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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Good review and now I want the expansion even more. GIMMEE! GIMMEE! GIMMEE! GIMMEE! GIMMEE! GIMMEE! Just out of curiousity, what is your system specs?
  2. *zaps Cant with a cattle prod*
  3. It wasn't. By the end of the semester I wanted to rip out his major organs and decorate the room with them and lay out his skin as a welcome mat, then chuck his brain at this annoying math profession that droned on and on in a monotone voice while he was in the middle of his lecture. Grrr... Also there were people at my college would drive into the class room if they could get away with it and they lived in the freakin' dorms. Hmmm... I wanted to kill and main them to. I think I might have a lot of pent up aggression towards those people.
  4. Agreed, Pop, but that wouldn't solve anything. In this country people need to learn to be comfortable who they are and as a species we have a need to express ourselves, our true selves, in some manner. The more repressed our true selves are the more it will fight to express itself. This ultra conservative senator has been repressing an aspect of himself for so long that it needed to be expressed like this. It was a driven and unbeatable urge of his Id. The same thing happen to that conservative Christian televangelist/preacher a while back. In the US we are so threatened by our own sexuality it is just sad. In many ways the Euros are more culturally advanced than us in this regard. For example if it was a French president who had an affair with an intern and lied about it no one would think twice, but if a US President does this we get an impeachment trial.
  5. One cannot deny one's sexuality no matter how much one tries. In the end, instinct will win. I do seriously feel sorry for the guy.
  6. How is it joyful to have a manic depressive roommate that is noisily up all night and constantly drinking your Mountain Dew? How is it fun to spend 2 hours trying to find a parking space, missing half your first class of the day because the only open space is more than 2 miles away?!?!?
  7. Three pieces of advice... 1. Never live in the dorms. You will never get any privacy. 2. Don't live near campus. Rent is way over priced for the quality of apartment. 3. Know your bus routes. It is the most economical way to go to and from campus, and less of a hassle to find a parking space.
  8. Would you therefore sanction a public sausaging? Actually, that sounds too rude. No. I guess it would be a simple misdemeaner. Charge the kid a fine (no more than $250) and some hours (30 to 50 hours) community service at an old folks home.
  9. I liked Alien 3 but I liked it the least of all the Alien movies.
  10. They were fired for political reasons, but yes they weren't dragged through th mud. Just hung out to dry. :D
  11. Its about bloody time. Now they just need to get rid of Rice, Cheney, and Bush now that Rove and Gonzo is out of the way.
  12. No, I wouldn't. Punishment should fit the crime. To use the death penalty for anything less than 2nd degree Murder would be in of itself immoral.
  14. See, it is the JIM CONSPIRACY! WHO IS JIM! *Obsidian Trek 3: The Search For Jim!*
  15. Damnit, leave the Mayans out of this!
  16. Well, duh. That's a given. Its all apart of the Jim Conspiracy! BEWARE THE JIM CONSPIRACY! BWAAAHAAAAHAAAAAA!
  17. Sure. It was a conspiracy of Jim to get Tarna to destroy his old system so he would be forced to get a new rig at the cost of Kaftan's good modship lollipop which in truth a total fabrication. Beware the Jim Conspiracy.
  18. Jar Jar Vs Wicket Whoever wins... ...no one cares.
  19. Never saw the first AvP and I have no desire to. Same with the sequel. Of the originals I like Predator 2 the best out of both series, with Aliens being second, then Ressurection, Predator, Alien, and then Alien 3.
  20. Well, I have been reading Plato of late...
  21. I got a Wicket. At least I didn't Jar Jar.
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