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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Yes indeedy! They tweaked them quite a bit since players whined about how slow they were in the first game. Now, to see how that will affect the balance this time around
  2. Soul Calibur 6 will be the best selling fighting game in history and just for this reason...
  3. For some reason, I woke up today and really felt like installing and playing both Bayonetta and Vanquish again. This is a rare feeling for me as usually once I finish a game I just move on.
  4. Yes, here are the statistics... http://steamspy.com/app/291650 With over a million owners/players, 0.1% is around 1,300 players. That's not really any different from any other game on Steam that has a hard difficulty achievement showing a percentage by count comparison but too bad we'll never know the real numbers since Steam achievements do not take offline players into account.
  5. If I remember correctly, Far Cry 2 doesn't have a mini-map so you have to know where you're going. I'm VERY surpirsed to see that Far Cry 5 is the lowest rated/reviewed Far Cry game on Steam. Maybe that will change in the future but you'd figure the hype surrouding the launch would manipulate the reviews in a more positive and rewarding favor. I agree that the inclusion of micro-transactions is weird. Talked to some people on facebook about this, they argued the fact with "The micro-transactions are for useless things you don't need" so my reply was "Why have them at all then?" I understand transactions in mobile games but in single-player/co-op console and pc games, why? Money. That's why. That's not a justification by any means though. I just wish they would remake the first Far Cry on Dunia engine without dlc, microtransactions, etc. The first Far Cry still had the best world, the best story, the best gameplay and far better physics. It's so srange because that seems so long ago and I wish it were just my nostalgia talking but hey, the game's simplicity is really what drives my opinion here. My favorite thing about Far Cry 5 is the that it's actually located in America but I haven't played it yet so I can't really comment on it any more than that. My favorite thing about Far Cry 4 was the variry of vehicles. Snowmobiles, hovercrafts, 4-wheelers, mini-copters, etc. It was enough without getting silly. My favorite thing about Far Cry 3 was the atmosphere. From the very first scene, it just drops you into an action thriller film type situation. Reminded me of the movie "Touristas" with Olivia Wylde. Far Cry 2 had it's own thing going on. I'd say it felt less like a Far Cry game than any of the others and I believe that's because not only was it Ubisoft's first attempt but because alot of the systems were experimental and never seen again in a Far Cry game.
  6. Wow... they looks horrible in Deadfire filter (no offense). Sucked the life and beauty right out of them. This is probably arguable but the one with the short hair especially looks out of place. The elven queen looks tolerable at least.
  7. We as the players should never settle for builds we don't want to play or excuse games for not being able to be who we want to be. Sacrifice of player freedom for sake of lack of balance in talent/skills tree is no difference. It is a firm belief that any rpg player should be able to play how they want, where they want, when they want. Then again, Pillars games are more restricted and more casual then other rpg's which allow more freedoms to the given player. Divinity: OS2 is a perfect example which allows for players to play how they want, and it's comparable to Pillars games because the same guidelines were applied. It's just a matter of some games doing it better than others is all.
  8. "It doesn't matter if we're talking a.i or classes, balance is balance."
  9. These portraits are nice. Thanks!
  10. That seems to be an ongoing struggle in the genre, being confident in the balance of talents/skills trees. It's a shame but it happens. If all talents could be measurably equal, it would be a miracle but it's a shame that the players who want to play with certain talents have a lesser experience because they go a different route.... Such is the fault of builds in rpg's in general. Wanna play the smart way? We'll punish you for it. Wanna play your way in an rpg game? We'll punish you for that as well
  11. Good for you. With every year I find it harder and harder to find games I am interested in playing. Looking at 2018 right now and beside Deadfire there is nothing. Maybe Shadow of Tomb Raider due to nostalgia, but it will be a deep, deep discount for me as I didn’t love the reboots so far. Civilization6:R&F lost my attention quicker than I expected. AAA became such a barren field of boredom. That's why I mainly play $15-20.00 indies, have much more quality content and better writing than AAA games. If you are into the indie market, it's not too hard to find games to be interested in because there are so many gems.
  12. The more I look at godlings, the more it appears that Obsidian is or has been putting more work into them than other races. I don't think anyone will complain bout this as this is completely understandable. As we all remember, Josh said godlikes are the hardest race to draw and write for. Very interesting indeed.
  13. Same. Problem for me is that once I finish a game, I unibstall it and move on to the next. This will also be the fact for Deadfire. Too many games, too little time.
  14. I'd expect at least one or two new companions through dlc that nobody here knows of yet.
  15. Would love for Deadfire to have a more "dynamically" reactive music system from the first game. Looping is superficial and tiring at times. KCD has a good music system that makes good sense.
  16. Uhhh... isn't it the other way around? Members here don't like or wanna accept my comment so therefore they try to hard to rebutal it. I mean, look at how many responses my first comment recieved, I didn't say anythinhg unfair or wrong so pretty sure if anyone has an issue here, it's not me. Then again, it's the Obsidian forum...
