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Everything posted by Tale

  1. What are the guesses for new races? Edit: Heck yeah!
  2. I'll be happy if it at all touches on the effects of the spellplague or the lead in to it. If the story genuinely foreshadows the transition to 4e.
  3. I'm almost as excited for this announcement as I am about Metal Gear Solid 4's release this week. Isn't that kind of sick? But then... Id give my life no for honor, but for... youuuu In my time... there'll be no one else Crime, it's the waaaay I fly to youuuu I'm still in a dreaaaam, Snake Eater! Somedayyy you gooo through the raaaaiin And somedayyyy, you feeed on a tree frog This ordeal, the trial to survive For the dayyy we see new light! But it's an excitingly close second.
  4. Until Bioware's forums get back to me with my password reset (I never remember the passwords I use with that site for some reason), I'll have to use this thread to discuss.
  5. I may just buy Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold in honor of this. Net month, of course. I have no time for it this month.
  6. Mayhap so. But I'd rather sit here and expect it to come out later and be positively surprised when/if it shows up earlier. I can sympathize. For the heck of it, I'm going to look up the time between XP1's announcement and release. Edit: 5 months. Which would put us the month before Christmas if they did the same thing. Which would be easy for them to hold a month to get into Christmas.
  7. If they're rated by the ESRB already, I'd imagine it would be before christmas by a bit. All significant content should be implemented.
  8. HECK YES! I'm excited, can you tell?
  9. I'd need to know more to wager true or not. Namely, what new classes or spells. Edit: I'll be. It is on ESRB. There's no doubt then. Edit2: BLEEP YEAH! Edit3: MOTHERBLEEP YEAH YEAH!
  10. I'm trying to see if I can get Thursday off work. hah
  11. Monday? It's not Thursday yet? Damnit.

  12. Tale


    The wheel is nothing more than a precursor to Dharma. A manipulation of the mystical effects of the island. And was probably built by Richard's ancestors. If not Richard and those like him, themselves. We know people have been on the island for ages. We know Dharma did nothing but put facilities ontop of anomalies. Is it so awkward that someone might have done the same before them? All the wheel does is confirm what we've known since season 1. People were on the island before Dharma.
  13. The only other movie I've ever wanted to walk out on. The only movie I've actually walked out on. Got this as one of my free Blu-Rays. Y I was very excited to see it, watched it with my nephews, we all thought it sucked and was boring as hell. Haven't thought about seeing it again. I hear they are making a sequel???? Superman: Man of Steel (2009) We all should hope for the success of the new Superman films if we want to eventually see Superman vs. Batman! Though, the future of that film is probably unrelated. I don't think we should take chances.
  14. If you like TBS, Civilization 4 (make sure to get Beyond the Sword) and Galactic Civilizations 2 (make sure to get Twilight of the Arnor).
  15. Sounds pretty cool. But now that I've started thinking about Civ IV with zombies, I can't think of anything else. Just imagine if there was a "bioweapon" technology. You could research it, then launch it as weapons at your enemies and watch it go so far out of control it becomes a threat to all civs, including your own. And if you're particularly unlucky, it may get accidentally unleashed on your own people. Now imagine it's not exclusive to zombies and has randomly determined characteristics. Maybe it's airborne, maybe it feeds on radiation. No way to know how to stop it until you get the appropriate technologies to examine it. But, uh oh, maybe an accident while examining it....
  16. Tale


    I'm saying the wheel doesn't imply ancient technology. Except for the fact that the wheel itself is one of man's earliest inventions. The series has smoke monsters, psychic kids summoning polar bears, time travel, various health related miracles, dead people walking around and talking, and, as far as we can tell, immortal natives. I don't think the presence of the wheel is going to automatically turn that all into advanced Mayans or aliens.
  17. I fully recommend Overlord to everybody I can, even though not everybody likes it.
  18. Tale


    I think you read too much into a wheel.
  19. http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?p=1638892 This thread actually seems to have more information than simply "because it hasn't been done yet." Big West hasn't done anything to see Macross be brought over. Harmony Gold's claim is only to the original and through Tatsunoku. Big West owns the copyright to everything else and there are japanese court verdicts backing them. Now, it's still not simple. Big West isn't making any moves to license Zero or Frontier. And seemingly there's a possibility of Harmony Gold launching a lawsuit that they'll probably lose, but will still cost money.
  20. NWN2 is good, especially love the expansion. The Witcher is good, but supposed to be getting an enhanced version you may want to wait on.
  21. I don't think people recognize what actually went on in that link. It was Akihabara. A district known for electronics... and video games. This gentleman was obviously making a pre-emptive strike against those violent video games. He should be labelled a hero!
  22. I've dropped my BGII game to the side while I get back to Persona 3 FES. Just holding myself over until Thursday, mainly.
  23. Pray Harmony Gold goes bankrupt and Carl Mack dies of heart attack at the same time if you ever want to see Frontier brought over to the States. Maybe twenty years later when there are no longer Robotech fans. Harmony Gold only has license rights concerning the original series. They had no say in Plus and would have no say in Frontier.
  24. Usually male, but for Hale, probably female. It'll be a while before I play it, though. Still using some ****ty 64MB memory bandwidth card. With MGS4 coming out Thursday, it could be next month before I make time for Mass Effect.
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