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Everything posted by Sand

  1. I am just saying if you are going to attack a country that country has the right to do anything in its power to make sure they are not attacked again by what ever means possible. Japan attacked the US therefore it is in the right of the US to use its entire military resources to destroy its enemies.
  2. And you don't think that Japan shouldn't have been punished for their cowardly attack? Was Japan beaten before the bombs, maybe, but after the bombs they most certainly were.
  3. If life can string up on this little insignificant mudball then more than likely it will spring up in other places as well.
  4. I don't know why there is an obsession for finding out the real reason. It was used, and it had a great amount of impact on the world. If Stalin gotten the bomb first, or Germany, or even Japan, do you really think the world have been better off, Yuusha?
  5. If Japan or Germany developed these bombs first I thik they would use them without hesitation.
  6. I like the influence system mainly because if the NPCs like or dislike of you can have an impact on the game, such as Neverwinter Nights 2 and if Obsidian continues to improve this system it can greatly improve CRPG story telling that even in story intensive CRPGs of theirs may eventually have radical differences in how other characters react to your character depending how well your character is liked or disliked.
  7. Japan did some horrible acts in World War 2, so did the Germans, so did the Americans, so did everyone involved. That is the nature of war. That is the nature of human beings. All we can do is learn from the mistakes of the past and do not repeat them. Human is human. Nations, borders, and the like are irrelevant in the end equation.
  8. I think the last thing we need now is spending more money on useless government officials.
  9. Actually the blame of the crusades can be blame on the US by extension of the Christian dominant religion here in the US along with the majority of US citizens come from nationalities represented in the European forces of the time. At least that is their mindset, right or wrong.
  10. I don't particularly like the United States Government. What we need is a true change and not a simple change of the guard so to speak. I have to agree with Yuusha on some points but not all. When we used the Atomic Bomb we could have used it on Tokyo or similar city, and after their detonation could have moved in and completely annihilated the Japanese, wipe them out completely so that no one was left alive. We would have been justified in that response due to their cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor, but we did not. I do agree that the US needs to mind its own business and not interfere in the workings of the governments of other nations. It seems that the US government only favors a democratically elected government when it is an ally of the US, if not they prefer a dictatorship that allies itself tot he US and let the people be damned. If the US government truly wish to spread democracy across the world then it needs to grow up and even accept democratically elected governments that oppose them. For example, we tout that we want to bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, but when Hamas was legally elected into power by the Palestinian people how did the US react?
  11. I have to agree, this class is way to powerful. I would drop the hit die to d6 and have spell progression on every even level.
  12. So, cross dressing has its advantages.
  13. Sand


    Despite of being almost killed 4 times in my life I do my best to avoid risky behavior.
  14. A lot of people are rallying against the city council on this. If they do go forward I expect a new city council in the next elections.
  15. Sand


    I prefer immortality. Once the body goes we simply download our minds in a computer generated environment and live on as AIs.
  16. Sand


    *pounces on Taks and shoves a 3 layer birthday cake down his throat* 35 in January myself.
  17. The thing is it is worthless. It will not increase any of the safety of that street nor increase its use. The main reason why they are proposing to take this property is because there were a group of drivers whining because they had to wait 5 minutes to pass that intersection during peak traffic. Big freaking deal. There are other streets in Ames that are in more dire shape than that one and there has been no research done to see if there can be any alternatives than taking people's houses. Hell, the buying of property budget has only been allocated $800,000 USD which is laughable since the average price on the houses along are close to $150,000 USD in market value and the on top of the land grab the market value for all the properties involved is close to $2 million.
  18. Jihadis are a bunch of nutcases. No more grounded in reality as Timothy McVeigh, Reverend Phelps, and the such. They have no respect for life, not even their own, and, in my ever so humble of opinion, are a bunch of cowards.
  19. True enough. If the world doesn't end in 2012 I will be sorely disappointed.
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