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Everything posted by Aram

  1. Also, this statement on that opinion piece you linked to is dead. Either way it doesn't matter. You don't punish someone because you can't prove them innocent--only if you can prove them guilty. Otherwise you let them go. And courts rarely actually do prove a person is guilty--they just convince twelve random boobs that they are. It is not remotely unusual for people, even groups of twelve people, to be extremely wrong about something. It's the best we have, so we have to use it, but its so much safer to lock them up then to kill them for it. You can let a person go 20 years later and that's bad enough, but you're never going to resurrect someone. Obviously there are cases where there is no doubt whatsover, but you can't create a 100% reliable system for sorting these from the rest on a government level. This is exactly what is wrong with the death penalty. It's not just logically flawed, it's something extremely dangerous. If you show a jury something that bad and stir up all of their emotions to a degree they can't handle, they'll convict any poor bastard that gets stood in front of them. They focus so much on the crime they don't look at the validity of the evidence. You can't turn emotional response into a reliable system of any kind, certainly not the kind that murders innocent people if it makes a mistake. You show me any crime you want -- add on the wrong person being charged and killed for it, and that's a crime a thousand times more sickening.
  2. If you can watch Paradise Lost (1996) and still think the death penalty hasn't made murderers out of us all a hundred times already you're brain damaged.
  3. Homophobes are human garbage and all but that video is just annoying.
  4. Planescape Torment: It's not so much the ending, but definitely the dramatic climax -- when you enter the limbo space with your three past incarnations. You give the incredibly evil and manipulative one what he deserves, you put the paranoid and crazed one to rest, and learn the truth about yourself from the original. Extremely powerful. And it feels like something you actually worked for, since you need the stats and to have experienced all the past memories to completely understand it.
  5. Not until 2012 anyway. Luckily I've hoarded enough gold coins from those commercials that come on during Glenn Beck that I should be safe by then.
  6. Plus the implants, which are easy enough to pay for with 7 luck plus one luck implant plus the naughty nightwear.
  7. This show is pretty bland.
  8. And of course the forum blocks the very word "****."
  9. Studies show coma patients last longer without maintenance than clocks. Film at 11. The show kind of played out like zombie fan fiction. Entertained but mostly unimpressed. I am however impressed that AMC can show brains blowing out of the back of a little girl's skull and still can't show the entirety of a woman's breast. As if to hammer home the point, they successfully showed a female corpse whose **** had been eaten off. If the **** were still there, it would surely have been obscene.
  10. I bought a Lemat revolver. It has an alt fire.
  11. Unfortunately by the time I found out there was a laser tommy gun I'd already gone 100 into guns and taken all the guns perks.
  12. You can get a .50 caliber sniper rifle later on.
  13. I guess the BoS quest might lead you there for the parts for that one quest but mostly it's stand-alone.
  14. Guys guys if you haven't been to Vault 11 yet go there now. It's my favorite Vault of all time.
  15. Aram

    Good news

    All those websites you went to for cheat codes as a kid aren't gone forever. http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/2720
  16. Somehow I got it in my mind that I needed to rescue Benny--the sneak him out option was either bugged or never intended to work, so I decided to do it the hard way. I cleared out the town around the boat to the fort with a silenced sniper rifle without anyone ever seeing me. Then I blasted my way up to the tent with a shotgun. I step inside, immediately headshot caesar from across the tent with one shot, turn and run like hell while 18 guys with gunfists chase me in a circle while I grenade launcher them until they're all dead. I haven't seen Benny since so I assume the developers didn't expect many people to go to all that trouble. Don't know why I did either. Something about the guy won me over.
  17. Way too many hours in already. Better than Fallout 3 in every way. Some observations: Vault 34 was one of the most thoroughly annoying and unpleasant gaming experiences I've had. I was utterly lost the whole time, and had to keep reloading from getting too irradiated just trying to figure out where I was. And the map was sure as hell no help. And do you actually meet the trapped people if you choose to save them instead of turn off the reactor? I couldn't figure out where if you do, so I reloaded and saved the crops instead, and of course nobody gave me any indication I'd done anything there either. The weapon reward was definitely appropriate for the amount of work but otherwise severely anticlimactic for the amount of work. When I cleared out Vault 3, every single guy in there said "you like the sight of your own blood?" at least once before I shot them. Every. Single. Guy. A gang of Elvis impersonators was a bit much. One single impersonator or an actual Vault technology spawned clone of Elvis in charge of underlings would have been hilarious without being too silly. Too many quests make you walk really far through maze like hallways, back again, and then back again, and then back again... When you launch the mutants into space, for example. I spend twenty minutes finding my way to the bottom of the basement. It says go back and tell them. They say meet us at the bottom of the basement. Then they say go back to the top and launch the ships from there. **** you. Love all the changes about the guns. Everything makes sense while maintaining a wasteland and sci-fi comic book feel at the same time. Everything fitting the setting. Only one I don't like is the marksman carbine that looks like it came straight from Modern Warfare. The reloading bench is the best treatment of ammo crafting in a game. Plenty of cool unique weapons, but not enough cool unique armor, at least that I've been able to find, or haven't had to break character to kill or rob somebody to get. I'm impressed that the single action revolver actually reloads mostly realistically. I don't think I've actually seen that in a game yet. And you managed to make the .223 pistol make sense mechanically which felt like a nice touch.
  18. My Dinner with Andre. It's two people talking about philosophy and ridiculous hippie stuff. One is the "inconceivable" guy from the Princess Bride. It's an utterly fantastic movie.
  19. J.E. did everything right with the guns. Everything. Everything and more.
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