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Everything posted by ThacoBell

  1. I usually just rush to board, and deal with the injuries.
  2. The lack of classic "Dungeons" doesn't really bother me. I much prefer outdoor areas, so more done to make "wilderness dungeons" would be nice.
  3. I do want to clarify that I don't think dark=bad. But it has to be balanced properly. I can't take the Witcher seriously AT ALL, its so over the top with everything being miserable, it comes across as a teen TRYING to be mature, but missing the nuance of a mature examination. PoE1 ALMOST gets that bad, but is largely saved because, through action, things can be made better. Its not "life sucks and nothing can be done about it" but "Life sucks sometimes, but we can work to make t better." Which is a good and realistic message.
  4. Had my first ship combat, and yeah, not a fan. Just clicking menu options with still images is not immersive for combat at all.
  5. but..it's a ship . So not that many level to it no? I'm sure a ghost ship could use some non-euclidean geometries.
  6. Dark and depressing is not automatically meaningful and deep. So much "Dark, Mature" fantasy comes across as so much teen angst and less adult than a story just written for a stories sake *coughwitchercough*.
  7. I feel like Neketaka is TOO BIG. I went straight there after initial island, I've been there for an irl week. I suggest doing it in chunks. After 4 maps, I'm bored to death of towns already. Gonna clear a few bounties and side quests, then come back.
  8. I’ve gone with the “wait till it’s fixed” idea too. On the upside, I can finish my POE1 play through... but I would have preferred the QA to have been adequately performed on 2 so I didn’t have to wait... you seem to have what others are lacking......................... a brain Dude, cut it out already. Someone having a different opinion from you does not make them brainless. I haven't seen such determination to be right at all costs since Trump.
  9. I am SO GLAD PoE2's tone is where it is. It strikes a good balance between "fun" and "serious". PoE1 was so tenacously gloomy, that I could never take it fully seriously. In fact, I would have found the setting and story wholly unsatisfying, if it wasn't possible to improve the situation though my characters actions. @Voss It was Woedica's curse that caused the hollowborn crisis in the first place. Heck the Saint's War was Eothas' attempt to stop Woedica from starting all that crap.
  10. Yeah, I don't care about difficulty. I just want to interact with the characters. That's why I play RPGs, to meet interesting and fun characters. By limiting my party so much, I constantly feel like I'm missing someone.
  11. I'm a roleplayer through and through. I play rpgs to build fun characters and interact with npcs. I gave no thought to synergies and just built a shepard because it sounded cool. I have noticed somethign funny the AI has started to do. My party splits on every encounter with every single npc targeting a single enemy and my charname and animal companion dinving into the whole mob. My charname finishes first and with less damage.
  12. Major Issue's thread (Possible Spoilers included) from the Tech support forum: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97374-known-major-issues/ Thanks Much!
  13. Length isn't an indication of quality. I've seen otherwise good games drag on for just TOO LONG. Especially since I don't have all the free time I used to, I can appreciate a short but good story.
  14. What major bugs are known? I'm 7 hours in and haven't encountered anything yet. Do I need to avoid certain quests to prevent anything game breaking?
  15. I've always found single classes boring. I'm loving my Shepherd (Ranger/Paladin).
  16. I've really only started my first playthrough (about 7 hours in), but I am loving my Ranger/Paladin. I've been a compulsive goody two shoes since BG1, and I love the RP side of being someone that is equipped to travel the wilderness to defend those who need it. Also I get a pet.
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