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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Yes, I would expect those kinds of awesome additions in sequels to broaden appeal to bring in new types audience, especially since the foundation was laid from before, but these new features usually come at the extent of others (not always though). Is there anything that BG2 sacrificed from the first game? The answer, I believe is - in short - "No." But as a different time, developers are focused on different things. For example, BG2 was never re-designed for console port in mind but Deadfire is on that opposite spectrum so what will be changed and how will it affect us Steam gamers is what I am often asking myself. Luckily, the game is on Unity Engine so that could make it much easier for the Obsidian - Pillar's Team to not have to sacrifice but I won't know for certain until several playthroughs.
  2. A different system for every class would be cool, I think multiclass would take the higher denominator of the two so it would be pretty cool. Depending on your character's dual-class stats, the casting system would change making it a manipulative & dynamic casting system. Neat idea!
  3. I must be one of the only ones here who does not particularly favor the resting system of older classics. I like something a little more contemporary/modern. Casting at will. One of my favorite things about Tyranny was it's per cast system which some consider weird or strange but I felt was a great way for a mage/witch to express thyselves. Would be curious to see what Gromnir think, they seem to be relatively loud about the subject when sharing their thoughts on other threads amongst these boards.
  4. They've definitely dumbed down the game in some areas (comparing to the first), regardless, even if a game still doesn't hold you hands can still be casual. We've been tricked into thinking "It's uncommon or niche so it could not possibly be considered casual." Let us set this record straight... That said, I believe they've dumbed down the game for a few reasons: 1.) To appeal to a new audience this time around. Deadfire sold great on pc, nobody is denying this. However, it was one of the lower selling games on consoles. Fix this by making it more accessible. Simple, yes? 2.) To balance the experimental systems and functions. Some people may not understand how this works but from a developer perspective, developers will realize that too complex is never good. Balance things to make things easier for players to grasp while introducing new experimental systems ensure for better times from new fans and nit worrying about people saying "It's too hard!" And leaving a bad review for your game. 3.) The theme of ships and beaches screams casual so it makes sense to have a more casually immersive hame than the first one which has a complex vibe/tone set up through darkness and depressing. Deadfire is an ocean of sand with screams "Have fun with me!" And not very many people thing if hardcore or overly complex as fun. 4.) Console and mobile ports. Which have a more casual player base. Players who are on console and mobile generally do not like wasting time on difficult rt+p games but the will enjoy something that they feel to be more welcoming and more chilled environment. This is just my opinion on the subject. Take it as a grain of salt and not a pinch of pepper. When more is added, just as much will be taken away. Simply.
  5. It's such a complex system for writers and the rest of the dtaff to accomplish/implement correctly, it is ny current belief that only one developer has really ever done this or could do this successfully... they are called Quantic Dream.https://www.gog.com/game/omikron_the_nomad_soul When you die, you take control of the last person you touched but keep the xp, and such. Your new character reaping the benefits (this almost appears to be rogue-lite-esque, think Rogue Legacy) but pressing forward through the interactive story in an engaging manner. Check it out, it's a classic.
  6. Big mistake, seems they are losing pre-orders because of it...
  7. That's what someone said on Steam but I have yet to see anything on youtube so I thought I'd ask. Edit: Double checked, so many threads on the subject on Steam. No joustig, not yet at least.
  8. Has anyone tried jousting? If so, what are your thoughts?
  9. If you're having fun while playing Fallout 4, then more power to ya. There's nothing wrong with that, and surely you aren't the only one. It has its advantages (and disadvantages) over other Fallout games, if we're being honest. I didn't think the Doom ost was bad, though it's not my type of music. That is to say that I don't really listen to music that I wouldn't play/sing myself. However, that one concert they did at E3? That was pretty cool. My favorite ost's are from Transistor and Pyre... pretty much opposite of Doom, with lush acoustic sounds and sexy female leads.
  10. I remember when the word "Nostalgia" used to be a thing to be celebrated. Now it makes stomachs turn for good reason.
  11. I recall pc gamers on various forums touting that Divinity Original Sin would be a mistake on console and yet it foes indeed play far better on an Xbox 360 controller thanks to a U.I redesign that actually makes more sense. It's all on the efforts of the dev and of course, if people can handle the idea of playing a game on controller. I think Deadfire's redesign for console will make the game worth playing with a controller but we'll just have to wait and see.
  12. I'm not sure its too fair since Deadfire and Divinity OS1&2 are Crpg's, not action oriented. Witcher games are character driven action/adventure games, which would put them a bit closer to action rpg's so it's no surprise that they were fully voiced as games more similar to it have been for years. As of right now, I'd say Divinity OS1 and 2 are basically the pinnacle of full voice acting for Crpg. Not sure if anything else could come close to that level because they are really the first to take it to the extreme, like Pillars, there is alot of writing - as it was essentially text based dialogue, whereas The Witcher 2 and 3 and similar action/adventure games are made with full voices and in-game cut-scenes in mind from the start. The development process is much different. This is my word based on experience with Crpg's and action/adventure games. Take it as a grain of salt and not a pinch of pepper.
  13. I haven't played Earthlock, I've read that it is a third person shooter, if it's a story driven third person shooter you seek, also check out...
  14. Or report the thread or/and the troll to a mod as trolling is against the forums rules. I have no doubt that a mod will be here shortly, I think the thread has ran it's course and will be locked shortly.
  15. So you're implying that what I said isn't true? Perhaps you should take a look at some of the threads across this forums, where mods are constantly asking the trolls to stop accusing members of having alternate accounts and other things in general. You guys act if I'm making all this stuff up but the proof is there, however if one chooses to live in denial or not look for the truth that is entirely up to them. So far, I've been insulted in almost every way on this thread, as people have been for saying something that members don't particularly like. If it's not being accused of seeking attention, it's starting conspiracies, if it's not that, then it's trolling, and if it's not trolling then it's caring too much. So which one is it, I wonder, as some of these actually contradict each other - though some members aren't smart enough to tell there's a difference.
  16. Otherlife... I loved it.
  17. Except it's not that I'm the real troll, it's anything but that. You and other members on this forum are constantly accusing myself and others of trolling, having alternate accounts and so on is only because you guys don't like what people say or because you guys cannot convince others that they're wrong and to convert to your side of the argument, not because what they're saying is ill-mannered. You guys could say the sky is pink and agree with each other for the sake of proving someone wrong, it still doesn't make it so.
  18. I have never experienced this myself but this seems to be a common reported bug...
  19. Have you tried Bastion? How about Transistor?
  20. Zelda exploration + Dark Souls Combat Cyber-punk Sci-Fi Zelda-esque
  21. Oh my.. how we draw nigh... Oh dear.. how did we end up here?
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