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Everything posted by Witness41920

  1. For those stating that the Wizard has ineffective low-level spells, I am curious what kind of spells you would consider useful? I've found that it's often the low-level spells that are actually the best spells in the game when used correctly. In fact, I remember when I played a Wizard as my main I used to advise people to never underestimate the value of a well-placed low-level spell. Just a few considerations off the top of my head: Level I Spells: Minoletta's Minor Missiles - Instant cast, does crush and corrode damage making it effective against some of the most common armor types and only gets better as you level Chill Fog - Arguably the best spell in the game. AoE that blinds and does freeze damage in a decent area Spirit Shield - One of the best defensive spells in the game. Instant cast, provides blanket protection against all damage types and has no recovery time, provides protection against interrupts, long duration Thrust of Tattered Veils - Instant cast near guaranteed interrupt with solid range and veil piercing Level II Spells:Curse of Blackened Sight - Targets enemies only, applies blinded. Basically a Chill Fog for close quarters combat Necrotic Lance - An extremely hard hitting spell that does corrode damage with solid penetration Arcane Veil - Instant cast +50 Deflection, protection against interrupts, no recovery time, long duration Level III Spells:Llengrath's Displaced Image - Instant cast, no recovery, +25 Deflection, +20 Reflex, changes hits to grazes, long duration Arduous Delay of Motion - Makes most fights extremely one-sided by making enemies useless, only targets enemies Expose Vulnerabilities - Targets only enemies, makes it easier to hit enemies and score crits, increases damage you deal Kalakoth's Minor Blights - Combine this with Pull of Eora (level IV) and you can easily kill an entire group of enemies Fireball - See above, plus...it's a fireball I could go on to each level but these are just the first three levels of spells and these are just spells for pure casters, not even going into the number of amazing spells for multiclass builds like spellblades and battlemages.
  2. I think a lot of people are forgetting about the Empower mechanic. You can use the Empower mechanic on your Wizard to get back a lot of your spent spell casts.
  3. Handsome fellow. Does he have the Bluff/Diplomacy package to lay on some thick roguish charm? I was thinking about a pistol/sabre buccaneer build for a future chaotic neutral playthrough. I'm sure half the other players are thinking about doing that build too, but it's just too darn thematic to resist. There's even a pistol with melee weapon synergy. Yes, he does indeed have the Bluff/Diplomacy package as well as a healthy mix of Athletics, Sleight of Hand and Stealth. A bit of Survival in there too...just in case he finds himself in the dog house.
  4. And this is Raze Valadeus, the Ivory Wizard - another character that I've played in many campaigns. [image snipped due to Photobucket being prudish.]
  5. This is Eramys Frost, he's a dual-pistol wielding Swashbuckler that I threw together to play through Veteran mode on. Ongoing character that I've been working on for some time across several games.
  6. I was answering this question: The answer is no, it wouldn't be objectively weaker because of the way the game balances using a single-handed weapon. While the "full attack" ability wouldn't gain any direct benefit (because you're not using two weapons), the indirect benefits you obtain from using a single-handed weapon would offset the loss of a second weapon for these attacks, making them just as effective for a solo weapon build as they are for a two-weapon build.
  7. Presentation, my dear nemesis205bw, presentation. I understand you're frustrated because you feel the game is imbalanced and classes are too powerful but rather than your post coming across as constructive criticism to try and improve the game it comes across as a rant where you ask questions that you don't really want answers to and you provide absolutely no feedback other than "nerf please." The developer has already stated that they're working on balancing the difficulty of the game for those players that wish to have a greater challenge, providing constructive feedback on how you might accomplish that would be far better received than the format you've chosen. Also, it's a single player game, providing blanket nerfs to classes and abilities is going to diminish the feeling that some players enjoy where they feel like extremely powerful heroes in the story that's being told. Far better to balance the difficulty stages of the game so that those seeking a more punishing game experience can do so while those seeking to be gods among mortals can do so in the easier difficulty settings.
  8. No. Wielding a one-handed weapon (and nothing in your off hand) automatically provides an accuracy bonus. (+12 accuracy) This means you will critical strike more often because your accuracy has a better chance of hitting that threshold. Since abilities use your accuracy to calculate their attacks (usually), then you'll hit more often and have a higher chance of critical strikes. If you combine this with One-Handed Style passive then you have a 20% conversion rate of hits to crits as well.
  9. I'm not nearly the number cruncher that Andrea and Boeroer are but here's my little bit of understanding: The only difference between a "full attack" ability and a "primary attack" ability is that a full attack will use both weapons (if you're using two weapons). While this might sounds like it would be silly to use anything but two weapons for these abilities, it doesn't actually work out that way. The inherent accuracy bonuses and passives you can take to make one-handed weapons more effective work to offset the bonuses of dual-wielding and your "full attack" abilities will still be effective with a one-handed set up. Instead of hitting twice with your attack, you'll only hit once but that hit will more likely be a hit or critical hit, for instance.
