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Everything posted by Aram

  1. I suggest you give me the game for free. Also dedicate it to me.
  2. I wish to start a gaming meme. Let it be known that from now on the act of going crazy and shooting everyone instead of using other tools such as stealth and diplomacy in non-linear games like Deus Ex and Alpha Protocol should be refereed to as "Going Israel."
  3. Finally, money shots.
  4. Israel is basically a country with Short Man Syndrome.
  5. Ouch. I guess my uncle is going to be losing his shotguns pretty soon.
  6. Since the game takes place in 1911, it may not have been as widespread at the time as the Colt 1908... which pretty much looks and fires like a 1911 anyway. I dunno. Personally, it'd be easier to accept a couple months worth of anachronism than a .32 being the most powerful pistol in the west. It would have fit better too, with most of the game a glaring homage to films like The Wild Bunch and The Professionals.
  7. Can anyone think of a man who handles sex with maturity? What does it mean to handle sex with maturity? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNmGjCsX-LU
  8. Why didn't they make the "high power" pistol a 1911?
  9. We also have a lot of weapons, so hopefully you will be satisfied with the selection. Need more details.
  10. Oh god don't do that. Some Christian watchdog organization will take it and run with it.
  11. I got to say I'm pretty friggin sick of semirealistic modern military FPSs.
  12. Where can I preorder the 80 dollar collector's edition? and does it come with a vagina
  13. I pre-ordered the expensive one. I assume it comes with a voucher for a free car wash by JE himself. Looking forward to it. Car is filthy.
  14. Aram

    Super Sniper

    The obsession with snipers and highest scores is kind of a disturbing thing if you think about it.
  15. It's a pretty safe assumption.
  16. Every post, pro or anti, in this thread just makes me tired. What the heck happened to me?
  17. You're saying that those are not soft-core porn? If so, what are they? Pictures of sexy dames. I'd let a five year old look at a Playboy for christ sake.
  18. If you think those are porn I got an innernet you need to take a look at.
  19. o snap
  20. GodDAMMIT! We can't just switch sides, you know? This is politics, not country-dancing. Well I still don't think there's any sort of pressing need for gun control and I have lots of guns, but I don't think they're somehow extremely important to protect our society. The two extremes I can't tolerate are the people who say Canada is a horrible despotic nation because they restrict handguns, or the people who think, say, England would become wildly dangerous if they allowed people to own handguns or use them in self-defense. Both extremes are hyperbolic nonsense.
  21. I've kind of changed my mind in the other direction lately, oddly enough.
  22. Don't disturb my friend. He's dead tired.
  23. Guess she got april fooled.
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