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Everything posted by Caeyrii

  1. Bah! Doing at least the first quest for the Crucible Knights locks and option. I'm too far in the game to bother rerolling. When's Aloth's dialogue about being an LK member gonna pop up? I'll just have him replace Thaos. Friends in high places and all that.
  2. How far does a Marking enchantment go? Is it as long as anyone attacking the same target as the holder? Or does it have an AoE type of deal?
  3. For the questions that don't need answering! --- Does Fast Mode speed up loading times as well?
  4. But like I've said, I've bound the spirits to the cannons and I'm still not that far into the game for the Aloth conversation to start(will still fail it since I'm not going to have Aloth remain in the cult).
  5. Well, the points to make in the [Have Abydon Forget] tree is pretty easy take. 1. Don't bind the Dwarves to ANYTHING. 2. Regarding the animancy dilemma, the proper answer is that you fear animancy's success rather than its failure because it will breed stagnancy.
  6. AFAIK, you need two points in each of the three dialogue trees. With [History] and [Memory] trees, I can easily get the needed points to make but I'm stuck in the [Abydon] one. Might have shot myself in the foot by binding the dwarves to the cannons. The other two options are telling them about Ondra/Abydon ship and Animancy. I can get the animancy point through, but there's nothing else. Can I do something that will allow me to get another one? I'm only at Act 2 without doing any of main quest quests.
  7. I'm thinking of a low Might, high DEX/INT Cipher that focuses on Afflictions. You wont be lacking for attack damage thanks to Soul Whip. I'm thinking 10/16/8/14/16/14? Granted there's a bit of RP-flavoring there(what attributes I think a Protagonist Cipher should have). Talents to take are pretty obvious(Biting Whip, TWF, ASA, so on). Take Greater Focus early. Like, level 2 early. Makes it easier to cast either Mental Binding or Psychovampiric Shield at the start of a fight. With equipment, the best things go to the Main Character! Sabres, undoubtedly but there's something to be said for Soldier weapons. Don't want to frontline too much? Pike up. Time bash faces and take names? Warhammers. Tidefall falls under the category too and I feel like getting it is not too much work(can you sneak past the drake?). I dunno what armor to be on though. Companions-wise, it's as you will but I think a "wall" Eder could be more useful. Defender to at least try to hold back the tide before you get your buffs on? I think the Tank of Pain variant will be more than enough if you feel that's a boring way to play the super-hick.
  8. I wonder what you guys think of as the attribute spread of the standard footman of an Order. Like, say, a Shieldbearer having high RES or a Bleak Walker having high MIG
  9. Intellect is pretty good at being useful for both physical and magical classes, so I don't think there'd much hate if it becomes the "magic" stat. The problem is where will it leave Might for non-physical classes? With, as much as I understand it, PoE's core principle for its attribute system, there should still be a reason for a Wizard to dip a bit in the Might, sans being multiclassed to a physical class.
  10. Boerer, does the Vent Pick apply modifiers to FoD? Like, say, Goldpact Knights' fire damage over time addition? And does Scion of Flame affect it(the FoD modifier, Enduring Flames)?
  11. Coordinated Attacks. The modifier that adds a stacking ACC bonus to Inspiring Liberation for Darcozzi Paladins. The DoT for my watch the world burn while I get rich Goldpact Knight. I really like Paladins.
  12. I'm a fan of Coordinated Attacks. Coupled with a Cladhaliath(please let us still have it in derpfriar) with Marking/Coordinating, it's a beast.
  13. Does that mean we wont get static encounters in an area anymore? I mean, like, once you clear an area it may have new enemies in it as well?
  14. Cladhaliath with Coordinating/Marking enhancements with Outworn Buckler is pretty boss on a leader-type Paladin. The armor you get from the 2nd Raedric fight is pretty great.
  15. FNV has a break of some sort from following the main questline. It's when, or if, you return the Chip to House. He goes on about making you his new protégée. You can decline the offer as well as the following offers from the NCR and Legion, leaving you to just run around the Mojave. I hope we get a semblance of that even if Deadfire is inherently a different type of RPG than FNV. Though I get your soul being sheared by a really angry god is really quite urgent(but we don't know the effects of it yet!). P.S. BRING BACK CLADHALIATH(Coordinating/Marking FTW) FOR DEADFIRE PLEASE.
  16. Don't do X but kinda do X. Really, unless it's about bugs/things not working as they should, Obsidian should never listen to drivel in the forums.
  17. I'm playing an objectively gimped character at the start. Thanks Obsidian!
  18. $2M. Everyone gets over their feelings and a certain priest of Magran returned. And he is pissed.
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