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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Seems nitpicky. Most alien species in fiction are inexplicably humanoid. If you're going to be specific that they have to be Homo Sapien Sapiens, you can't even technically call the "humans" of Star Wars that, as the species doesn't share the same genetic line, but are merely a close analogue. Though I do see your point.
  2. They're icky. And have cooties. Luckily, there are none on the internet. So we're safe here.
  3. $5 says "bot."

  4. One of the many reasons that I'm letting you carry my child. Also, I voted "What's an RPG?"
  5. The handle is "babydol." I think that's self explanatory.

  6. There's a lot of suspicious new members. Something strange is going on.

  7. Something fishy is going on round these here parts. *puts on sleuthing cap*

  8. I like you. Is there an application I can fill out for the position of the triplet? You and Lyr are looking for a third, right?
  9. I remember the day when everyone was a year older than me. Pretty much everyone.

    I hate you for the reminder that it's no longer the case.

  10. You haven't? I'm surprised. After all, this is the internet.

  11. Bag on her head? I see that you're a glass if half full kind of guy.

  12. Which totally changes it to not creepy looking.
  13. A hat, of course. But what about those pitch black soulless eyes and the rest of the weird color on her face? The color of her face makes her smile near lipless.
  14. I just double checked. Shaak TI still creeps me right the bleep out.
  15. Pirates aren't some awkward sub-group of gamers devoid of the same drives to possess new games as the rest of us. The same motives that apply to us purchasing new games still apply to them. They just cut out the purchase part. It's not like, if they didn't infringe, they'd decide to go outside or play some game they bought 5 years ago any more likely than the rest of us.
  16. Way to take the easy bet, Archie.

  17. Nice physique, head and face still creep me out.
  18. oh dear...

  19. It's pretty cool. It's not used as much as it should be, but I blame people being new to it. You can salute, or if moving, you simply point. You can see your teamates on the map regardless of linked by SOP, but you only see them through walls with it. Once linked by SOP, you get updates on their status (knocked out, dead, unconcious, trapped by a magazine) and you give information from your SOP skills to them as well. The SOP skills include Scanning, which is what you're talking about. It allows you to use a particular item while holding an enemy in CQC that hacks their SOP system and gives you and everyone you're linked to the locations of whoever that guy was linked to. It has limited duration depending on skill level. There are three other SOP skills, Aware (displays nearby traps, like claymores and magazines), Target Alert, and Enemy Exposure. I forget which of the last two is which, but one reveals the location of people you've attacked, the other reveals information on people who've locked on and attacked you. Partially to brag, my animal rank is Bee. Which is obtained for using the S.S. Plug (the item for Scanning) numerous times. I've rarely ever had had enemy use a plug on me and I've never seen anyone else with the Bee animal rank. To even use it takes up one of your four skill slots, so most people don't bother. The benefits outweigh the risks at this point, but that may change as people get to know the game better.
  20. I was supposed to be playing more Persona 3 FES, but stupid Sneaking mode in the MGO beta got to me.
  21. It doesn't play the same as typical MGS. There's very little emphasis on sneaking in MGO, except for Snake. The ability to fire from virtually every position, play dead (including remaining limp from explosions), cardboard boxes, magazine traps, and SOP (though people never use it after the initial spawn, bastages) all can make things very interesting.
  22. I'd wager I'm the only one here who's actually played it. The mode where Snake and MK II come into play opened up just yesterday (or Sunday, I wasn't paying attention that day). MK II is on the team with Snake, not red or blue. And basically, I'm having lots of fun with it. I killed so many Snakes yesterday. As with most things in the game, it'll be a while before many people get the hang of it. I've only got to play as Snake when I hosted a passworded game just to try him out. In the interest of full disclosure, the game is damned frustrating sometimes. The stun knife is horrible imbalanced for the way hit detection works. You can and will exchange fire and damage each other around the same time. Countless times I've gone to grab someone with CQC only to get hit by the stun knife right after. But with the stun knife, you're down. There's also lots of people who are just getting used to it. And quite a few old hats from the original MGO pulling headshots out of their asses. There's other modes aside from Sneaking (the one with Snake). Deathmatch, team deathmatch, a multi-point king of the hill mode called Base, and a capture the flag variation (I don't recall the name of the mode) that features two neutral flags in the shape of a duck and a frog. PS: I'm kicking ass using nothing but a stun pistol, CQC, and the knife. PPS: Red sucks, blue rules!
  23. As long as we all agree that he's right, though. With the Nintendo DS as a close second. By like a hair.
  24. For your sake, I hope you did not just insult Tic Tac Toe. Consequences.
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