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Everything posted by ThacoBell

  1. Did they also change in game content? Because just changing the rating wouldn't really affect how "friendly" the game is. Archaven said "PEGI 3". It must have been a joke. *Goes check the steam page while nobody is looking.* I uh, don't even know what that rating means.
  2. my last check on her, yes she was fixed and also obsidian changed their rating to PEGI 3 to make it even friendlier for children /s Did they also change in game content? Because just changing the rating wouldn't really affect how "friendly" the game is.
  3. Yes! Godlikes are my favorite race, but its painful not being able to wear a jaunty hat. Even moreso when the hats have a mechanical advantage.
  4. I find it hilarious that after the difficulty patch, the front page for this forum has consistently been threads with the title, "Why was x nerfed" or "X isnow useless".
  5. Curious to play the pathfinder game. I hope it will be a success and good to play. However Bioware DID reset you to level on after your "death" in ME2 which is pretty much the same thing here. The bioware of ME trilogy isn't the same. Already brought by EA. I have hard time to call ME a RPG. Even if I've enjoyed the 2, there is no 'ruleset'. The lasts games to feature a continuous progression are the neverwinter nights, but it was limited to the expansions (so close to what we get with the poe). At the end of the main game you don't reach the max level allowed by the d&d3 system. The game was still governed by rules. You couldn't just do anything with no limitations. Or are you saying "there was no ruleset" because it wasn't based on an already existing system?
  6. No I didn't. I said combat wasn't the SOLE focus of the game, as many people in the difficulty requests thread were saying. Combat is a big part, but its not the only focus. Heck, I'd put money down that Obsidian wrote the story before sussing out the combat mechanics if I had any. Claiming that I said combat was never a part of the game is disingenuous at best.
  7. You have some date to back up your entitlement? Crap like this is why I can't take players whining about difficulty seriously.
  8. Pillars has ALWAYS had a problem with maxing out levels too quickly.
  9. Whatever happens, I hope the DLC takes place AFTER the main campaign. Even with level scaling, I was stomping through Act 3 of Pillars1 after finishing the White Marches.
  10. I don't think Deafire CAN have PotD balanced to the point of satiating the more masochistic players who WANT every encounter to be life or death, better put everything you have into every fight challengeing. And the reason for that is simple. The game isn't built around that. The is built with as many people in mind as possible. That means that any balance patch has sweeping consequences for every player. A patch that might make hardcore gamer happy is just as likely to drive away casual gamer. People who are asking for SCS, or Dark Souls, or classic XCOM levels of difficulty are forgetting one thing. Those games were BUILT around that obscene level of difficulty. Every mechanic, action, level design, and encounter was specifically crafted to kick you in the balls. A game trying to appeal to a broad range of playstyles like Deadfire (and most RPGs really) CANNOT do that. What Ithink obsidian should have done, and should probably do in the future, is treat PothD as an entirely different game. Either get the base game with difficulties up to Veteren realeased with a couple/few months of bugfixes and rebalances done. And THEN focus on a PothD difficulty, even going as far as altering some base game mechanics for the sake of pumping up the challenge. Alternatively, you can have a secondary team working on PotD in parallel. Treat it as a selfcontained thing and not just another difficulty level. The way its being done now, Obsidian is facing three outcomes: 1. When trying to keep everyone in mind, the difficulty tweaks won't go far enough, alienating the hardcore crowd. 2. Obsidian caves to the very vocal hardcore players on this forum and balances everthing aroun PotD, alientaing and (effectively preventing) casual players from playing the game. 3. Obsidian compromises to such a degree that EVERYONE is unhappy.
  11. IMO the rest system in PoE was without doubt the best ever implemented. Far better than the IE games for example becasue: a) it killed rest spamming to farm XP b) it removed radom arbitrary rest restrictions based on random interruptions c) it succeded in limiting rests on pain of whimping off the dungeon to get supplies d) it provided an additional fail condition, i.e. whimping off the dungeon, to enhance gameplay and add depth, difficulty and exitement e) it enables genuine full on fail conditions by allowing player to get trapped with insufficient resources to escape for even more depth, difficulty and exitement The Deafire system does not even come close to it. Having finished Deadfire now I find it impossible to understand why it replaced PoE's state of the art system. It was a collossal mistake responsible for maybe 50% of what's wrong with Deafire, the difficulty problem especially. I'm sorry, what? If I'm interpreting your point "e" correctly, are you actually stating that softlocking your game and making it completely unwinnable is a good thing? On a game that can conceivably take over 100 hours to beat at that.
