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Everything posted by Swxpert

  1. im glad you got it fixed
  2. well theres an aquital right there
  3. i have been trying to mod for a while and i am wondering what would be good sound system to record VO with?
  4. i've heard that atton dying seen, and i have to ask how is that in any way considered an "end" or at least a better end than we alrady have?
  5. oh, ok well then that might work then
  6. i do get rather affcted by Mechquest and POTC online however
  7. is it working now?
  8. no, if you are female you don't get the hand maiden, and yes depending on gender and alignment certain people join you.
  9. i think there should be expansions not sequels
  10. No you haven't. You'll get the parts eventually, and no you can't accidently miss them . As for the second part - yes - you do just talk to Bao-dur and he'll do his thing. Misleading text. Well, sort of. Basically he's just saying you can use a lightsabre, if you have one. one time i got a lightsaber as random loot from a sith assasin on the harbinger
  11. in general agreement with the stim comment, also what lvs are these characters, and what are they equipped with?
  12. as much as i hate malachor i still hate nar shaddaa more
  13. really cool
  14. no no xbox at all, just pc, ps2 and ds
  15. the've all been closed i think
  16. i've had my repair at 22 and this still asks for his parts
  17. isn't that just the auto pause
  18. no they arn't they pop up athe worst times
  19. i hate all invisible enemies, we(the exile/revan) should be the only ones to become invisble, and maybe the mandos
  20. that never worked for me
  21. that is how i run my game all the time or else i have the slowest possible game
  22. that is why i normally just go to the hssiss cave and beef up to lv 50
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