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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Eh.. What kind of "stricter mods" are you guys talking about? Ones that would delete any thread similar to this one just because you don't like the title or what it says? Give a warning point to those who disagree to something you disagree with or something. Ban members for getting reported or voted off by a majority of members over literally nothing except them not liking the said member. The mods here seem pretty fair so I'm genuinely curious. Back in topic, Admittedly I didn't get a chance to back PoE1 but I did pre-purchase the Steam version and did play it on release. I was lucky enough to not encounter any bugs on my playthrough but did experience the awkwatdness of major changes throughout due to a slum of large patches/updates. This is where my wisdom comes from.
  2. It's definitely nice when you get to play a game on PS3, even though the games were 720i, it feels like the games are so compressed that it's upscaled or something. Add to that, the framerate issue on PS3 and you walk away with a stripped experience. This happened to me with Dragon's Dogma, I originally had it on PS3 but owning it on pc is so rewarding and liberating. My eyes don't hurt and the color pallette actually opens up to make the game breathe a bit.
  3. My guess is out of all peeps who play rpg's in general, (outside the forums) it's probably split down the middle 50/50. Personally I like portraits or even better, no pic at all (just a color abd name).
  4. Well... since it says "Started by SonicMage117, yesterday, 8:40am" that's not unbelievable
  5. Yes! Overall Deadfire is going to be huge, much much bigger than the first game in term of content and mechanics. I'm not sure if anyone realizes how much bigger and "more" it is than the first game. With that in mind, I do believe that the patches will offer some greater changes than most believe. Some things will be missed for review to polish just because there is just so much goodness in the game. It wil be weird for me personally, to play one day and then a patch to change things drastically the next. For that reason, I'm out but that's why this is the shark tank. We fans
  6. Well that's you but I think the game will be playable, definitely won't be at it's best though. I can certainly understand your bitterness towards people who play the game before you but remember, everyone has the right to their own voice. This is especially why I emphasized at the beginning "I'm probably one of the few". If you are going to wait, I'd just recommend staying off the forums to avoid spoilers in general. The few, the proud... Anyway, thanks for your comment
  7. Certainly true for PoE. Certainly true for most RPGs. Bethesda is releasing Skyrim for the 27th time and it's still a buggy mess.I never could finish Skyrim or Skyrim Special Edition, sadly.
  8. To me, balancing doesn't have anything to do with difficulty but what should be and what feels right. Difficulty in Crpg's was never a problem for me but time is, I do not have the 100 hours to spend on an rpg (sadly). This thread is moreorless about the whole package, I don't doubt that there will be big changes post launch because backers and non-backers alike will play it and not like something. I also do not doubt that Josh and team expect this will happen so will be prepared to answer with updates in reply.
  9. If I could go back in time and re-introduce myself to NWN2, I would but no thanks to the Enhanced Edition. There's no point in me for re-visiting.
  10. Darksiders 2 Deathenitive Edition seems to have ironed out all the issues of the original release. Great optimization, nice job THQ and the other guys
  11. I may probably be one of the few but as a backer (with best interest for Obsidian in mind), BUT I've been considering to wait to play the game til after a few month post-launch. There is no doubt for any of us - especially after all the news of last minute integral changes, that the launch will be a bit rough and there will be many bugs, balancing issues and optimization conflicts. To that respect, I must say, I'm willing to wait and eager to play the REAL finished product, I don't want my experience to be soiled within me breaches. Thankfully, if I put all my chips on the table and decide to wait, I have a game or two to play whilist Obsidian does their magic So, any other backers going to wait or thinking about waiting a couple months for after crucial patches/updates? Doesn't seem illogical with all that is going on. Make no mistake, Pillars 1 is my all time favorite game and Deadfire is my most anticipated game if 2018, in fact I can't wait for this bit I don't want to be a fool and rush in to a wasteland - if ya know what I mean. I'll raise you a glass here and now, here's to Deadfire, here's to upcoming fixes on everything that the game is and all of it's needs. We'll drink to the blue furby looking thing on the promo poster, cheers!
