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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I'm with you on that. I just hope it doesn't end up like Dragon Age, Origins was a great game with good mechanics and then DA2 was changed to ...... something else i too liked DA:O's gameplay, and the change in DA2's was unexpected and a bit jarring at first... however, i actually enjoyed the new gameplay, even if the parachuting enemies was a tad annoying. ---edit though i'm not saying i prefer DA2's gameplay to DA:O's, i like them both, and don't think i could choose between them... then again, i do miss those animated kills in DA:O.
  2. funny, i don't recall that from BG2... not at all. that's going to bug me for quite a while.
  3. Ha! You mean, it’s own story arch, reactions, relationship system and story quest. I doubt it. Don’t get me wrong, it could be cool, but not an exciting addition for a $250,000 stretch goal. Would gladly swap sea monsters with that. i recall a morrowind mod called lilarcor from way back when (had to look up the spelling), involving a defective talking sword. had some good times with that nutty blade. ---edit since we seem to be sharing cat photos now, i guess i'll post one of mine. my overlord: marko (who has recovered nicely, just fyi), and honestly who'd want to hurt this little guy. https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7gat9uktgh6kbr/20161122_093900.jpg?dl=0
  4. hey, i had a lot of plans for my spare cash... though, non of them counted on somebody shooting my cat. had to pay a $1,200 vet bill i didn't actually have the money for. still haven't gotten out from under that yet.
  5. out of the available options i guess i'd have to go with whiteleaf. i hate to be the boring one here... however, does it say anywhere that tobacco doesn't happen to grow in the pillars universe at all? i don't recall... well if it does exist, tobacco would be my actual guess, i suppose.
  6. Yeah well, there's a sale for -60% right about now on Steam. Didn't use my coupon either. yeah, i just saw that yesterday... so i picked up the overlord edition for 32 bucks. i feel a lot less foolish right now.
  7. i apparently failed to redeem my 50% off coupon for tyranny in time... i was waiting for it this whole time and didn't notice i had to finalize my pledge. such a waste. *sigh*
  8. i'd prefer something along the lines of a xebec, lugar or lugger. but a sloop would work too.
  9. for me it was the whole "you're not truly good unless you personally suffer from your own actions" that left me at a loss... from any standpoint that is in my opinion... um, mistaken? (mistaken is my code word for crazy) ---edit typo
  10. i don't think an rpg that gives blanket rewards based on being good or evil is truly an rpg. is it still an rpg if you continually bash the character/s over the head for being good, or continually reward evil acts without any consequences as a result (well beyond the act itself)? i want my rewards and "punishments" based off of my actions, regardless of the alignment of said actions. and i'd also like to see some unexpected, unintended consequences or rewards. as to good actions vs evil ones. to me it seems taking the higher road usually makes things more difficult in the short term, but actually makes things go more smoothly in the long run. where as being "evil" makes you more powerful, and makes the immediate challenges not as daunting as they would be otherwise, however, it seems to add additional problems or makes future issues bigger, or both. i'd rather see bonuses/penalties applied to being patient vs being impatient when the situation calls for it. now, i'm not saying being impatient should always be punished, as sometimes it's better to act than to sit still... the outcome/rewards/punishments should be determined on a situational basis. not an alignment one. ---edit typo
  11. shadow dancer... i had one in D&D... she was my favorite character. (lvl 60 half-elf) *cries for 20 minutes*
  12. i actually liked the idea of not limiting it to a dungeon. a cursed forest, or an ancient sand covered city half buried under the dunes. or a haunted ships-graveyard in the middle of a dead sea.
  13. actually that's kind of a good point... bout the mega dungeon being optional. in PoE1 taking on the Endless Paths seemed to be kind of required, unless you don't mind a downer ending (i'm assuming, as i've always finished the EP in my play throughs, so i have no idea what goes on with the ending if you leave things with the Paths alone or alone-ish). so, if there is a 15 level mega dungeon it shouldn't automatically effect the ending negatively if you leave it alone.
  14. i wouldn't mind another mega dungeon, just make it vary unique (and give it a very different visual style compared to the rest of the game) so you're not just repaving ground already covered in PoE1. and no mega dragon (that thing took me about half an hour to chip-away at it's health, if i can fight it without a party wipe-out or ten)
  15. we each have our own opinions, that's what make things interesting. anyway, i simply feel marauder fits the rogue/fighter class better. (and i'm using marauder in the sense of irregular combat forces who's purpose is raiding behind enemy lines to create chaos & confusion). in that context i think it works better, but that 's just me.
  16. how about using a mage to laydown a large & painful AoE spell only to miscalculate and watch your followers run into the killzone before you can intervene. that would be worse i think.
  17. well, we can still hope. or at least hoping couldn't hurt... or, wait...
  18. just a few of mine... possibly stated by others. Barbarian + Ranger = Warden Rogue + Wizard = Shade Chanter + Paladin = Seraph Fighter + Paladin = Crusader Priest + Paladin = Templar Cipher + Ranger = Seeker Rogue + Fighter = Marauder
  19. i have noting against romance in games as long as it isn't simply tacked on as some kind of plot placeholder. it actually needs depth & solid progression (and not a standalone minigame either)... so, not anything like skyrim. (though for skyrim it actually kind of works... don't ask me why)
  20. so it's actually fixed? i hadn't heard...
  21. is there any word about fixing the biography & vision tabs in the journal? i know it's a rather minor issue... but for me it's the most annoying one.
  22. in regards to the tactics vs strategy discussion... strategy is what tells you what objectives you must take, objectives that must be held, and the resources (manpower, equipment & supplies) you can afford to "expend" to achieve said goals. tactics are about taking or holding those objective, and minimizing your casualties and maximizing your opponent's. as to the op. now that i've actually gone over the spell casting changes... i find i'm thinking about them in a more positive... as opposed to a negative light. though like i said earlier, i still say only time will tell.
  23. OS: Win 8.1 pro CPU: 3.7ghz i7 GPU: GTX Titan X // screen: 55in 4k UHD TV (i run it @ 3840 X 2160) RAM: 32gb DDR3 HD: 2.4tb ssd i do so love my rig (i've had it for around 3 years) ---edit so how do you guys think my system will stack up to PoE2?
  24. after finding & watching the video & reading the blurb... i actually can't wait to try out multiclassing. and once again i will hold my opinion till i've actually tried it out, but i'm more than hopeful.
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