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Everything posted by Epimetreus

  1. I hope the thread was helpful! Glad to see people are still playing Deadfire.
  2. Or, OP could just click the eye icon(s) on and off to toggle display of hat and/or cloak and/or pet.
  3. My guess: put it in your PoE 2 saved game folder, and then try to start a new game.
  4. Sadly, I can’t help find the save file; I use Windows. However: you don’t lose money or anything like that when using the custom history editor. In the editor, you’re presented with the same choices you were given at critical points in PoE 1 - for instance, did you sacrifice a companion in the blood pool, and if so, which? What did you do with the dwarves spirits at the forge in the White March? There will be consequences in PoE based on the decisions you make. Which companions are available, what happened to them between PoE 1 and PoE 2, whether certain items are available, etc.
  5. It gives you one. Three. The Kraken’s Eye, the Wael island, and the kraken fight. The option isn’t terribly valuable for enchanting weapons, but is actually a bit of a resource saver for armor.I stand corrected. I missed it in the Wael maze, or forgot it was there. Thanks!
  6. Patch 1.1 did fix this. I don’t recall the custom history editor asking about Whispers of Yenwood, but there is a question about what you did with Maerwald’s soul. IIRC, you needed to absorb his knowledge to get the quest that would let you find the Blade of Endlesss Paths; I did that on all my playthroughs, so I put that into the custom history tool and I now get both sets of fragments. If you need to know what to do when you have the fragments, click the spoiler button:
  7. After PoE 1, and because you can only get kraken eyes in two places in PoE 2, I was really expecting them to be used in some spectacular recipe. I can’t say that I’ve done every upgrade on every unique yet, but like the others who posted, I’ve only seen the kraken eyes used to make something or other Superb. Disappointing. I must say that when the tavern owner talked about his dismay at losing the eye, it actually felt bad about taking it. When a game gives me a real emotional reaction, that’s a good thing. I probably won’t steal it again unless I hear that kraken eyes are needed for something new.
  8. The Unity Console mod at Nexus Mods allows you to tweak Berath’s Blessings points. Edit: You can give yourself points for just the achievements you already had, and leave the others to be garnered as you hit those milestones in the game.
  9. Still present in 1.1, build 35. See screenshot:
  10. On 1.1 build 35 (Win 10), this is still happening - at least on my current run-through, Ishiza switches back to “No AI” either at every combat start or at every map load. Not quite sure which.
  11. Same thing happened here - got the necklace first; have over 3000 cp; the only option I get when he asks for 3000 cp to train me is the negative. Edit: I should mention that I'm on 1.1, build 35.
  12. About the digsite fight with the drake - I went back to Pt Maje Harbor, hired a level 2 straight cipher, gave her Whispers of Treason and maxed Perception... empower-charmed the drake, which took care of almost everyone else, and then we ganged up on the drake. I *was* using two henchmen including the cipher, though. Wouldn’t have made it otherwise. The looters? Ridiculously hard, and I love it and hate it. Still haven’t beat them, but I will. Eventually.
  13. 1) "Broken for me" doesn't mean it's broken for everyone. Screaming about it doesn't change that. 2) "Working fine for me" doesn't mean it's working fine for everyone. Denying that some people are having problems doesn't change that. Everyone take a deep breath, please.
  14. which mod do you mean exactly don't seem to be able to find it... It’s the top-rated one, the Unity Console. It’s been in the top position on the Deadfire mods page at Nexus pretty much since it came out.
  15. I’ve enjoyed it immensely despite the various bugs and the difficulty issues. Will enjoy repeat play more once Veteran/PotD difficulty is tuned and bugs are fixed? Yes. Do I regret starting on launch day? Not at all. It’s a great game that needs some polish. PoE 1 didn’t come out perfect either, and look how good it was by the end. I vote for getting it now and starting it either now or possibly after the “early June” 1.1 patch at the latest.
  16. As a minimum, when they’re considering quality of life changes, I’d like to see some way of highlighting, in the spell choice interface while leveling up, spells that are in grimoires you’ve currently got - maybe a tooltip-style hover message, or something in the right-click information panel. I hate having to close out of leveling up just to check whether I’ve already got the spell I just decided on.
  17. I switch between party AI and full micromanagement, with a slight bias toward party AI due to the [current] ease of Veteran mode. I’ve got custom AI behavior that focuses on the spells and abilities that each party member has, though. I have a bag full of grimoires, and find myself switching VERY rarely.
  18. Whispers hits twice - one regular hit with the listed damage, and then another, the cone-shaped AOE attack. It’s a great 2H, as long as you keep your companions out of the cone.
  19. There’s a clue - Orron clearly has OCD or something similar, based on how he treats his meal. In conversation with him, you just:
  20. I don’t know. I found PoE 1’s load screens unbearably long. PoE 2’s seem much faster... and I’m on an 8 year old PC with a standard non-SSD drive. I would have liked an expedited exit option the way that you get expedited entry to areas you’ve already been (using that upper-left pull down menu), but I’m not complaining.
  21. The only one I remember is a unique dropped by one of the early ship-captain bounties. I like it.
  22. I’m pretty sure that causing crew casualties only affects the pre-boarding element of the combat. Unfortunate, since it makes sense that if you injure half the enemy crew with grapeshot, there ought to be less able-bodied combatants when you board. However, don’t discount it - if they have to pull cannoneers to put out a fire, you’ve saved yourself some trouble. I’d really like to see prize-taking. Of course, you should have to repair all the damage you did before boarding and capturing the ship... but it would be great to get a higher-quality ship by storming it and killing the crew. And lower-quality or identical ships? Sell ‘em for cash!
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