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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Sand


    I have to agree with Baley's assessment for the most part, as well I think Vick should get the maximum jail time, maximum on fines, and banned from football, and all professional sports.
  2. Yes. Yes. I don't care. Let those countries deal with their problems and let us deal with ours. They are sovereign nations. I think they are grown up enough to take care of their own. I am certain in the short run things will be tough on both sides of the border but in the long run the US will be stronger, and coupled with a worker immigration system that actually works it will yield better long term results than giving amnesty. Also, if your solution includes amnesty to criminals, which illegal immigrants are, then I don't care. I am absolutely and totally against amnesty. My position on that will not ever change.
  3. Sure, but how many illegal immigrants have been found innocent of breaking immigration laws and not deported? I don't think there are many.
  4. And they never solve anything anyway. Yes, the laws need to be changed and I will support that change, but I will never support giving amnesty to criminals and that is exactly what illegal immigrants are.
  5. I love freedom. I also love responsible leadership which the Republicans and Bushie are not providing. If we focused on Afganistan instead of wasting lives and resources in Iraq Afganistan would be a more stable and well off nation. However, in Bushie's infinite stupidity, thought raging a two front war is a good thing.
  6. Tell that to Bushie. Instead of "staying the course" he decided to invade Iraq. If Afganistan isn't getting what it is due it is because of that.
  7. So we should give these people, these people who have no respect for our laws, amnesty?!?!? That is stupid. It will not solve the problem and the problem is illegal immigrants. Why don't we give all the criminals amnesty! Free up all the prisons! We can eliminate crime by making everything legal! That is basically what you are saying. Those who break our laws should not be punished.
  8. Impractical? Just deport them to their nation of origin, unless they compound the crime with other criminal acts. Also if you break the law, you are a criminal. Plain and simple. Those who have children have a choice, take their children with them or leave them behind. They broke the law, there need to be consequences otherwise we just encourage more criminal acts.
  9. I do think we need stricter and harsher laws, and enforce them on illegals, but also a workable visa program that makes it easier for legal immigration to happen. I am, however, against giving amnesty to those already in this country who are breaking our laws.
  10. Before I got my 650 watt power supply I had a 350 Watt and my computer did the same thing after I installed my Radeon X1900, so it could be power supply issues. Also it did it when I put the graphic settings too high. If your settings are too high, it could mean the graphics card is indeed getting too hot or basically saying "SCREW YOU." What's the wattage of your PSU?
  11. Why, thank you for giving me permission. Because that is its roots. Tradition. That isn't how it is in my group. One of the player is playing with a Ranger/Warlock with a 6 Strength and is role playing the character quite well. Other Characters have also low ability scores such as the Bard with a low Wisdom. A true role player, not a number cruncher, can role playa low stat just as interesting and fun as a high stat. I have 23 years experience but that is rather irrelevant. There is this little feat the wizard starts out with and it is called Scribe Scroll. After one basic encounter the wizard and with the starting money the izard has the ability to start scribing attack spells in scrolls while memorizing long lasting defense spells, such as Mage Armor which has a duration of 1 hour per level. Also at that level a wizard, with a good Dexterity, can be a mean shot with a crossbow. Hell, my 1st level Wizard in our group's Ebberron campaign has taken down 3 Warforges (1 being a 1st level barbarian, 1 being a 1st level rogue, and the last a 1st level fighter), one being in melee combat (the rogue). P{layed right, Wizards are not weak and it doesn't take years of experience nor MENSA geniuses to figure that out.
  12. Irrelevant. Right and wrong, as you have said, are morality issues and not legal issues. I am focusing on legality. If you break the law you deserve to be punished by the law. If you want the law changed then change it within the confines of procedure under the law.
  13. A lot of those points you make are rather meaningless. First off, there is nothing wrong with the stat system as is. Sometimes having a low stat is just as role play worthy as having a high ability score. Making -1 the lowest you can go is downright stupid. Also the races are very diverse and in how they are role played, and in the various campaign settings the diversity is expanded upon a great deal. Again, I don't see any need for changes there. Also, when a character is at level 1 they are at the beginning of their career. It seems to me that you want 1st level characters to have the power of a 5th or 6th level character, making them even more uber than they already are. The rules system is already way to "cinematic" as it is. If there is no struggle, no chance of death, no consequence for the risks of adventuring where is the freaking challenge, the fun? As for 1st level wizards needing to rest after a single encounter, that is a load of bull. Wizards tend to be my default class I play and I can often go with 3 to 4 encounters, as a first level wizard, without resting. Its called playing smart.
  14. Then I shall amend... "It was illegal for people to protect Jews in Nazi Germany."
  15. I will say this... "It was morally right to protect Jews in Nazi Germany, but legally wrong to do so due to the laws its government had." The moral thing to do is not always the legal thing to do.
  16. If it is the law that is on the books, and the person breaking the law is found guilty byt a jury of his peers then he or she should be duly punished, even if it is a "broken" law. If that were the law then yes. Just because you disagree with a law does not give you the right to break that law. You should and do have the right to change that law, but not to break it.
  17. However, we are talking about laws. If you break the law then you deserved to be punished under that law.
  18. Of course we do. That is how our laws work. Last I checked there are laws against slavery. As for Anne Frank, because we currently have no laws designed to persecute those of Jewish descent. If we did, we do have a system in which we can change those laws.
  19. I am saying that we have laws and they need to be obeyed. If they are broken laws then it is up to our elected officials to change them and our place to encourage them to do so, but until then they need to be obeyed and respected. Just because we may disagree with a law does not give us a right to break it.
  20. I have no problem WotC wanting to make money but 3.5e came out in 2003, not 7 to 8 years ago. One of the reasons why I don't play those other games is that they come out new versions way too often. I like to stick with a system that has staying power, that is consistant. Sure, expand the rules system, put out optional variants if you so wish, but remain consistant to the core. Now if it actually was 8 to 10 years from 3.5e then it wouldn't be so bad but it has been only 4.
  21. We have a growing illegal population as well. Most work at the food processor plants. Remember the Swift raids? Hundreds of illegals here in Iowa were arrested and in the process of being deported. Some of them compund their crimes by doing other criminal acts as identity theft and fraud. These people have no respect for our laws. They deserve punishment and removal.
  22. If I know of illegals I would report them and get them deported.
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