  12. Okay, Thanks. No, I don't really know alot about it. What are you talking about? I am trying to figure out whenever you have odd sense of humour, or just you see things a different way (Snowcap?).The announcement is that the entire cast of Critical Role will be acting in Deadfire, not they they will voice everything. They are like 7 people there, which is NOT enough to fully voice an RPG. I see, if I recall correctly it was rumored that each member would voice multiple characters but this is too far back and where I can not find so do not know, since it's not uncommon for a voice actor to do multiple roles. So naturally that was the encounter in my brain with all this but you're right, 7 is not enough for something like 600 Deadfire in-depth living/beifing npc's. Edit: Breathing
  13. If Divinity wants to be a genuine contender with Deadfire, it’s needs to put at least some effort into writing, characters and quest design. See, Deadfire should use as much voice acting as it needs to have - it won’t make it any worse or any better. Personally, don’t care for Divinity and I doubt that people who love it, love it because of the full VO. Even if that was the case, saying “hey, we have a full VO” hardly makes Deadfire an instaseller. Focus on stuff Divinity doesnt have rather than trying to match the title that many people already bought and probably never came close to finishing. I doubt they are hungry for more just yet. Not to mention that Divinity and PoE are nothing alike - I don’t believe they fight for the same space. I think D:OS2 already contends with Deadfire in it's own way. I wouldn't say it's writing it awful (it's not like a kid wrote it when you stack it up against Deadfire), it's jut very silly and full of immature comedy but the game calls for it. As far as sales go, sales of the first Original Sin blew Pillars 1 away in every respect. I'm guessing it's because people enjoy the combat being one of the reasons, that said, I'm betting D:OS2 will always remain ahead of Deadfire sales for the same reason (besids the fact of releasing earlier). The games are completely different but I always thought they complimented each other well.
  14. And there's the misinformation. (If they do) My answer being based on the unannounced links posted by another member. There, now y'all can breathe
  15. Emphasis on the last sentence.Further stretch goals had nothing to do with VO and I also read no more definitive statements concerning full VO. So, saying "I was right - Full Voice Over!" is like saying "In always knew that you would die from lung cancer!" when your chain-smoker friend tells you that he has a sore throat. Except! Except you know more than I do concerning VO of Pillars - hence my question. Something about another member posting links being posted about every character being voiced in Deadfire with Matt Mercer and team... or were those not real? To be honest I never thought about or considered other languages in audio translation, I was speaking only about English. English is not my primary language but it's the only language I play games in so I rarely give thought to it.
  16. How am I misinforming people exactly? I've never misinformed people on the forum so I'd like to know where this is coming from. Did you mean misinterpret? Well if you "misinterpret" things never been said, you're misinforming. If you're posting your misinterpretations as facts, you're also misinforming. You either post facts or post your speculations based on facts. Got it, so you're not going to answer my questions. I didn't misinterpret or misinform, I was acting where exactly you got that because you were in fact the one misinforming people when you said that Divinity Original Sin didn't sell well, it literally sold twice as well on PC and demolished Pillars 1 on console. As stated before, the Enhanced Edition set a new standard for full VO in Crpg so it's not surprising for Obsidian to follow their example and try their hand at accomplishing this as well.
  17. How am I misinforming people exactly? I've never misinformed people on the forum so I'd like to know where this is coming from. Did you mean misinterpret?
  18. I always thought it would because Larian was doing it and Obsidian would follow their example, it really just made sense to me. I don't really have any other reason that that. I know they aren't close to being the same game, they are polar opposites in Crpg but still, I just always had the feeling.
  19. What makes you say that? Oh no! Interrupt! Let me put it differently: on what reasonable grounds do you base that statement? Because I assumed it would have awhile back... on another thread. Why else? Edit: Oh I didn't see the second part, nvm lol
  20. I was trying to think of some recent high quality soundtracks, probably Persona 5 but like you say it's a Japanese game. The Dragon Age games don't have particularly memorable soundtracks but they serve the game well enough. I suppose Pillars is the same. Hollow Knight, The Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Skyrim, Rayman Legends, Jet Set Radio... So many, I can't really name them all. A song that I'll remember for the rest of my life is: Shovel Knight's Courage Under Fire. I don't know why that is but that's a testinent to a catchy tune! Hehe https://youtu.be/H-oPvcdS-JE
  21. 3 have been confirmed, if you got the add-on for the season pass on the Fig funder (like me), you only paid $15 or $20 for all the dlc but if you're buying after lauch, the dlc packs will "probably" be around $15 each. I don't know. It's a guess.
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