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Everything posted by Tale

  1. He probably called me a ****. He has a phallus obsession.

  2. Which is the part I think to be fascinating. The notion that the PC gaming is hurting is leading to things that hurt PC gaming.
  3. Kotor sucks. You can quote me.

  4. So does alcohol.

  5. I thought the cardboard skyline I put out the window really sold it, though.

  6. Did the dinner in Venice mean nothing to you? Or the nights in Paris!?


  7. You. Not for his sake, of course. But because I want you all to myself.

  8. Tale


    I miss my bike. I like to run. But I also like to hurt myself. These things are often at odds and I haven't been able to run for a few weeks because I think I might have pulled something.
  9. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/...25&from=rss
  10. I think it's fascinating how often Securom is confused for Starforce.
  11. Looking at those screenshots again, it's like a lifetime ago.
  12. Doubtful. On both the topics of it being on Steam and it losing the Securom if it were. Though, I wish it would. I now have to debate between entertainment and politics. Whether I want to purchase Mass Effect or show my contempt for this retarded protection scheme. I certainly don't want to see it become standard practice. But, even if I don't purchase it, they may likely miss the point altogether and take it as meaning PC games simply don't sell at all.
  13. He knew about skinjobs because he met Leoben on the space station in the mini and Adama noticed how vulnerable Leoben was to the radiation, which was harmless to humans. He knew about the twelve models because of a paper that was left on his desk in one episode. Welcome to only presenting the very scenes that bring up the questions and pretending that's somehow an answer. Leoben getting sick is not sufficient for making the jump to HE'S A ROBOT! It was a conclusion he came to because he already knew of the possibility. Edit: Actually, Razer can answer this question. Adama sees the first hybrid. And there's no explanation for how he got that piece of paper. Who gave it to him? Nobody who even knew about the 12 models had any reason to do that.
  14. They really need to clear up with Adama from the fracking miniseries. How he knew about skinjobs and where he got a report that there are 12 models. It's those two things that have me thinking he might be the final cylon. They had something going on with him in the beginning.
  15. More Persona 3 FES. Though Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne arrived Saturday and I gave that a whirl.
  16. The big highlight of Shaak Ti's career is the near miss with death she had that she was only saved from by the editting room.
  17. Speaking of, where is Xard?

  18. I just want to say "welcome" to all the ladies visiting my profile. Don't hesitate to hang out. Drinks are on me.

  19. Sounds like a challenge!
  20. I liked one of the ideas around KOTOR II with Atton. It would be interesting in K3, if they had romances, to have the kind of consequences where the interest gets kidnapped, tortured, turned evil, whatnot. Baldur's Gate II supposedly had this, as well, with Bodhi killing someone, but I never got that event.
  21. Yes, but they're ALWAYS better designed. They excercise subtlety and development. And it's never with a bevy of choices. If the movies went anything like the games, then Leia wouldn't have been the only chick on the Millenium Falcon. There would have been two others, including a bimbo and wookiee. They're not the result of perfect matches or which one looks cuter, they're often very poor matches of people who just get close due to exposure to each other and dramatic events. Something people would complain about if implemented. That's the difference between epic adventure and bad dating sim. "We've been alone on this ship with each other for too long and you're kind of growing on me." "Well, the alien chick is kind of cute, but she's annoying. The Jedi chick is even cuter, but she gets pissed every time I make a dark side choice. Now, the warrior chick is falling at my feet and drooling over every word I say, so I'll go with that."
  22. I've got nothing against romances in games. I just think games really need to figure out where they're going. Are they trying to be an epic adventure or a bad dating sim. Games like Persona 3 don't bother me because they're quite explicitly about social connections, not just romantic. You can become friends with tons of people all over the game. Games like KOTOR are awkward because it's like you can only develop a personal relationship with romantic interests and it seems like the only reason you can even do that is because "people like romances (read: sex)." I think priorities need to be established and the systems better designed. Adding characters simply for romance purposes seems kind of silly when the game isn't about romance. If the games were made to be escapist sex fantasy, you might have a point.
  23. I can't be the only one getting tired of the constant ego pandering romances. It's a bit silly that in every adventure a main character has to come across 3 or 4 people who want to sleep with him. Avoiding gay relationships isn't simply about denying choices, but it's also statistically sound! In my 25... or is it 26, fudge I need to look at a calander, years I've only met one gay guy who wanted to sleep with me! (I think he was drunk, and creepy, but it was my fault for going to that particular bar) It's not that common of an occurance. It's kind of like all those old kiddy cartoons like the Extreme Ghostbusters where there has to be an african american, an asian or hispanic, a woman, and someone in a wheelchair. Only now people are demanding it for their sex fantasies. I demand cross-racial romances! I want a black woman, an asian, a hispanic, and a nice Russian woman (love the accent, rowr). And all at the same time! And a romance with a parapalegic, because it's time to demonstrate the socially acceptable nature of the handicapable! It's time to rebel and break down the walls of conformity! PS: You should watch Torchwood. Davies made it a point for the first season to feature every major character in a same sex encounter. The characters don't draw gender lines in that regard. Especially Jack. He'll sleep with anything, "so long as it's beautiful."
  24. I'm speaking based on G-canon. You're speaking of C. C-canon differs from G-canon in many core themes, largely because it suffers from the too many cooks problem. Not to say Lucas was particularly consistent by himself. But you can't really look at overal themes from EU. And as for one-on-one training being hypocritical, you simply can't read too much into that. You're not seeing particular attachment come from that in the movies (though, if you read too much into the finale of Phantom Menace, you might). But the movies do have reminders of the dangers of attachment for Jedi. Not just Anakin, but Luke too. It lead him into a trap in ESB and that's why Yoda warned him against it. Though that did turn out for the better in the end. Basically, it's a point that Lucas' Star Wars and the EU Star Wars disagree on.
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