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Everything posted by ThacoBell

  1. Gameplay-wise, yeah. The main plot, on the other hand... Indeed. I haven't finished the game yet, so I can only comment on the gameplay.
  2. Basically everything about PoE2 is better than in PoE1. Though I did really enjoy the stronghold in 1.
  3. The LAST thing we need is incresing hitpoints for cheap "challenge". All that does is slow fights down, not make them harder. I think the difficulty is in a good place for the average player. I find normal difficulty fairly challenging. If you want a proper difficulty increase for POTD, add more varied enemies, preferably ones that will cover each other's weaknesses and (Ideally) Make enemies smarter.
  4. Could you elaborate? I can perhaps see the "chore" part, as combat required more of the player's attention in the original. But, since most fights in Deadfire do not reward or punish the player for paying attention and actually using tactics, I'm failing to see how most combats are actually interesting in Deadfire? With abilities and health regen between fights, individual encounters can be more dangerous. Because of this system, I try to punch above my weight far more often, seeking out red skull fights and seeing if I can pull them off. It also means I don't have ot conserve abilities as a resource, so I can comfortably steamroll trash mobs quickly. All the fights in PoE1 felt like they just dragged on. Resource management isn't fun. Playing with abilities and spells to solve an encounter is. I'm gonna have to disagree with you pretty hard there man. You shouldn't have to seek out stuff that outlevels you severely to feel like you've found a compelling challenge. Combat encounters should feel at least moderately challenging on normal difficulty. I mean, a large number of them DO. I've wiped on several regular encounters on Normal difficulty. I also don't want EVERY battle to be life or death, that gets EXTREMELY TEDIOUS if I have to treat every battle like a boss encounter.
  5. What accent do you think Sarevok speaks in? Sounds American to me. Also, racist
  6. I find it a bit sad that the stewart doesn't get any new lines, ever. She doesn't? That IS sad.
  7. As long as we get varied accents, toss it all in! If I'm gonna travel the world, I want to hear different people speak differently. Even if the accent is hilariously bad, that just makes it entertaining for all new reasons.
  8. I bought a Junk and named it "Caed Nua", in honor of what was lost.
  9. You're entitlement to say I'm entitled to say something that we all know is true, is at the very least unsettling and a perfect example of what I mean about a community who has a deluded and white knight mindset.I'll spell it out to you in simpler way, when you buy a game like say: Horizon: Zero Dawn or The Witcher 3, you have two versions... The "Standard Edition" and the "Complete Edition" so please stop babbling in your ignorance. The "Complete" editions include that "optional" dlc. Any game dev, including Obsidian will tell you if you want the complete/full experience, to buy the dlc as well. So stop complaining about complainers who aren't really complaining but saying something you don't like or can't understand. What you really mean to say is "You have a choice to see a game as complete even though it's not, because the game has a proper ending or legnth" Alas, I think I've proven my point. So what you say is that Deadfire shouldn’t be completed? 1) Self contained, full of content game isn’t a complete game, because more content is to be had. 2) DLC make the game complete. Because that’s on the label. Just like GOTY edition. Everyone knows “Game of the Year” in an accurate and true label. 3) but Obsidian shouldnt release DLCs. Because...? Sometimes the amount of stupid is overwhelming. The DLCs are additional content that is not connected to the main story. So yes, the game as is, is complete. It tells the story it was made to tell.
  10. Except this is demonstrably un-true. I've been playing crpgs since BG first came out, and I've had to re-load fights because I've wiped a few times on Normal dificulty.
  11. Oddly enough, I have the opposite problem.
  12. I never found attrition based gameplay to be fun.
  13. Length is not a benchmark of quality. I don't care how long "other crpgs" are. I have fun playing PoE2 and thats all that matters.
  14. I've been playing for 12 hours and still haven't cleared Neketakta. There is a lot of game here.
  15. I absolitely loved Endless Paths! It was varied in both combat and maps, there was an overarching plot of follow a previous doomed expedition, somethign trying to wrest Caed Nua from you, and especially the mini story that each level had for itself. It was the closest any modern dungeon has come to Durlag's Tower, which I hold as the best dungeon ever designed for a computer game.
  16. I've wiped a few times on Normal, and its balance feels really right to me.
  17. The world of gaming must be tough for Linux users. While I HAVE had to redownload entire games just to get a patch, PoE2 didn't do that to me, thankfully. Its by far the biggest file on my computer, and I get .2 Mb/s internet.
  18. Could you elaborate? I can perhaps see the "chore" part, as combat required more of the player's attention in the original. But, since most fights in Deadfire do not reward or punish the player for paying attention and actually using tactics, I'm failing to see how most combats are actually interesting in Deadfire? With abilities and health regen between fights, individual encounters can be more dangerous. Because of this system, I try to punch above my weight far more often, seeking out red skull fights and seeing if I can pull them off. It also means I don't have ot conserve abilities as a resource, so I can comfortably steamroll trash mobs quickly. All the fights in PoE1 felt like they just dragged on. Resource management isn't fun. Playing with abilities and spells to solve an encounter is.
  19. Really? I just updated, the patch was about 200Mb. Yes, I'm using GOG Galaxy.
  20. Well, you've already had many people in this thread say its not broken at all. Don't know why suddenly asking now would change anything. You could also, you know, PLAY IT and find out for ypursef.
  21. I find the combat to be a marked improvement. Now the combat in PoE1, THAT was dull and a chore.
  22. Don't even bother with rush to board - it assumes way too much damage. Just keep hitting "1" (full speed ahead) until you reach boarding range and you'll take maybe one or two hits. The problem is that full speed ahead doesn't always work. I've had multiple instances whre an enemy ship was quick enough to stay away and even escape before I could catch up to them.
  23. I still haven't figured out how my Kind Wayfarer is shady. I have done zero backroom deals, and I have a significant honest reputation.
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