  10. First, let me give you some basic information: Every type of armor has a base armor rating (a number). For example, on leather armor this number is 5. This means that leather armor provides an armor rating of 5 against all attacks, regardless of damage type. It then has Crush 3 and Freeze 3, this means that instead of 5, it only provides an armor rating of 3 against Crush attacks and Freeze attacks. Without understanding anything else about the system, what this should tell you is that people in leather armor are more vulnerable to crushing and freezing damage. The next thing you have to look at is the type of damage you're dealing and the penetration value of that damage. Every weapon and damaging spell or ability has a penetration value listed. This value is compared against the armor's armor rating against that damage type. So if we use the above example of leather armor and we use, for instance, a fine war hammer which does piercing or crushing damage, the interaction would look like this (simplified): I attack (my accuracy against your deflection), I score a regular hit. My war hammer has a penetration value of 9, your armor has an armor rating of 5 against piercing and 3 against crushing, the game will use crushing damage for the attack since it will hit harder. Because my penetration value of 9 is more than double the armor rating of your defense, my attack will do 30% more damage (this is called overpenatration). If the reverse were true and I were attacking your fine brigadine armor with an armor rating of 10 against my club with a penetration value of 7, then my attack would do -70% damage (this is called no penetration). It sounds like what is happening is you're using an attack type that the target is extremely resistant to so you're dealing very little, if any, damage to your target when you hit. You can see the relative stats of your target by hovering over them in combat, you'll see a list of their defenses and armor ratings against certain attacks. Make sure you're targeting their weakest ratings if you wish to drop them quickly and easily.
  11. Both. They're pirates, in-fighting and backstabbing are simply another day at the office. Fire is neutral, it burns the righteous and the unrighteous in equal measure. Yes, you can use it to feed your crew (sometimes). Check the morale modifier on each item. Spells are a tricky thing since they're extremely situational but my opinions: 1. Best healing spell for a Priest: Consecrated Ground. 2. Best damage spell for a Wizard: Delayed Fireball 3. Best weapon for a Ranger: No idea 4. Armor for Xoti: Depends on how you want to use her, if she's dying a lot it probably has more to do with your positioning than her armor Because morale does not equal health. Water is tasteless and while it's healthy for you it doesn't exactly start a party. How many parties have you been to where they're like, "PARTY UP IN HERE, BYOW!" (Bring your own water).
  12. I'm not sure if they're retcons so much as different stories being told. The entire first game was essentially you discovering that everything anybody knows about the gods is false. It really doesn't surprise me that the second game is basically, "everything else that you thought you knew or figured out is also false..." It behooves certain parties to support Woedica's claim to the "throne" and it behooves other parties to support that notion that it was all a fabrication. Same goes for The Wheel and whether or not it existed before the gods, was made by the gods or was modified by the gods.
  13. Sorry this has been your experience, it certainly hasn't been mine. I've experienced almost no bugs at all. A few minor bugs in side-quests or the occasional dialogue jump maybe but nothing that I'd consider even remotely close to game breaking and the game has only crashed on me once.
  14. Generally I find that dual-wielding will net you a better return than the pistol modal, while the single-handed accuracy bonus offsets the modal penalty, you still end up reloading around the same time as you would with a dual-wield build and dual-wielding makes better use of your "full attack" abilities. The only real advantage of the one-handed weapon only option is the passive 20% Hit to Crit conversion which the Rogue can off-set with the Dirty-Fighting passive. If you're going to be relying on stealth to fix your reload delay then the dual-wield passive is more-or-less moot but you get an automatic reload speed buff for dual-wielding even without the passive, this helps in stealth as well. If you're looking to kill things immediately after coming out of stealth then I recommend sticking to Blunderbuss usage, if you're more interested in range and a more steady damage output then use pistols.
