machine. But I find myself enjoying the combat a bit. And rooting for that slot machine to go all 7s so I can get a level. It's like a gambling addiction. And I'm really really enjoying the characters. Abhored Genesis at first. With his prose and his hair color that looks like a bad brown dye job. But he's kind of growing on me. I hope it continues. Definitely liking Angeal, Zak, and Sephiroth (a happier Sephy). One thing that kind of irks me is the absolute lack of pronouns when referring to characters. Just use one guys, I know who you're talking about already.
  7. We're in 2009 now, right?
  8. I blame the Republicans.
  9. They are great. Except that Dagobah level. And Kashhyk.
  10. Because it's not a romantic comedy. Revy and Rock are from two completely different worlds.
  11. I'm on the third mission of kanes wrath. I thought that wasn't out until tomorrow! BLAST YE!
  12. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Pretty fun number so far. Thank god the thumbstick isn't required and you can use the dpad. But why do I use the thumbstick anyway? I hate that thing. Madness.
  13. Yeah, I was in a game shop today, and there were games in there, for the PSP! Amazon.com and USPS are unpredictable. Sometimes it'll take 2 days to get from Dallas to my house (an hour drive). Sometimes, it'll be on my doorstep the day after they ship it out of the Amazon.com warehouse. Like Crisis Core which is waiting on my doorstep.
  14. The expansion was pure fanservice. It was basically everything people said they wanted thrown into a game. You've got old models people wanted to see, new monsters, the double barelled shotgun, bullet time, and a gravity gun knock off.
  15. The oft (but not wholly) underappreciated PSOne RPG Chrono Cross. Probably the most non-linear JRPG ever made. Not Oblivion/Morrowind non-linear, but slightly-less-than-Deus Ex non-linear. You always go to the same place next, but there's optional events you can miss out on (I missed an event at Hermit's Hideaway), you have to make tradeoffs on some characters you recruit (if you get Kid early, you can't get Leena), and at least one area has a choice of paths (access through a tunnel in a forest, climb the cliff wall, barge in through the front gates).
  16. You're dead to me, Nick! I hate my father! *stamps foot like a 12 year old* No wait, I really don't, I love my father, I just miss him and wish he hugged me more as a child!
  17. Last Remnant? I thought you said "decent." yuk yuk yuk White Knight is scheduled for this year and hopefully the Eternal Sonata port comes stateside. I should look up what new features that port has. I'm hoping WKC is better than Rogue Galaxy. I found Rogue Galaxy to be good, but it wasn't too exciting. I've actually got a PSP game in the mail.
  18. I'm saving the flag planting for the Nintendo DS or Ace Attorney thread.
  19. hahahaha When have I ever claimed to even own a 360 without it being a blatant lie?
  20. It's probably because my entire Live activity consists of high pitched throat noises communicated via telephone. They found me out, blast them!
  21. What the heck?! Why did my Gamerscore just get reset?
  22. Can I join your guild?
  23. Be damned if I know what "the original vision" is. All I know is that it was kind of interesting and very fitting for a series about a girl who's looking for the exciting. They were also sufficiently vague in referencing previous episodes so that it didn't spoil what was coming up. It just made you curious and confused. It also did really good for formulating a flow. The series ended on a very nice high note it wouldn't have if they'd been chronological. But so far I do like the voices (except Haruhi sounds too mature). And they've not localized things they shouldn't have. Explanation for SOS brigade's name is still clearly japanese.
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