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Everything posted by ThacoBell

  1. If Obsidian had implemented a time limit on the game, I would not have backed, bought, or played it at all.
  2. I'd guess it's the HDD. Doubling the RAM wouldn't hurt either, but you said the game was running smoothly. HDD are relics from ancient times. You would be amazed how much SSD can speed up loading processes and also booting for example. Welp, on a laptop. Guess there isn't much I can do.
  3. How are people getting faster load times! It takes almost 45 seconds for any map to load for me. It can't be my comp, I can run max settings smoothly. Reducing graphics quality does nothing for load times.
  4. Honestly if you are not gonna do mutiple playthroughs, why do you even bother to come to this forum? I mean you must be done with the game by now, and if you don't plan to come back, why bother. It will be like 4 years before we'll see another big Obsidian game, maybe more (Deadfire did not sell all that well, they'll need to work out new strategy and approach), so plenty of time for multiple runs if you like the game. Speciall with expansions coming. If you gonna play once, you're not really a person that will benefit from any future updates and changes. Also you will play 1 character ever, so why does it bother you there are things you'll not have access to, you would not use them anyways as you'll pick one of them only and selection even now is huge. BTW that change will not come companion sublasses will remain unique to them to make them stand out more, they'll never be playable subclasses with out modding, so no worries. Maybe I'm waiting for patches, maybe I want to get as much out of one playthrough as I can. Can you give a single good reason to arbitrarily restrict character building options from the get go?
  5. Only non-death godlikes can see the growths on their heads. I think the implication is that the masks are an illusion. As they can see just fine with their eyes covered. No reason why they cant also eat.
  6. The load times for PoE1 and PoE2 are about the same for me. 30-45 seconds per screen. I really wish Obsidian would work on that. Easily the worst part of playing these games.
  7. My bear doesn't seem to have any problems auto attacking or switching targets. Maybe the Lion's additional ability is glitching the AI somehow?
  8. Godlikes are my favorite race. Good old nature godlike ranger.
  9. What? No! THe huge selection of classes and sub-classes is one of THE BEST THINGS about Deadfire. THis would just screw those of us over who don't have time for multiple playthroughs.
  10. I agree with the ship comabt and load times. I have to sit and stare for 30-45 seconds for every load screen.
  11. Don't the flames on a firegodlike explicitly not burn? As for everything else, I'm sure even a mediocra hatter could make something that would fit. Still, good to know. Thanks for the answers.
  12. What happens in the Dyrwood stays in the Dyrwood. I could never do that to a happy family.
  13. If you can't articulate your points beyond "This is my taste", then you're not actually trying to make constructive arguments and you're not adding anything to the thread. You're also not taking the measure of any game mechanic. Again, in my original post, I did not just make a generic comment about how the combat/dungeon crawling is weaker in Deadfire, I wrote about how *specific* challenges cannot exist and how dungeon/wilderness design is limited to narrower experience because of it. Your pushback in this thread hasn't gone beyond vague attacks on others and vague rejections of others' suggestions. You mean like you are doing right now? I disagree with you, therefore I am attacking other people. Classy. I've outlined before the difference between actual difficult combat vs. artificially limiting supplies or inflating enemy stat numbers. If you want to go ahead and ignore all that, well you can, no one is forcing you to actually engage here. But don't attack people because they happen to disagree with you.
  14. Something that hasn't come up yet when talking about difficulty: How do you balance higher difficulty vs. the high number of class/race/ability combinations? There are already some un-optimal combos that make the game more difficult if you build for RP, rather than optimal power. Tuning the difficulty too high just results in having to use the 1 or 2 "correct" strategies to progress. Having to do things one right way or die is not fun. I want to be able to experiment with different builds, playstyels, off the wall concepts, etc. without feeling like I am playing "wrong".
  15. Call it by the un-mangled "chuán," then All the pirates of Deadfire will learn to fear my Junk!
  16. If you don't want a game that ever frustrates you, play story mode. Deadfire has plenty of options for players who merely want to march through the game without resistance. But what is universally acknowledged, is that the high level difficulty isn't difficult. This is acknowledged even by the developers. I don't understand why you've insisted in participating in this thread in an entirely negative way about game changes that are unlikely to affect or affect significantly the level you enjoy playing at. There is a difference between challenge and difficulty and frustration. One is good; the other is bad. They are to some degree subjective, but that's why you work with large sources of data (like telemetry from beta testers) and make choices based on large portions of your fan base. Literally everything you posted does not sound difficult and challenging, it sounds annoying and frustrating. That's just my opinion, of course. Except the two of you have merely posted assertions and not actual arguments. You haven't articulated in any way how my suggestions would be "frustrating" and "not challenging". I say those things are un-fun, because I find them un-fun. I'm not going to argue about whether I find something fun or not. That's insipid.
  17. If you don't want a game that ever frustrates you, play story mode. Deadfire has plenty of options for players who merely want to march through the game without resistance. But what is universally acknowledged, is that the high level difficulty isn't difficult. This is acknowledged even by the developers. I don't understand why you've insisted in participating in this thread in an entirely negative way about game changes that are unlikely to affect or affect significantly the level you enjoy playing at. There is a difference between challenge and difficulty and frustration. One is good; the other is bad. They are to some degree subjective, but that's why you work with large sources of data (like telemetry from beta testers) and make choices based on large portions of your fan base. Literally everything you posted does not sound difficult and challenging, it sounds annoying and frustrating. That's just my opinion, of course. Exactly. Challenge is good, frustration is bad. I also like where the difficulty currently is for standard difficulties. I am being challenged by Normal level. I don't want "fake difficulty" being added in for the sake of sating some players need for masochism.
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