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Everything posted by SChin

  1. Hey guys! Thanks for the clarification! This bug is in our system and was reported by none other than Josh Sawyer himself. Looks like one of our programmers has already fixed this, but the fix didn't make it into the game in time for the Backer Beta. Rest assured it will be in a future Backer Beta build! Thanks again for bringing this bug to our attention! -SChin
  2. Hey guys! The bug being mentioned is due to characters being able to push each other a bit during combat. This was made to allow for better navigation during combat, but has caused issues of characters being pushed into terrain that was not intended for navigation. The bug has been submitted and we have our programmers hard at work to resolve this issue! Thanks for reporting the bug! -SChin
  3. Hey Crinrict! Unfortunately, what happened to your poor animal companion was that it got pushed into the wall. During combat party members are allowed to push each other a bit to get through and make navigating tight combat easier. This causes characters to be able to be pushed into walls or other places where one is not normally able to navigate to be stuck. This bug has been submitted into the system and is assigned to the appropriate dev. For the situation regarding your rogue discovering something, the only hidden discoverable I am aware of is in the trap room. There is a skeleton of a person who as crawling to the wall. Between his arms is a hidden button to open a door in that room. Could this be the discoverable your rogue picked up on? Let me know and thanks for reporting the bug! -SChin
  4. Hey guys! Thanks for reporting this bug! We have this bug in our system and it is assigned to the appropriate dev. Thanks for the help! -SChin
  5. Hello again Dam! The description can indeed be confusing. Veil Piercing Attacks would come from magical implements(rod, wand, scepter), bows, and crossbows). Not quite sure why a firearm wouldn't be able to pierce though lol. We have entered the bug into the system and assigned it to the appropriate dev. Thanks again, Dam! -SChin
  6. Hello again Dam! You are correct in that upgraded abilities are not blatantly obvious as to which features they may be applying when used. Even as a person who plays this every day, I can get confused by these. We have submitted the bug and assigned it to the appropriate dev. As always, Thanks Dam -SChin
  7. Hello again Dam At the moment we are unable to reproduce this bug. Could you take some screen shots of your graphical settings for us to compare with? Also is this happening when you do New Game just after booting up the game, and does this occur for you 100% of the time? Thanks again Dam! -SChin
  8. Hey Slevin! Thanks for submitting this bug! We have this bug in our system and it is assigned to the appropriate dev. Thanks again for the help! -SChin
  9. Hey Dam! We can't seem to be able to reproduce this one. Would you happen to know the steps to reproduce this, or possibly a save file from when it was happening to you? Also, do you know what your graphic settings were set to? Thanks! -SChin
  10. Hey guys! I looked into this after looking into Dam's previous bug. Looks like the issue is indeed with the fact that the weapon is duplicating. One of our devs will be taking the case and fixing the issue with the soulbound items duplicating. Thanks for the help guys! -SChin
  11. Hey guys! Thanks for reporting the bug with the duplicate modals displaying! We have this guy in the system and it is assigned to the appropriate dev. Thanks again for the help!
  12. Hello again Dam! Thanks for testing all of the items! Another great find with Beza's Toothed Blade not being set up properly. The bug has been submitted and assigned to the appropriate dev. Thanks for the help! -SChin
  13. Hey Dam! That was a good find! I added the bug into the system and it has been assigned to the appropriate dev. Thanks for the help! -SChin
  14. Hey everyone! I have entered the bug into our system and assigned it to the appropriate dev. Thanks for all the help! -SChin
  15. Hello again cheesevillain! Sorry to hear about the problems with the rig. The good news is Sonntam is absolutely right The game is added to your Steam or GOG account(depending which you choose) via the code you are provided in the Backer Portal. The Backer Beta is currently only available on Windows, so the new rig would have to be running that operating system. Thanks for reaching out to us!
  16. Hey cheesevillain! I have updated the post to reflect damage being 100% in that instance. Thanks for spotting it and letting us know!
  17. Hey ifarmpandas! We opened this thread a little early for Ellohime's stream. The Backer Beta should be available to you tomorrow! Feel free to save this page so you can get to it quicker tomorrow Thanks for letting us know about this thread being available already! -SChin
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