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Everything posted by Swxpert

  1. i love this game, did anone see that gameinformer had KOTOR as the number 1 game people wanted a sequel to?
  2. one time i played the game and i got to do the duxn the second time before i finished the other planets, i think you just need to wisit them not neccecarily compleate them
  3. while i have seen some insanely awsome fanmade accomplisments "Knights of the force" i havn't seen anything for Kotr unless you count the restoration project
  4. i finished the game first time round as nuetral and it gave me the darkside ending
  5. there are to many twi'leks they gey a bad rep any "dancer" is always a twi'lek same with slaves, and they are always skimpily dressed, thats why i liked yurethra ban, but when she stars crying to me what do i fing out, she was a slave, join the people for the equal treatment of twi'leks and stop the discrimination PETT forever!
  6. Ok i went in and i couldn't rename them .mp3, how do i do this?
  7. O.K if that dosn't work i'll ask what i did wrong
  8. is there any way i can listen to the sound files on my game, any time i want cause id really like to listen to some of the dialog at my own leasure?
  9. srry i was gonna answer youtube no youtube only has a couple
  10. is there ANYWHERE where I can view all the cutscenes or listen to all the dialog cause I can't seem to figure out how to do it on my computer if there is a way, or is there a website, cause i'd really like to view some of the scenes that i've never seen, and youtube is no help at all.
  11. stupid question that may get blocked but just how many: new scenes new areas new characters new quests is the mod going to add in addtion to fixing the bugs?
  12. just a quick question, was watching the scene and i was wondering when it was supposed to take place? and when did nihilus EVER attack traya?
  13. nihilus is better, or at least not as suckey as sion listen sion messes up killing kriea not once but twice and then he decides that he was better off with her in the first place, so goes back to being her loyal kath hound even though she has obviously set him up, so really he is pretty weak for a \"SITH LORD\"
  14. how long have you spent one one single game so far my best 208h 18m how bout anyone esle?
  15. I\'ve actually studied dookus style long and hard and while form II is powerful it is the curved lightsaber that makes dooku so lethal, if you look at him closly While he is performing his moves, he rotates the blade in his hand so the opponent mus constantly get used to not only a powerful fighting style but also a constanly changing blade angle.
  16. dooku's sabre is the only one I want, and while were at it did anyone actually notice a difernce in the "styles" in the game cause to me it looked like a wack, was wack was a wack was wack, no matter if it was makashi (my favorite, in real life), sorusu, or any other form for that matter, am I just missing somthing or what? There is no difference in animations for the different lightsaber forms. so waht is the point of the forms then?
  17. dooku's sabre is the only one I want, and while were at it did anyone actually notice a difernce in the "styles" in the game cause to me it looked like a wack, was wack was a wack was wack, no matter if it was makashi (my favorite, in real life), sorusu, or any other form for that matter, am I just missing somthing or what?
  18. hey thanks, what a great link, though it only anwered like two of the questions that I had, ( telos shooting down and red slaver thing) actually someone did a fan fiction with those 3 end scenes on fanfiction.net, I found a new area I cant figure out it is on NS it is on the docks it looks like there is a whole nothere coridor that you can get to but both of the doors are sealed. also the only way you can see this is with (revealmap)
  19. I keep hearing people talking about master Vash/ both on and off the forum, in my game she was always dead when I get to her, if this is not how it is supposed to be somoone please tell me?
  20. O.K i Do not know if this is supposed to go here but can any one tell me all the removed quests places etc. in Kotor 2 and what they where originally, I mean anyone who has played the game once should know about the HK planet, but I know that there are many otheres, for example, I downloaded the KSE and it mentions a quest on telos involving a lt. yima, also when you get to the planet tou are never told where the gun that shot you down came from, or in the military base (which I have found a lot) there is a door you cant open but it says you can from a switch nearby and a door to awhole nother level you cant use, and merc you save and then he disappears, and an HK that you reactivate and it dosnt say anything but after a few steps it just blows up...if anyone knows any more of thes unnexplained uccurances or what they were going to do originally please tell me.
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