  15. DISCLAIMER: I am, by no means, a master of this game but here's some basic casting advice: For your first problem (cast and recovery times), raise your Dexterity a little bit and don't wear armor. At all. Any of it. You're a Wizard and you don't need armor, armor is for mundane people. You can also choose your spells in a better order. Spells have different cast and recovery times built in (you can see them when you right-click a spell to get more details), prioritize your spells for efficiency. Longer duration and shorter cast times are the highest efficiency spells, from there choose spells that suit what you want to prioritize more (do you want spells that last longer or spells that cast faster)? The answer to your second question is more-or-less stated above. You don't need a lot of buffs, honestly, you need to position your Wizard a little better, most likely. Standing WAY IN THE BACK is actually not going to help you as much as you think it will, you should instead position your Wizard in-line with your tank and a few steps behind them so that anything that wants to get to your Wizard has to pass DIRECTLY by your tank, this will do wonders for protecting your squishy, flashy, spell-flinger. Also, don't hesitate to take spells that give you some breathing room if you're still having engagement issues (spells like the level II spell that knocks people away from you with your tome, for instance. It casts really quickly and gets you out of engagement). You can couple this with your Cipher who has the knock-back ability as well, target your friendly Wizard and the Cipher will knock back the closest enemy to the Wizard. The answer to question 3 is going to depend largely on what type of Wizard you're wanting to play. If you're looking for the Wizard that casts the giant explosions and that's what you consider "turning the tide" or "impacting the battlefield" then it's going to take a few levels before you really start seeing the numbers that you're looking for. You'll also need to prioritize Might so that those spells hit a lot harder since they're going to take some time to cast. If you're more like me and favor control spells then you have some amazing tide-turning spells right from the beginning.In this case you'll want to prioritize Intellect because radius and duration will be a lot more helpful than damage numbers. As for your last point, I have to strongly disagree with you. Some of the best spells in the game are in spell levels I - III. To summarize my advice: 1. Don't wear armor, you don't need it and you can easily protect yourself with good positioning and the right buffs. 2. Prioritize MIGHT and DEXTERITY if you're looking for the Wizard that explodes things, prioritize INTELLECT and DEXTERITY if you're more interested in control/debuff. 3. Basic recommendations for spells: Defense spells: (These are basic spells that help with any situation) Level I: Spirit Shield (instant cast, long duration that provides armor rating and protects against interrupts) Level II: Arcane Veil (instant cast, long duration that provides a lot of deflection and also protects against interrupts) Level III: Llengrath's Displaced Image (instant cast, long duration the gives more deflection and converts hits to grazes) If you've got your positioning right then these three spells should be sufficient protection in most situations. Most other defensive spells in the higher spell levels are very situational. Damage spells: (prioritize Might to maximize) Level I: Minoletta's Minor Missiles (instant cast, medium recovery, gets substantially stronger as you level and does Corrode damage) Level II: Necrotic Lance (slow cast, medium recovery, does massive amounts of damage and provides a damage over time) Level III: Fireball (medium cast, medium recovery - it's a fireball....) Control spells: (prioritize Intellect to maximize) Level I: Chill Fog (arguably the best spell in the game, works at all levels) Level II: Curse of Blackened Sight (only hurts enemies, blind is excellent debuff) Level III: Arduous Delay of Motion/Expose Vulnerabilities (only hit enemies, long lasting debuffs) Control spells in general take longer to cast and have longer recovery.
  16. Wait, what? When I played under the "Benevolent Soul" premade history it had Aloth having set out to destroy the Leaden Key. In fact, it is the same for "Fair and Balanced" in my current play through.
  17. Some advice, since you can't undo your decision: Retrain Aloth, let him take Mechanics and Stealth as his primary skills. Give him mostly Enchantment spells as these are very quick casting spells that provide buffs to him, making him much more dangerous in melee range and give him Illusion spells that debuff groups of enemies. His Rogue skill set should primarily be things like Escape and Smoke Bomb, things that allow him to dart in and out of combat and employ stealth whenever possible. When battle begins let him open up with an Illusion spell or two to get the debuffs on his targets, cast a couple of Enchantment buffs, enter Stealth and then pulverize his targets with weapon based attacks to capitalize on sneak attack. Use him more as a shadow spellblade than a Wizard and you'll find that your multi-class decision won't feel quite as punishing.
  18. Ha! And here I was thinking I was the only person who appreciated things like that. Cheers!
  19. You have random NPCs that walk by and simply go "Watcher..." I suspect it's because your character is somewhat well-known by this point. Several times in the game your "reputation" is mentioned. You're the "Watcher of Caed Nua," "Dragonslayer," "God-chaser," and so on, so forth. It isn't beyond belief that some people would simply recognize you nor is it beyond belief that some people would simply recognize what you are (a Watcher), given that your character's exploits haven't exactly been kept secret. That said, there are definitely some holes in dialogue, the one with the governor that you mentioned being the most obvious one for me.
  20. I doubt anyone could ever legitimately accuse me of being a min/maxer but I can tell you that there's no "wrong" choice between multi-classing or single-classing, it's a preference thing. Both have advantages and disadvantages and while I'm sure someone can crunch all the numbers and stated definitively that one is better than the other, you shouldn't have any trouble beating the game no matter which way you choose to go. The only real caveat is that there's more room for error in a multi-class character. (As in, it's easier to make a bad choice that hurts the character)
  21. Good advice on here if you're going for maximum power. But style > power and my Dual-Pistol Devoted Assassin kills things with style (and ease).
  22. You need to remove Irrena from active duty on your ship. Move her to the three slots in the lower right for "Resting Crew" and she will heal SIGNIFICANTLY faster.
  23. I'm simple. I made a Swashbuckler Assassin/Devoted dual-wielding pistols. I'm enjoying it way more than I should.
  24. Actually for Paladin and Priest if you go into the Reputations page, your desired dispositions are highlighted with a blue outline and your opposed dispositions are highlighted with a red outline.
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