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Stargate: 2000

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Everything posted by Stargate: 2000

  1. more or less sums up my thoughts on the subject.
  2. I don't know how to fix it though I have an idea of how it happened, your xbox either lost power while saving or it locked up while saving thus causing the damaged file. I hope you had another save file so you can continue your game other wise you will need to start over.
  3. I don't see how we can have Revan or the exile as the PC this time around. I mean they are just too damb powerful not to mention that if they (the devs) decided to pick one over the other there would be riots on the streets from people wanting the other as the PC instead. The only way to solve this would be to either split the game into two (which would suck because you would just start getting into the game play then you would have to start all over again with another character), or to have a new PC which could level as normal. I don't see why people are complaining about the game being slow should they decide to make it so that we start with a new PC, yeah we are going to have to learn where revan and the exile went after the end of KOTOR and TSL but that kind makes sense in the long run since NOT ONE gamer on these boards can acturately tell me where those two went, the best anyone can say is unknown space or sith space. So it would make sense that the player and the PC would have to first learn where the other two went before they could go there them selves. Also saying this game wont come out till XBox 2 is released it would make sense that the game could be twice as long as we have come to expect from a kotor title (i.e. 80-120 hrs) so why not take advantage of this and take a little time to figure things out rather than just having every past NPC standing outside the ebon hawk (we know the hawk will be back along with both driods) and having a 30 minute video that explains everything to you as to who they are who revan and the exile are and where they went and why they went there (I doubt this would ever be the case but my god the way some people talk this sounds like what they want, a quick easy answer to everything... the idea of the video explination would suck IMHO anyway). As I said in a previous post staying in known space for awhile would also allow the player to gather NPCs to take with them on the quest to find revan and the exile (purhaps even some past NPCs). I guess there is an easier way around explaining everything (though it is the cheepist answer by far) and thats to set KOTOR 3 100 years in the future (TSL timeline of course) and just have someone talk about the histiry of revan and the exile (like they did in KOTOR when the historian and joelee talked about exar kunn).
  4. So you wish to have KOTOR 3 be a Easter Egg hunt, instead of a game about the invasion of the Sith? Yay KOTOR 3 can not waste time in searching for anything. To do so would be boring. Especially in a conclusion. Agreed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No I was thinking more along the lines that if you started as a new PC and not a continuation that you would need to find out where the exile and Revan went and as to why, and not just magicaly already know, also it would give you a tie in because everyone from the last two games are either suppost to be dead or still in the known galaxy. If your looking for any conculsion to TSL your going to need to stay in known space for a while, or else we will wind up with the begining of the game looking like the end of TSL.
  5. I heard that can kill you!
  6. I would like to have both revan and the exile return but I think that there should be a new PC with half of the game in search of where revan and the exile went (i.e. wondering around known space looking for clues, this would allow you to pick up some NPCs and cameo's from old games/returning NPCs, also this could add some resolution to TSL) and the other half fighting along side revan and the exile.
  7. or the ultimate d-package (I think thats its name) which gives +2 to all attributes.
  8. not a problem, hope it helps.
  9. as far as I know using cheats wont break the game. SO cheat away (w00t) .
  10. or once you leave dantooine.
  11. you go to the options tab then down to gameplay it should be the top of the list, then move it to the left until your on easy (I am guessing your on normal if you have never changed it).... its the same as it was in KOTOR.
  12. why not just knock back you difficulty level till you get to the exile?
  13. but who did the polishing of the game? it wasn't LA it was OE so this is the place to complain beause they were the ones who either fixed or were suppost to fix the problems found by the OA team not LA.
  14. try PMing a dev directly, they have been avoiding the boards since TSL hit the shelves in dec. so they more than likely wont even see this.
  15. Okay, like the board addict that I am, I'm going to break what I last said and post again Textbook example of what? A fanboi? I'm pointing out that you're in no position to judge Obsidian because you're not in the same field, but I also made it a point to express that I recognize Obsidian screwed up on the product. I just don't believe that sole responsibility sits on Obsidian's shoulders, which is what all of your complaints have been suggesting, and that LucasArts shares quite a bit of it as well. Honestly, I'm just irritated when people choose to rant against developers without half a word against publishers. I know there are a lot of cases where this is well-deserved, but the simple truth is none of us can know without being part of the gaming industry. And no, being an application programmer does not qualify you as a game programmer <{POST_SNAPBACK}> your right there are three groups that are at fault for the way the game turned out and they are as follows OE for the way the game was made, and the quality of the game on certain systems. LA for rushing the game production, and for putting un-goddly restriction on OE from the get go. and finally the fan base (oh I am so going to get flamed for just saying that) we b!tched and moaned about wanting the game sooner and thus causing the time table to moved up two whole months (though this game shouldn't have been released until dec 2005, that way all the bugs and what not would have been fixed and we would have gotten the full game the devs intended us to have), now I know there is little to no chance that we played a dirrect part in LA choosing to move the time table up but for the most part it is what a lot of people wanted. even though the large majority of the people wanting the game still had to wait until feb anyway.
  16. Implants go from your base con and doesn't include midifiers... atleast as far as I could tell in the Xbox version. I had my con upto something like 25 with all the bonus's from various equipment and I still couldn't use a D-package until I went up to 18 con on the atribute level up screen. I am not sure about the rest of our post, I normally set everything except Dex to 14 (leaving dex at 8 for the entire game).... I think its 14 I set everything to anyway andI don't have any problem with the game, though after character creation I tend to stick with bringing up my con and str and forget about the rest.
  17. also try getting the 4.11 drivers they seem to be fixing a lot of problems for people on these boards.
  18. because they are stored under a different character, if you look on the bottom of the load screen (saying its the same setup as the Xbox its on the bottom right hand corner) it should give you an option to change your characters do this and you should find you saved game. The devs did this to help keep people from saving over game saves.
  19. I guess the question is why didn't they include the drivers with the install, I am sure the final CD wasn't 100% full I think they could have included at the very least a link to a good place to get drivers if not included drivers that worked for all ATI cards (that the game is suppost to support).
  20. Ahh yes but is there going to be a patch?
  21. ok thanks for the info.
  22. yeah that works IF you can get the damb saves to work! <_<
  23. ATI Radeon X300SE * 128MB DDR memory * PCI-E (Express) interface * I/O Ports: VGA, Composite, S-Video (S-VHS only - integrated tv encoder) * TV-Out support I am looking at buying a new computer and I am wondering if this video card will work with TSL and since i know a lot of people are having problems with ATI cards I was wondering if it was even worth it.
  24. yeah but the thing is that most people having problems either meet or exceed the "minimum requirements", and they are either having problems with the equipment that is suppost to be supported or the are having problems with glitches in the game coding itself. SO as another person has said don't going blaming the persons computer just because it works on your because if you do you must just be a fool to think that your computer is the standard computer out there.
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