  17. It just doesn't have the same ring to it Black Isle Bastards just rolls better off the tongue...
  18. I think we have one, it's called the Political thread in the "Off Topic" section
  19. > I’m a back beta tester what does that mean? I mean we play the backer beta and we all help test the game right? but I just mean I have access to backer beta and I don’t agree the comment he made about multclass a. It would be nice if you disagreed by actually facing the opposing arguments with some numbers, facts etc. The guy you disagreed with was just summarizing video by Nerd Commando which was quite in-depth review of the current state of the beta. So what are you precisely disagreeing with? or rather what argument would you bring to the table to face some facts that were shown in the video. I watched that thing in full and he actually show in game, as a fact, the things you disagree with... I would be delighted if you were right, Yosharian, and I also know from long experiencce that Nerd Commando has his own partuclalr slant on all things RPG, but nevertheless, what he deomostrated was concerning and I too would like to hear more detail. Don't we all? I mean, "most" here are fans of IE games, still covet them as the top rpg's and best written games of all time (debatable... VERY debatable). There are a few hardcore Jrpg fans but classic IE fanbase is the oveewhelming majority here. Everyone has their likes/dislikes which somehow taints their opinion or experience in one way or another. I really hope the writing part is nostalgia talking, I recently replayed BG2 and while SoA is *okay* (salvaged by a good villain and some good side quests and areas) the writing in ToB gets really toe-curling bad. The mixture of defensive spells and their counters (mostly breach), the inability of the UI to give much timely information and the underlying mechanics that weren't designed for a non-turnbased system and with silly balance issues (high level? AC is useless)... They were awesome, they had elements worth importing, but they really wouldn't do too well if released today with modern graphics. It is, mainly. I used to have the mindset of "IE games have the best combat, writing and most freedom" but a few years ago, I gave indies a chance. Removing the classic IE bias, indies fundementally changed the way I thought about games. Suddenly, I started playing isometric and non-isometric rpg's made by 3 to 10 people, selling for $15-$20.00 and having more depth, quality and better writing than the classics which older gamers like myself hold so high. (Don't want to name the games because don't want to start a war and/or derail the thread). I think it's mainly that (much like any other cult mindset) when you grow up with something, you have a soft spot for it. It becomes somehow irreplacable, even when it doesn't deserve to be. It took me a long time to let go, but 3 years ago, I opened my mind. Since then I hadn't looked back. It was really an enlightening experience and I'm thankful for indies making such a huge splash on rpg genre representation and for the industry as a whole. Indies are my jam
  20. > I’m a back beta tester what does that mean? I mean we play the backer beta and we all help test the game right? but I just mean I have access to backer beta and I don’t agree the comment he made about multclass a. It would be nice if you disagreed by actually facing the opposing arguments with some numbers, facts etc. The guy you disagreed with was just summarizing video by Nerd Commando which was quite in-depth review of the current state of the beta. So what are you precisely disagreeing with? or rather what argument would you bring to the table to face some facts that were shown in the video. I watched that thing in full and he actually show in game, as a fact, the things you disagree with... I would be delighted if you were right, Yosharian, and I also know from long experiencce that Nerd Commando has his own partuclalr slant on all things RPG, but nevertheless, what he deomostrated was concerning and I too would like to hear more detail. Don't we all? I mean, "most" here are fans of IE games, still covet them as the top rpg's and best written games of all time (debatable... VERY debatable). There are a few hardcore Jrpg fans but classic IE fanbase is the oveewhelming majority here. Everyone has their likes/dislikes which somehow taints their opinion or experience in one way or another.
  21. Again, I never said people were already trolling, it was a fair warning ahead of time. Hence my saying "Prepare" as in advance. Therefore my original comment still stands valid. If this is one of the rare threads from a first time poster which doesn't get trolled, that will be a rare but good thing - as threads which question Obsidian's game design do not go well here. That's why I usually recommend new users to go to a non-Obsidian/non-rpg forum to question game design or say anything negative about the game. I love our little cult here but I gotta let the newbies know what they're getting into
  22. No, not really. The comment I made was a warning for future comments, nobody here has to agree with me, I already know that older members don't/won't agree with me no matter what I say (even when I'm right). That is no issue to me. The fact is that there are so many threads from first time posters that have gotten trolled or where new members have been made uncomfirtable, even when they have more knowledge than the member who has been here for years. Snarky/snide comments from older members aside, I'll always continue to welcome new members and warn them of this behavior ahead of time so they know just what to expect. That way, there's less of a chance of them leaving after one or two posts.
  23. Very true and valid but do remember that you are on an Obsidian forum. Prepare to be burned in witch's fire and crucified lmao By the way, welcome to the forums! Hopefully we don't scare you off, it's nice to get from fresh blood but unfortunately new members tend not to last very long. You say the same stuff every time. Nobody is attacking him. In fact, a lot of people here agree with the topic creator on the subject if you look through the beta forums.It's because it's usually needed. New members are terribly accepted by older members, especially if they make a thread which criticizes or questions game design. speak ahead of time, calling the trolls out ahead of time is taking preventive steps. If I call them out before then there is no trolling instead they try to make me look crazy lol But this is better than existing members attacking the new members so I'm happy with that. Now I ask, is the thread going to go back on topic or are we going to stay derailing the thread with the usual "Sonic is wrong" attempt? I doubt a new member wants to read such nonsense on their first thread.
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