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Everything posted by Sand

  1. You know, you guys disappointment. I spat out a Red Dwarf line almost verbatem and no one caught it. Sad. Just sad.
  2. However if there is no background light or matter, such as this hole represents, then there could be a dozen black holes there and we wouldn't have a clue.
  3. But what if they already sucked it in?
  4. Because it isn't really the physical punch that is hurting Superman, but the supernatural power in the punch from the zombie is. Wonder WOman can take out Superman because her powers and weaponry are magic in nature. Her sword can easily cut through Superman's flesh easier than a normal sword can cut a human.
  5. How do they know there aren't any black holes there. I mean the color of black holes, the basic distinguishing color of black holes is... well black. The color of space, the basic space color is... also black. So how the hell are we suppose to see them?
  6. Everyone practically uses mana. Name one ofther spell casting system in a PnP RPG that uses spell slots than the d20 System/DnD.
  7. About the zombie beating up Superman, Kryptonians are notoriously vulnerable to magic. I dare say that magic is more deadly to SUperman than green kryptonite. If the zombie you are refering to, Kaftan, is Solomon Grundy then he was animated by very very very strong magic and his attacks on Superman would hurt him as if he was just a normal human if not worse.
  8. I still prefer the 3.5e skill system and the Vancian spell system, though Monte Cook's take on it in AE. The only thing I like about 4e is the talent tree system, but then I have been using that when I play d20 Modern. In any case I rather have full control and variation on what skills I learn. I also like using metaskills like Craft, Perform, and Knowledge. My current character in Eberron has 4 Craft skills, 3 Knowledge skills, and 1 Perform skill that are central to his backstory and continual development. In 4e my character would not be possible.
  9. Instead of skill ranks everyone who is trained in a skill will have the same base bonus. Everyone who specializes in a skill will have the same, but higher bonus. The only possible variation from one person who specializes in a skill is the Ability modifier.
  10. Ghaleon wasn't evil. He was just constipated. Being constipated for 20 years can make you do strange things.
  11. True enough, but I need to keep my drama queen reputation going.
  12. Well, I am done arguing about it. I will most certainly will have nothing to do with 4e in any of its forms. I hope Obsidian keeps up with doing expansions for NWN2 because when 4e is released I don't think we are going to get a decent DnD CRPG for quite a while. I will just be sticking to Arcana Evolved. Its a damn shame that Monte Cook is retiring from gaming to, just when 4e was announced. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence.
  13. Colin Baker as the 6th Doctor.
  14. Its... Don't get caught doing the crime if you can't do the time.
  15. That is assuming that I do break any laws, which I haven't.
  16. It looks like the Crafting system and Craft skills is out of the game as well quite a number of other skills, also they now have 25 spell levels and the Vancian system that we have enjoyed since the game's beginning is being partially removed. I can understand wanting to merge Move Silently and Hide into one skill called Stealth but placing Listen, Spot, Search, and such in one skill is completely and totally messed up. Just because my character has good hearing does not mean he can see well, sheesh. Also they are removing skill ranks entirely. How the hell are we suppose to know how good a person is in a skill? Sure one person may have Knowledge (Arcana) at 5 ranks while another has it at 3 ranks, which would mean the person with 5 ranks knows more, but with the Intelligence modifier would govern how well the characters apply that knowledge. Now that sort of distiction has been completely removed. More I hear about 4e the more I hate it.
  17. Walsh, this isn't about me. This thread is about illegal immigrants. Stay on topic, Mr. Moderator.
  18. If they aren't willing to persecute then they aren't doing their job.
  19. I, in my mind, believe that I have recieved just punishment for every law I have been caught breaking. Then again I very rarely have the desire or need to break any laws. Let the punishment fit the crime. For mainstreet's example, if your friend wished to press charges it would be a misdemeaner due to the value of the items stolen. The punishment may not require you to go to jail but may gain a fine.
  20. Well, Cant, I'll trust your word on MotB. If I don't like it (which is a very rare chance of that) I will hunt down your sneakers and place rubber snakes in them. Grrr....
  21. Actually OPG you can watch a species evolved. Various bacterial species have evolved due to the advancement of medical science. As medicines are developed in more powerful forms to combat disease, bacteria and viruses evolved to become more resistant to the medicines. Evolutions like this happen fairly frequently over the decades and it is how various diseases jump species such as SIV evolved into HIV.
  22. Sand


    Humans are the root of all human evil.
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