  12. As long as the new classes are selectable in that run (as in Dragon Age). Replaying a game this lage over and over to completion just to see the new classes would be kinda bull.
  13. I mean, your pet shouldn't be targeted at all. Keep it as a secondary line, and you shouldn't have many problems. If your front line dies, your party will probably follow anyway.
  14. Yeah okay, but class and balance changes aren't happening ONLY on PotD or Veteren. Changes and nerfs to classes and abilities affects every difficulty level. Changing to a lower difficulty DOES NOTHING if your favorite class no longer works the way it used to. You can no longer that way, EVER AGAIN. Boo hoo. Your over powered skill is no longer over powered. Why is this a bad thing? One, if you're playing on lower difficulties, it shouldn't matter. You can still use that build and beat the game with little effort. I don't understand why some players insist on having a game where every choice they make has to have immense rewards. As Tigranes wrote very well above, if there was some weapon that was so over-powered it made the rest of the weapons obsolete -- that's a huge design problem. And one that the designers are right to prioritize fixing, even if it means your character built around that weapon isn't going to be as powerful as they were. Your playstyle is not more important than mine or anyone else's. An ability doesn't have to overpowered for Obsidian to nerf it apparently. I'm not the one asking that Obsidian do things or not do things because of how they are affecting *my* play experience. You're the one doing that. Actually the op is. Though I DO think it is reasonable for Obsidian to consider the less masochistic playerbase when introducing balance passes outside Veteren or PotD. Again, you made this argument: "your favorite class no longer works the way it used to. You can no longer that way, EVER AGAIN" This is an argument about someone's particular gameplay experience, and you are arguing on behalf of maintaining that individual experience. Whereas I am arguing on general design principles -- if one ability is too strong, it's functionally equivalent to the other abilities being too weak. If one weapon is too strong, it's equivalent to the rest of the weapons being bad. Nobody has complained that normal and below difficulties have become too hard. If you want to make that case go ahead. But so far you have ONLY argued on behalf of players being able to maintain same particular build and effectiveness they previously had. This is arguing *for* a particular playstyle and moreover, it is arguing that this maintenance is "more important" than other considerations. Exactly the thing you claim to be against. Actually, I'm just saying to take consideration for the players that don't enjoy extreme challenge. Some of us either can't or don't want to (due to time constraints, or a stressful day, etc.) want to have an entire run scrapped because a patch made an already not min maxed build weaker. Some of us want to have a mdoerate difficulty, but not have to head bang an encounter a dozen times to figure it out. But go ahead and keep arguing with imaginary statements that I never made. Whatever floats your boat.
  15. In modern game design it's "for people who actually like RPGs / combat". No. Just no. RPGs can be fun without a high difficulty, heck story quality and game difficulty are not linked. Combat can also be fun without being masochistic. Don't conflate your taste with everyone's standard of fun. They make RPG's for people like you nowadays, such as the Persona series, which is supposedly quite good. Wanting a game that focuses on party-based, tactical combat to not have challenging combat is asking a genre to try and be something that it's not. You're on just about every thread on here insisting that the game cannot cater to others' tastes. Just stop. Did, did you just claim that a MegaTen game wasn't difficult? So many of these threads are turning into echo chambers and I'm providing alternate viewpoints. THese are supposed to be discussions, and you are here telling me to shut up. I've never once said that the game cannot cater to others' tastes. My stance has been the exact opposite, the game shouldn't hold any one partie's taste above the another's. So stop putting words in my mouth.
  16. Yeah okay, but class and balance changes aren't happening ONLY on PotD or Veteren. Changes and nerfs to classes and abilities affects every difficulty level. Changing to a lower difficulty DOES NOTHING if your favorite class no longer works the way it used to. You can no longer that way, EVER AGAIN. Boo hoo. Your over powered skill is no longer over powered. Why is this a bad thing? One, if you're playing on lower difficulties, it shouldn't matter. You can still use that build and beat the game with little effort. I don't understand why some players insist on having a game where every choice they make has to have immense rewards. As Tigranes wrote very well above, if there was some weapon that was so over-powered it made the rest of the weapons obsolete -- that's a huge design problem. And one that the designers are right to prioritize fixing, even if it means your character built around that weapon isn't going to be as powerful as they were. Your playstyle is not more important than mine or anyone else's. An ability doesn't have to overpowered for Obsidian to nerf it apparently. I'm not the one asking that Obsidian do things or not do things because of how they are affecting *my* play experience. You're the one doing that. Actually the op is. Though I DO think it is reasonable for Obsidian to consider the less masochistic playerbase when introducing balance passes outside Veteren or PotD.
