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Everything posted by Tale

  1. That's a joke, right? I'd think that retconning player decisions and lipservice player agency would be greater threats. That being the threat of characterizing player characters in RPGs. Since it defines the character as something other than what the player chooses. The PC of an RPG being a personalized construct is hardly the building block of bad.
  2. Stealthy doesn't necessarilly mean "no kill." You can kill and remain stealthy. Hence my question.
  3. He doesn't need to be an interesting character, though. He's a player avatar.
  4. I always thought the "Revan was attacking the Republic to make it stronger to fight against the True Sith" angle was utter tosh.
  5. What happens if I've fully converted to plastic? How do I play D02?
  6. Dead people have no sight. Wait, what? You get points for not killing people? Nobody told me this!
  7. But then I just used it to get melee instant kills. *katana through the back*
  8. So I beat Heroic. Don't know if anyone here is at all interested in playing Reach, but hit me up if you want to play anything from co-op to competitive. I'll probably whore achievements for a while so I can dress up my Spartan and make him pretty. I really like how the armor pieces and coloring scheme you set up for your Spartan show up both in single player and multiplayer. It's an FPS with single player vanity customization!
  9. I've not yet played an RPG where stealth wasn't largely just a method to make killing easier. They'd have to actually make stealth characters have a harder time at killing to prevent them from also getting loot on corpses, in addition to lockpicking.
  10. That would be an accurate assessment of my involvement in Diablo 2. I thought it had too much clicking. Also Diablo kept kicking my ass and I refused to grind more levels. How about an RPG built around parodying RPGs? We need more humor in games, I think.
  11. I always took "Action RPG" to be an RPG where combat factors in player skill beyond decision making. In Diablo, attack speed is mouseclick. By that token, any game where you manually aim a gun would fall under it. But it's becoming a meaningless denotation nowadays. Anyway, more settings! Discworld needs an RPG of a modern bend. Before Pratchett goes out on his own terms dies so he can be involved.
  12. Weren't you the one who told me that it was pretty obvious that Kreia didn't lie to you? I don't remember the context to be honest, but I am just saying it would not be outlandish to justify it that way. Granted, it would bother me more than a little bit if Bioware completely ignored KOTOR2... The background for Miriluka mentions that Visas Marr helped rebuild the Jedi order. So they're definitely not completely ignoring it.
  13. This creates genre labels, too. Adventure (after a game titled adventure), Metroidvania (not oft recognized as a genre label, but one in its own right), and Roguelike (after Rogue) are three such that you may be familiar with. The problem with having to always find another game to specifically reference is that whoever you're communicating with may not get the specific reference. Broad references are more accessible.
  14. Organizational and communication tools are important. It's not simply to label it and argue, but a tool for quickly communicating facts about it that you may be familiar with.
  15. Largely because video games are modern enough that their genre labels are just nonsense. We'll name them after the most famous example of the genre as often as we accept marketing labels.
  16. About a dozen, give or take a few that werent technicly kings at the time of their unnatural departure. Yeah, but that's like a typical weekend for you guys. Step on out, kill a king, go for a swim.
  17. I wish I could hate you to death. Though you're right in a way. It named and popularized it.
  18. Sam and Max have guns. Resident Evil games (pre-4) are part of a subgenre of adventure.
  19. Can you romance her? What?
  20. Wait, enemy spawns on loading a save are fixed? Is this available for 360?
  21. You can get an Eyebot companion? I think I love these guys.
  22. How many non-humanoid options are there?
  23. I try not to.
  24. Survival horror started as a sub-genre of adventure. So that's kind of redundant. The More You Know! Star Rainbow
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