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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I most definitely agree with this assessment. The problem with arguments, religious or otherwise, you have to be vocal in order for them to happen otherwise its just a bunch of people staring intently at each other with a sneer of contempt and that is just boring.
  2. Sand


    No. He should be forced to endure PETA meetings and judge Dog Shows for the rest of his natural life.
  3. I guess your windmill hasn't shown up yet, Tale. It will. They always do. Damnable windmills. Grrr....
  4. I agree with that assessment, M-Krew. Water should indeed look like water, not T-1000.
  5. Yes we do. You do. I do. We all do. What shape those windmills be varies from person to person but they are there. Is there something you would fight for, Tale, something you would fight for or against regardless of odds or the futility of it? If so, that is your windmill.
  6. I read the whole post and I still have to laugh. It is in the human nature to fight against something, to embrace conflict in one form or another. Some use religion as an excuse, other uses secular reasoning as an excuse, but in the end we just like to fight the righteous fight, to crusade against those who we deem as wrong. Not to teach others the errors of their ways but to feel good about ourselves. We all have our need for windmills.
  7. Arbitrary rules? None of my rules are arbitrary.
  8. Don't crusade against religion? Sorry but I have to laugh at that, Cant. Crusades is what religion is known for. From the Christian crusades centuries ago to the Islamic Jyhad Muslim extremists is calling for today, from the Morale Majority wanting to discriminate against gays and lesbians as well teach Creationism in public schools, to Hindu extremists rioting in the streets in India. You don't want people to crusade against religion, fine. Just don't have religion crusade against us who don't want anything to do with it. It goes both ways, Cant.
  9. As long as it is a real CRPG and not a FPS tressed up with light CRPG elements, like Fallout 3 is going to be, then all is good.
  10. Belief is a silly thing. I much rather have simple empirical evidence, like one of their FTL space ships so I can get off this miserable lil' mudball.
  11. The kind that uses secular critical thinking instead of just being spoonfed by the local church/nutjob. 5000 years ago people thought the world was flat and the sun revolves around the Earth. 1000 years ago people had no idea that micro-organism such as bacteria and virus existed. 100 years ago people had the popular belief that the Moon was made of cheese. Just because our current level of scientific knowledge can't explain certain things does not mean that a hundred years, 1000 years, 5000 years in the future it won't. No, it does not. The spirit and soul of man is not in the realm of science, but philosophy. The spark of human sentience is a greater than the sum of its parts. I disagree. It would be simpler to believe in some diety that created everything, but its a lie. Evolution, giving over our existence to random chance, is a lot more disconcerting, but far more plausible that some supernatural being made this world. We have no heaven to strive for, no hell to fear but our own making. When we die that is the end of ourselves. I can understand why you fear this idealogical truth. Back in the days of yore, when it thundered and lightning in the norse skies they thought it was Thor raging in the heavens. Now we know what causes a thunderstorm, but in the primitive mindset it was so frightening, so alien that it had to be supernatural in nature and origin. How else could they explain an eclipse of the sun, an eruption from a volcano, or a grand flood? Besides, even evolution is happening today with current species. Take the house cat for example. SOme housecats have learned to speak a few words and developed a fifth digit on their forepaws. Give another million years or so of continued development who knows what they may evolve into.
  12. That is one of the reasons why I love Cyberpunk's combat system. It would be nice if there was a d20 equivelent.
  13. What? I mean, according to the Bible, he is omnipotent and all-knowing; don;t these traits cancel out the "god is imperfect" arguments? Pure proganda and hype.
  14. Kaneda!!!!! Sand begins to sing! O Kaneda! Our friend with a laser gun!! With a bad aim and dead power supply. With glowing eyes rocks begin to rise, The satillite showers fire on me! From far and wide, O Kaneda, we stand on mountain of debris. I am a God now, I am free O Kaneda, we stand on mountain of debris. O Kaneda, its only Akira and me!
  15. If Afganistan was really part of the agenda Bushie would have finished securing the country before invading Iraq. Its just a secondary concern now by how much resources is given to it. Hell, Al Qaeda and the Taliban have made gains in Afganistan. If Bushie really "stayed the course" we would have eradicated the Islamafacists in that country by now, but no. Bushie and his Neo_Con Republican friends had to be a bunch of idiots and invade a country that was no threat and a dictator that was contained. If Afganistan falls, it is because of Bushie's idiocy. I am surprise it hasn't yet.
  16. I disagree. Giving amnesty to criminals, regardless of severity of the crime, will only encourage continued criminal behavior.
  17. I think MC was referring to your statement that your group's current DM doesn't fudge rolls. Even if he is not fudging the rolls, I am pretty damn sure he is "fudging" something. If you are not making a lot of rolls, then it means he is not using a lot of traps, or a lot of creatures with abilities that require saves, or something. Plus, he may be intentionally avoiding using "archers," or, if he is using them, he may be avoiding to target your wizard on purpose. I fudge rolls very rarely, but I've introduced a "Fate Point" mechanic in my games (q.v. Warhammer FRP) which pretty much allows the players to have a limited ability to "cheat death" (it's not as simple as that, but it helps). If they forget to use Fate Points, so be it. It's their own fault, after all. But I'd like to point out one thing. If the low levels aren't deadly, then why are you giving all PCs max HP per HD for the first three levels, instead of just at level one? You are contradicting yourself there. He is running an Eberron campaign and running published modules for the Eberron campaign. He is using what is in the modules. And no he hasn't been avoiding my wizard. My wizard in every major battle has had the best AC in the group due to spells and he has had bad guys target him. I just know how to use defensive spells and cover. That was the DM's call about the hit points. It has nothing to do with the low levels being deadly but the fact that if you roll HP there is a good chance that a fighter will roll a 1 and a wizard roll a 4 and a wizard having more hit points than a fighter due to random chance makes little sense to me and our DM. So he decided max hitpoints for the first 3 levels, then 1/2 after that. Besides, at the 3rd character level my wizard took a level in fighter and while in the Mournlands the wizard is wearing chain mail, and using a magical heavy steel shield. Still AC 20 while the primary fighter has an AC 15. Go figure.
  18. And I would love to do that... without giving amnesty to those who have broken our laws. We need to change our laws that it allows citizens from Mexico, Phillipines, Africa, or wherever an easier time to immigrate into our country, introduce a guest worker program for migrant and seasonal workers to come in to work. I know that no nation is an island and I am very much accepting legal immigrants into our country and make things easier for legal immigrants to come and live in the US. I am very much would love to see us expand the number of legal immigrants that can come into our nation, skilled or unskilled. I am just against giving amnesty to illegal immigrants and illegal immigration as a whole. I am against giving amnesty to those who do not respect our laws.
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