  17. In modern game design it's "for people who actually like RPGs / combat". No. Just no. RPGs can be fun without a high difficulty, heck story quality and game difficulty are not linked. Combat can also be fun without being masochistic. Don't conflate your taste with everyone's standard of fun.
  18. Yeah okay, but class and balance changes aren't happening ONLY on PotD or Veteren. Changes and nerfs to classes and abilities affects every difficulty level. Changing to a lower difficulty DOES NOTHING if your favorite class no longer works the way it used to. You can no longer that way, EVER AGAIN. Boo hoo. Your over powered skill is no longer over powered. Why is this a bad thing? One, if you're playing on lower difficulties, it shouldn't matter. You can still use that build and beat the game with little effort. I don't understand why some players insist on having a game where every choice they make has to have immense rewards. As Tigranes wrote very well above, if there was some weapon that was so over-powered it made the rest of the weapons obsolete -- that's a huge design problem. And one that the designers are right to prioritize fixing, even if it means your character built around that weapon isn't going to be as powerful as they were. Your playstyle is not more important than mine or anyone else's. An ability doesn't have to overpowered for Obsidian to nerf it apparently.
  19. Yeah okay, but class and balance changes aren't happening ONLY on PotD or Veteren. Changes and nerfs to classes and abilities affects every difficulty level. Changing to a lower difficulty DOES NOTHING if your favorite class no longer works the way it used to. You can no longer that way, EVER AGAIN.
  20. Please no. This is rampant silliness. Stick with the regular races. Also, IIRC, there isn't even a single dwarf companion or sidekick in POE2 at this time. Even the single Pale Elf is a weird one, being a cosmopolitan animancer (and who knows what else) living in the Deadfire, rather than something less strange. If we wanted something less than normal, I'd prefer different subraces of the primary races. Another flavor of Elf or Dwarf, perhaps. Maybe an aquatic elf (not really ocean inhabitants so much as elves that live by the oceans, making their livings on and by the sea, etc. Thats all boring, you get out of here! I want to be a Xaurip!
  21. Sorry dude, but this statement is laughable. PoE2 has quite a lot of encounters where you talk to person and end up fighting that person anyway, most of content is about party adventure and dungeons, and it's character system has literally only 2 skills to level up, with skills not affecting story much in any way. Deus Ex 1 has more roleplaying, player agency and endings than PoE2 and it's built on an engine of 1st person shooter. I still can't think up any reasons why you need whole 5 difficulty settings in your game btw. In any game. Well no. Combat was measurably reduced between Pillars 1 and Deadfire. Conversly, ways to avoid combat (through dialogue, class choice, etc.) as well as ways the world cahnges to yuro character were increased, and quite dramatically. THere is quite a lot of evidence that character interaction and story were given precedence over combat. Thats the main focus of ROLEplayinggames as well. Deadfire is not a hack and slash. That's more the realm of Diablo or Dark Souls.
  22. I can't seem to figure out spoilers on this forum. But what about what happened when you next left port? Remember the circumstances around Remaro.
  23. It seems to be an Obsidian thing. Pillars was undeniably hardest in the early stages of the game, Tyranny peaked at the end of Act 1 and was downhill from there, and Deadfire is little different. Maybe the majority of their effort is on the early stages of the game? Oh no, it is a CRPG thing. Almost all CRPGs, especially after 2002 or so, share similar systemic problems where after the first 30-50%, the game becomes trivially easy, you have millions of gold, and so on. POE1/2 does a far better job than games like KOTOR, where you really could go for a cup of tea during battles, for example. And many players have come to expect or enjoy this relaxing difficulty; we keep hearing about players who struggle with POE1/2 on Normal, for example. But the whole point of having 5 difficulty settings was to be able to provide difficulty at least on POTD. And the whole point of crowdfunding a project like POE was to provide something a bit more old school than "mash the button and you win!!" trend some recent games have taken. So, while I don't expect big things, I do expect that Obsidian wouldn't make POTD trivially easy on release (which they did), and I do hope that they will go further than what they did with 1.1. I'd be surprised if 50% of player could beat PotD, I wouldn't call that "trivially easy."
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