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Everything posted by Aram

  1. I'm taking credit for this.
  2. The rest are mostly creationists and republicans.
  3. So Volourn has to be among the top five dumbest people I've encountered on the internet.
  4. I've analyzed the trailer and concluded that the robot is Gizmoduck. only his head is missing.
  5. shut the **** up Don't like sarcasm? I was being sarcastic.
  6. shut the **** up
  7. America is stupid and most of our politicians are in someone's pocket. It's not anything new.
  8. Correlation doesn't equal causation. It's equally likely that some other influence is causing both the depression and the difficulty sleeping.
  9. Because vampires are stupid and anything that involves them is inherently trash.
  10. Ask me about LOOM.
  11. Ask me about my pathological need for attention.
  12. Nevermind I'm gonna make some brownies and sneak them in.
  13. It's first name is O-S-C-A-R.
  14. Are you allowed to bring a bong into the Imax? Because I got some real wacky dank from my cous but I don't think it'll last the whole movie.
  15. Ask me about my wiener.
  16. 84.9 gb I recently cut and pasted the entire directory to a second drive I installed. Took a really long time and all my shortcuts broke.
  17. lol more about how morgoth is an ass please
  18. The OSS 117 films are ****ing hilarious. Everyone find a way to download an illegal copy of both. Try google.
  19. The death of imperialists. oh jees
  20. Once again, everybody is dumb.
  21. A game I never played.
  22. Dead Space was a shining example of mediocrity.
  23. Call me when they start taking tourists to the moon.
  24. Really? If I were captured by Somali pirates, I'd wait for the ransom to be paid and wish them the best of the luck in the future. Maybe I'm just a better human being, though. lol
  25. Probably I can see how a Somali, forced to choose between starvation and piracy on the high seas, would obviously choose piracy--in fact I'm pretty sure I'd do the same. I'm sympathetic to the plight and would be right up until I became one of their victims in which case I'd say exterminate the brutes like every good hypocrite.
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