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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Pardon me while I go gouge out my eyes.
  2. Normal's really easy with level 6~7, 49 Guns, Trigger Discipline. I can basically snipe with iron sites and shoot dynamite in hands with VATS. With pistols. I've not died, but I have reloaded saves to avoid limb crippling, which is a common problem. You might want to go hard for a challenge unless you have a weak build. My build isn't particularly strong, but I do put at least 3 points in guns every level.
  3. I got my money's worth on it at that steam christmas sale for something like $5. I'd play a sequel.
  4. Well, the guy has good modelling skills. Just look at those pecs.
  5. About Hardcore. Forget the need to sleep, drink, and eat. That part of it is borderline a joke on normal. I'm rarely over 100 points and haven't seen a penalty yet. The thing to watch out for is that Stimpacks don't heal limbs. I thought it was just that stimpacks wouldn't recover fully damaged limbs. They don't recover any damage to limbs. This is a pretty big deal because you can be at full health and still have your head crippled. This is the true challenge of hardcore. Having to go scrounge up doctor's bags or doctors. Luckily the starting town has a doctor who'll take care of it for pretty cheap. Spoiler alert: And is it just me or did spill the beans about ? He mentioned that a But Running is the default behavior, unless you're loaded down. Press Caps Lock. Almost forgot! Where are some more bloody camp sites? I'm over at the dinosaur town and have only ever seen two back at Goodsprings. I need to cook stuff dag nabbit.
  6. I've heard it's related to the Steam cloud.
  7. I swear I read an interview where they stated they were doing just that, learning a lot from Obsidian.
  8. Not with that attitude. If you're going to be all defeatist about it... I'm a firm believer in "you can do anything you set your mind to." So be positive!
  9. Am I dead? Is this heaven?
  10. Needs more lines in sand. What happened to America's "we'll do it ourselves, go away government" thing? It's very selective, depending on who you talk to. Radical survivalists may be completely "go away government" but conservatives are "go away government, unless there's minorities in need of oppressing or my business is failing" and liberals are "go away government, unless I need help."
  11. Now I'm curious as to who "he" is.
  12. Generally, the protection of freedom of speach/expression is thrown about here. The government can't restrict children from accessing forms of expression (with the exception of pornography). That's my general understand. Also it's been tried with everything before (music and comics are relatively recent examples) and has failed. This would be a drastic turnaround of the existing precedent if it were allowed.
  13. I wanna be a Fremen.
  14. One hopes.
  15. Hardcore is enabled as a popup option after a certain point.
  16. THANK YOU! Loved that game. Have you played through to completion before? Yes, when it was released. That's my second playthrough now. Manly tears? Manly tears. Hold me.
  17. THANK YOU! Loved that game. Have you played through to completion before?
  18. I imagine it's a case of the typewriter falling through the desk.
  19. I demanded tribute and you gave none! For that the penalty was pain! Pity you were stuck on RED team. Silly RED team.
  20. The only thing bothering me about the RPS impression is the complaint that the he can't bind keys. When he mentions he's playing on the console. That seems pretty standard.
  21. What comedy site?
  22. Reviewers and publications get early copies. Even trolls like Jim Sterling? Well, whatever.... They probably sent a copy to Destructoid and Destructoid sent it to Sterling to review. I'm not exactly sure how it works for reviewer/publication/blog.
  23. Reviewers and publications get early copies. My copy will be at home after work. Tracking lists it as the next city over at 2 hours ago.
  24. Tale


    General psych is largely the same, at least where I am. It really helped with retention that half the book for every course below senior level was the same content.
  25. I wouldn't trust your cooking with my life. Which is exactly the problem.
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