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Everything posted by Sand

  1. in a truly socialist society, the common man owns nothing. the variants, i.e. hybrids, pay lip service to property rights, and hence the concept of ownership, but even then, it is only lip service. the state always has the authority to take away whatever it is you have, which means you're really only borrowing it. i.e., your right to own your property is granted by the state, not considered inalienable. more true for real property than it is for a fruitbowl, but property is the only thing that ever matters in the long run (everything else is "in the noise" w.r.t. real value). taks Well, the state can take property away anyway. Its called imminent domain. Something that some people in Ames is learning about which the city plans on expanding a street to four lanes, but that would mean tearing up property and taking 8 houses from property owners and land from a dozen others.
  2. *pounces on Shadowstrider* GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE IT TO ME! *stops and looks confused* Um... Nevermind.
  3. Sand


    I don't go to a merchant unless I can get my money back from them if they failed to meet my expectations. So far, every shop I have been to in Ames, Iowa I have been able to get my money back, from game stores like Gamestop to electronic department stores like Best Buy.
  4. MONTE CARLO! *pounces on Monte Carlo and shoves a pudding filled bismarck down his throat*
  5. I still think that a socialist/capitalist hybrid society would be best. Vital industries and services that everyone depends on should be freely given to everyone, while non-vital goods and services follow the capitalist model. Medical care should be 100% free to all citizns, but if you want a X Box 360 then you pay for it as normal.
  6. Sand


    EVGA is replacing the board but the Best Buy techs who I took it to in order to install the board and fix the grounding issue gave me my money back when they failed to get it working.
  7. I try my best not to buy things from China. Sometimes I don't have a real choice in somethings but I can say that my stuff is at least 80% China-free stuff. Then again most of my belongings are books that were printed in Canada.
  8. OH MY GOD! THEY GOT FOAMY! Those bastards!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Why? You want more Republican idiots in the Oval Office? I most certainly do not.
  10. You, duh. And by punch, I mean, fondle YOU JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!
  11. You freaking nerd. You have a pokemon 4chan .gif in your sig and you are calling him a nerd?
  12. Sand


    Oh, good news, since the techs couldn't fix the problem they gave me my money back! WOOOHOOO!
  13. How would Al Gore or John Kerry be worse than Bush? I don't see it. In any case I do hope the bugger gets the death penalty. He deserves it.
  14. Well, if Hilary does get the nominee she would be wise to take Obama as her vice president. He has the charisma and still very popular.
  15. However in my view there is no heaven to strive for and no hell to fear. Our existence is here and now and after death there is nothing, oblivion, we cease to be.
  16. How is that annoying? A business needs to make a profit otherwise it won't stay in business. If that is annoying then a capitalistic free market is not for you.
  17. Always remember... SAVE THE GAME! THEN SAVE THE WORLD!
  18. Sand


    Don't know yet. Haven't gotten a sustainable working board to find out. Second RMA, but this time EVGA direct.
  19. I was considering running for office a while back. Something on the state level and low-key like being a Representative. Then I realize who the hell would really vote for a nutter like me?
  20. Sand


    Well, the board that I have has a fan dedicated to the Northbridge.
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