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Everything posted by Tale

  1. That's using a different delivery method, so I doubt they'd use the same. Additionally, this isn't scheduled to come out for a while and that will likely be done before then.
  2. Crikey, I'm getting my Neverwinter Nights 2 excitement mixed with my Metal Gear Solid excitment. I've started to think of what build would Big Boss, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Raiden have. Or maybe I should consider Foxhound or Cobra Unit.
  3. Archibald was banned? That's awesome.

  4. The graphic is good. But kind of creepy. Though, if I recall the original, that was creepy too.

  5. I really haven't been paying attention to the fact that you can create your own party. I mean, I knew about it. But I didn't think about what that meant. It means I don't have to think about which characters I'll use for which playthrough, I can just use them all! Or several of them at least. The crazy Gnome Wizard, the charming Warlock, the devious Assassin. And they can all be brothers, or something! The Gnome will be adopted.
  6. If you want to talk about chaotic characters... Wild Mage! As stated on the official forums for the expansion, my Chaotic Neutral Gnome Wild Mage of Bhaal wants to see the light of day. Sure, his alignment doesn't match his faith, but he's crazy.
  7. The campaign seems a perfect backdrop for highwayman play.
  8. Tale used to. Tale has since stopped downloading shows. But he stopped right around where the new filler started, so he's good up until that point.

  9. That's what I was afraid of. But he avoided saying Creative Lead.
  10. Tomato tomatoe? Kind of the meat of my question.
  11. Guess who Chief Creative Officer is. Avellone. Isn't that the role Ziets had with XP1? Or am I misreading. http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/viewt...9&forum=128
  12. Our OT forum? I'll kill them all!
  13. Well, it's been stated on the Bio boards that Storm of Zehir takes place in 1374. Which would be 11 years before Spellplague. So, I doubt we'll see anything too drastic out of it. Maybe just the rumblings of what's to come and powers moving into position.
  14. This is what I found. http://forums.gleemax.com/showpost.php?p=1...amp;postcount=5 So, you can look at that however you want. And you could say that Erinyes are Succubi. You can probably make up whatever justification for the demonic Succubi of older editions you want.
  15. Or, similarly, we get to be witness to Zehir overthrow Sseth.
  16. What I'm hoping the story is is that it'll be a lead-in to the spellplague. You get to run around as a group of average joe adventurers, doing average joe adventures, but then suddenly you're still average joe adventurer but you're watching the world go to hell in a handbasket. Basically, something incredibly awesome, but instead of the typical have it all happen through you, it'll happen simply around you. But I'm kind of fantasizing here.
  17. Oooh, I wonder if this will feature epic PrCs.
  18. Of course he didn't. Does he seem the type of guy to enjoy fun or entertainment? That's totally not the vibe I'm getting at all.
  19. I'd only want if they got the original VA back.
  20. Apparently Succubi are devils now. I wonder if that means Erinyes have been switched to demons or if they're gone altogether. I also wonder if there's any accounting for this change. Something like the Succubi got tired of the Glabrezu and Balors biting off their heads on a whim and decided to defect.
  21. He's a deity of the Yuan-Ti from what I can find.
  22. Tale


    Good thinking, Kor!
  23. Playable Centaurs confirmed!
  24. Assuming you start at 1.
  25. It sounds to me more that it'll be like Baldur's Gate II. You can create your own party or choose to get an NPC party. Not forced to do one, the other, or both.
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