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Everything posted by Stardusk78

  1. Yes, I can confirm. Summonings do not scale properly for multiple classes. Druids, chanters, etc.
  2. Made it to level 11 and real meh. I feel like I wasted time and energy...what a shame.
  3. I know the Troubador is the king of chanters but do the extra of a Beckoner have any benefit at all? I notice for the wyrmlings the extra damage can be quite helpful but I have not levelled up beyond that and I was just messing around. Any opinions?
  4. Looking at the difference in damage and the only slightly higher penetration of war bows: why use war bows over short bows?
  5. The consensus seems that they are still pretty weak. What do the experts think?
  6. I really want to try out a single class ranger now that they are a decent class and I guess the Ghost Heart is just the way to go but would anyone recommend any of the others; personally sharp shooter seems quite good but there is always that animal companion issue. Any thoughts
  7. I have been running a loremaster (Bloodmage/Troubador); all those heals as well some other items make it very easy to recast spells constantly.
  8. What's the earliest you can acquire it on PoTD? Amra at the Radiant Court
  9. Hell, even 10 million would be petty cash to them and an extra couple of million would allow them to fully flesh out other companions and meet stretch goals that could not be met previously. Still, look at Tyranny, which I thought was very good. I do not think there will be another one so...erhh.
  10. This was mine: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102094-keeper-of-the-wheel-a-universalist-build/?do=findComment&comment=2052016
  11. You know what Lord of All of POE Mechanics, I think you sold me on the single class Barbarian; never tried it before so it might be worth a go. Would it matter which subclass? The new one seems intriguing but I was originally looking for a a multiclass build. What would you recommend if I went that route?
  12. Amra, Radiant Court, Ramaso. You can pick it up right after you leave for Neketaka, just sail to Dunnage.
  13. I mean you could instantly get 25 might within minutes of starting the game; Dwarf or Amaua+Berath's Blessings+Livings Lands 23 Might, then special merchant for Gauntlets of Might for 25. That is not really the issue, more the classes. I was thinking Devoted+ something else, just not sure though.
  14. Problem with the Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry is that it has a malus that causes you to get staggered and lose your spell every time you cast one; imho not worth it.
  15. I really want to do a 2H axe build but I usually play casters of varying sorts so I am a bit out of the loop when it comes to melee builds so does anyone have a good suggestion for a nice 2H axe melee build that is both effective and fun? Many thanks for advice and suggestions. Some ideas I have had are Holy Slayer (Streetfighter/Steel Garotte), Brute (Devoted/Fury Shaper?), Out of Ideas? Anyway, I don't know anything about melee builds... so please enlighten me with emphasis on 2H axe!
  16. Frankly speaking I am a bit terrified about the prospects of not having at least a third POE. For whatever reason POE is one of my top 10 favourite IPs/worlds. It is undeniable that people like Josh Sawyer have a lot of passion and the whole team is really invested in the POE cosmos and it feels like there is still a great deal to explore and discover so it is worrisome that there might never be another one. It would not be on the devs; they love their world and their work but profit models drive everything. I guess I am asking if there is any hope, any whatsoever?
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