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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I guess you weren't around when Tale changed my mind. You know, people can change their choices given time or is that basic ability too much for your brain to comprehend?
  2. So what is this game anyway? A FPS? A CRPG? What?
  3. So now it is stupid to expect a Fallout game from a game that is suppose to be a continuation of the primary series?
  4. Well, its either Democrat or Republican for the most part and I don't want to see a single Republican holding a public office.. If there is an Independent that looks like he or she have the possibility of winning then I may vote that way, but I will vote against Republican down the line.
  5. Well, I am looking forward to the new NVidia cards. Those will be my next purchase.
  6. I think we all should e-mail the vice president the link. I did.
  7. Going through NWN2 again. I like this game. Doing the whole Tiefling Warlock character. Had a Benny Hill moment when I used Frightful Blast on one lone dwarf who was very much running away from a dozen or so villagers with swords. Lasted a good 2 minutes. HA!
  8. One of the reasons why I do hope Bethesda's Fallout 3 fails. I have seen the pics of bethesda's Fallout and it looks like nothing what a proper Fallout should look like. I just wished they made an original CRPG instead but I guess they are all out of original ideas and designs over there.
  9. Sand


    Pretty much. Keep it as close to the original as possible, you know.
  10. Sand


    If they did a Captain America movie I think they really should start it with the 1940's for the first half hour or so, with the events that lead up to his cryo-sleep in the artic, then once awakening to the modern day he needs to readjust to the modern world while an old nemesis who has been manipulating events over the decades threaten not only the US but the world, in standard comic fashion, while at the same time wrestle with issues he has with the way the US government and military is currently handlling world issues.
  11. Computer has been down. Soon after I was able to get a working motherboard the CPU fried. Finally got a back up single core CPU and I'm sending the dual core in for a replacement.
  12. Actually, Germany had an alliance with Japan and when Japan attacked us it gave the US an out to attack not only Japan but also all of her allies, including Germany.
  13. I am not even paying attention to you, My comment was for Volourn, hence why I quoted him. If I wanted to respond to you I would have.
  14. I am just saying that with FOOL there isn't even a basic community in the wings waiting for this game unlike Van Buren or Bethesda's monstrousity. If Herve is really serious about getting Interplay in making games he needs to drop Fallout and start over from scratch.
  15. I jut think that any people who didn't attack us we should not attack or get involved with them militarily. That includes Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. The press should tell the truth of events, good and bad, and let the public judge it accordingly. Its not the US people or government's responsibility to solve the world's problems.
  16. We already had one post apocalyptic MMO and it failed.
  17. Yeah. Those were supposed be fired bullets, yet still in their casings. Throwing bullets at people sound just silly. People like this photo"journalist" give reputable papers such as the National Enquirer a bad name.
  18. Besides, isn't the MMORPG market flooded with MMORPGs of all different types. There are just too many to support any more.
  19. Right or wrong, arguing is always fun so in a way we have already banded together. BWAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAAAA!
  20. Sand


    Well, Transformers was kind of meh, though the Mac guy was pretty good as a computer hacker.
  21. If they break the law they are criminals, regardless of their justifications. A man who steals bread because he is hungry is still a thief. I have no problem in setting up a Visa tiered system that allows unskilled immigrants into the country then give them an expanded Visa when they fulfill certain criteria up to a point in which they can be given full citizenship, but that would require a change in the law. What I am against is giving those who have already broken our current laws amnesty. They can leave, return to their country of origin and start at the back of the line and let those who respect our laws a first crack into our country.
  22. What is wrong with Ewoks? Ewoks are cool! They can even fly tie fighters! LOOK OUT! Its Lt. Ketch! Yub, yub, Pop.
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