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Everything posted by Aram

  1. I personally think the idea that military service somehow "improves" people, and fixes whatever problems they might have personality-wise, is largely a bunch of BS.
  2. Well, obviously.
  3. Imagine my surprise when my main character walked into the introduction of the expansion pack wearing only a full face helmet and a speedo.
  4. Also, whatever you think of her philosophy, that book is a ****ing atrocity.
  5. It's hot air and cold air stirring up a whirlwind of crazy up in here.
  6. Only 15000 more pages of excrement to go!
  7. "Oh, Marx, Marx..." Engels moaned, reclining back in his chair. "Don't stop." Smiling up at Engels, Marx pulled his head back and said, "one man is superior to another physically, or mentally, and supplies more labor in the same time, or can labor for a longer time; and labor, to serve as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity." I take it back.
  8. America can't possibly afford something every other tiny country has no trouble with. Why? Because it's the greatest country in the world.
  9. Throw in some sex or get the **** out.
  10. Even when someone says it better for you, you're still wrong.
  11. Do you guys really like Magnum PI as much as I do over there?
  12. Any good movies showing?
  13. Guns and wars with funny-colored people.
  14. gifted you're a horse's ass
  15. If politicians were honest, Democrats would have skipped the bill that hands billions in profits to the insurance companies and come up with one where we wouldn't need insurance companies at all. One thing people need to realize is corruption always works in capitalism's favor, not the other way around. Politicians don't become corrupt for the fun of it.
  16. Man. The other day my old lady neighbor's house was on fire and the fire department was putting it out on my dollar, so I stood in their driveway and shouted bitch put it out your damn self.
  17. Dunno. I'd get an opinion from a psychiatrist but they're too expensive.
  18. I still have to wonder why, if the democrats could pass a bill with absolute zero percent Republican approval, why they didn't just do so with the non-gimped and watered down bill they started with. Only in America could a bill that hands billions in profits to our most powerful corporations be seen as a radical leap towards socialism.
  19. They believe in freedom, and a world without no stinking badges.
  20. I don't think Mexico has government health care. There is an option. I still got a ranch across the border. There's a nice place - a real nice place... trees... grass... water. There's a cabin half built. A man could live there... and a woman. And sick people have the decency to die instead of askin' fer handouts. Will you go with me?
  21. If you don't like it you can go to Canada--oh, wait!
  22. He's hardcore maaaaaaaan.
  23. I'm happy that the bill actually passed and America has actually taken its first progressive baby step in something like 40 years in regards to healthcare, but I'm still only further disgusted by the American political system. So, so many concessions were made to Republicans to try to persuade them not to vote it down, and then every single one voted no anyway. Why didn't they just pass a bill that made real progress? Instead of celebrating a big step forward, it's more like celebrating a handicapped person taking their first wonky, bowlegged retard step out of their bed and to their wheelchair.
  24. A sawn-off is anything a saw has been taken to to shorten it to an illegal length. For no reason at all here's two shotguns I own.
  25. Thank god we never had one of those in America.
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