I do. It was boring going through it again and watching how everything you did in K1 mattered zippo and was turned to ashes. Oh, and it was rehashed - always a no-no.
And every bit of Malachor except for the plotted encounters sucked. Not because it looks bad, but because it's designed and plotted terribly, full of stupid storm beasts and batallions of noname, random sith lords... Except for Sion and Traya, it was a pointless, insulting hack-fest
I hate Citadel Station but enjoy the rest of Telos, so that balances out for me. Never hated Peragus, however. A little dull and too many droids, but still better than Citadel Station in my book.
i loved dantooine because it was big time continuity from the first game, citadal station telos