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Everything posted by RedPred

  1. "average ipad gamer" ... it's the first time I read about that... sound quite exclusive... I think I m too old to join your group mate ... Just joking a little. In my opinion, it seems you are looking for "new game" experiences and you discovered this game based on a "rpg board game". In other words, this is a game for players that play together the same scenario for real! The "single campaign" is funny but not representative at all, because this isn't just a game to finish or to play alone, but a game to continue playing with friends, looking for good cards with a party of all new characters from the first adventure to the last one for weeks. Like playing a full soccer championship season with friends but more world wide web Also the game is still in a kind of beta release so the content development is a sort of parallel objective among stability, efficiency, compatibility, multi-playing, ... The game is still young we could say. So I fear you will leave too soon to know its real expression and how funny that would be (also with a voip app in background... awesome!). Think that I was looking for a game like this for years... and now simply I can't wait to join the multiplayer features with my nephew and all the guys I debate with in this forum ... but I have to wait months beyond AD4 for that..
  2. Hi guys, I m trying to save some gold to get the best possible offer. But to have 20.000 gold will be very long.. So which is your favorite offer to get rare cards?
  3. Perhaps the Boa works well as it should. But if the henchman doesn't close the location, the player goes from an average of 5 explorations for location before closing to 10 (!!) explorations guaranteed for each location with Boa. It's quite obvious that players forfeit the game! It's not anymore a statistical problem, but a math one. There aren't enough turns to close all locations, because it's not possible a full exploration of every location by contract so characters must remain in position trying to win through temporary closing. Also and more important, your characters couldn't cover all the locations to corner the villain if they don't explore completely 2 locations and move to other ones! For example: 6-party, 8 locations (80 total explorations), 5 turns for character and 5,5 average explorations to find an henchman and close a location. Normal administration. Not easy but not impossible. Now try to close 2 locations with full exploration AND find the Villain in the last two locations (if you find him before and successfully temp close all the populated locations, he will escapes for sure there) AND close temporarily up to 5 locations all together AND win the fight with the Villain (one try only, too expensive the alternative)... with 5 turns for character... In the Story mode you collect allies (9 to win in 6-party), so no matter if you can close locations or not, also if blessings go to 0 you could win! Also there the villain reduces the dimension of location decks at every turn to make players get the bottom faster. Clearly Boa is an additional heavy penalty for every single location where it appears now in Quest, not simply a casual henchman as others.
  4. Very clear answers. Thanks guys
  5. Hi guys, I thought that 'Masterwork tools' card was quite a rare and powerful card... I didn't expect to be useless.. In the image I could just use 'reveal' (with Ezren..) for a 13 disable barrier that can ALSO be beaten with combat 24... I don't understand .. there are 2 alternatives ... a secondary way to beat the barrier in combat... and the primary way just get impossible through the tool? Perhaps the MT description can be interpreted in a different way? Is that the correct interpretation for the physical game too?
  6. Story: Seelah, Meri, Seoni, Lini, Kira/Ezren, Lem/Valeros Quest: pretty much the same, but I rarely play it because leveling and card collection is quite slow. And if something goes wrong with local save data... I could throw the tablet out the window.. For the xp difference we need more advanced players
  7. You get gold in all difficulty levels also if you read 0 in the final report. It could be a synch problem, cause a couple of time it refreshed correctly after a while. Anyway my gold amount always grows also at normal and I bought 3 characters only repeating Story normal difficulty. In effect the Difficulty description in scenario selection clearly states the base amount you ll get (plus the 30-50 gold you earn in play).
  8. I don't know how works for ios the save game files, but I suggest you to backup manually your high leveled Quest characters mate
  9. It happens to me too. I can just say that if you are playing Story mode, only after AD3 scenarios I can see cards other than basic. Also some cards seem to have a maximum number of instances. So if a char has already Flaming Mace for example, it simply doesn't appear. For a fix... it ll be long.. there is a full list of critical issues before that mate...
  10. Hi guys, I got often the message 'End of Turn Actions' that prevents me from use freely the cards in my hand. For example, in the image I had Haste spell and I wanted to use to explore again, but the game only allow me to move (without the couple of buttons to take a decision). If I remember well, I had just taken the potion and buried a card for the scenario difficulty, then the game triggered into this state. I really don't understand how this state works in the game, it seems to me like an optional final state of the action state... but what triggers it is a mystery to me.. It could be also an issue.. no idea. Simply I have often cards in my hand that I can't use and that's annoying.. Could you explain it to me please guys?
  11. Hi guys, I have this weapon since a week and I still can't image how to use it. The cost of 2 cards to use it every time, is very heavy.. I really need an expert advice before I trash it
  12. Ah ok then. The cure will cost you few levels for your characters mate. But it's faster than to wait for a specific fix. Just delete (or move away) the save data directory PACG1_SAVE_GAMES (no need to uninstall the game, but it's equivalent) from: \Internal storage\Android\data\net.obsidian.pacg1\files\ Your Story characters will be downloaded again from the server (cause they are saved on the cloud) while the Quest ones will be erased and you can start a new Quest. The first levels are quite fast at least..
  13. If the Quest mode jumps directly to the stuck situation, I fear you are in a dead end with your Quest save data until a patch for that. Have you any other device with a possible older backup of Quest data? Which level are your chars?
  14. Yes, they are just unlocked now. So you can get them among the other cards in the scenarios. If you just started playing the game, save gold for expansions and characters before. Expansions are particularly expensive (4.000 each one after the first). If you already know that ignore the last paragraph
  15. Worth noting that you get better cards faster in Story mode, but those don't affect the cards or characters in Quest mode. The only solution for your Quest mode characters is to play a lot. In general, I find Quest mode seems to do better for gold and Story mode faster for character development (i.e. feats). It could be my anecdotal evidence, but I find Quest mode on normal difficulty with 4 characters goes faster. You get more gold in Story for playing Legendary, but I must not be that good at the game because by the time I've won a Legendary Story scenario I can win a couple of normal Quest scenarios. Yes, I agree with you mate. I was just saying that farming cards on Story is faster and then is also faster the gold farming cause characters are better equipped to close quickly (specially some scenarios). At the moment I m playing a lot only one scenario in Story mode Legendary difficulty just for gold (I still miss some characters). In 20-25 min I can close it with 6 chars. In Quest mode it will be impossible for me at the moment to get all the cards I m using and level up all the characters to have roles on each one... and to get that specific scenario randomized. I don't know how much exp do you need to unlock roles, but with my progression at lvl 18 it was 4-5 scenarios normal difficulty for just one level up.. So I think really a lot of time. And the cards pool is very limited for me (B+AD1, also no treasure chests bought). Then with the AD4 that is coming in August, I need additional 4K gold saved, and all chars have to be ready, trained and well equipped... and I m far away from that
  16. Yes, and if you look at characters' progress tab Quest, you'll see which level they are and what every level unlocks. Then you ll have to play really a lot to unlock AD2 at 20 and AD3 at 30, .. But Quest progresses are quite slower than Story ones, so if you need gold (like me to unlock something or to buy AD4 in August) better a Legendary in Story where you can get good cards for your characters also
  17. I think their programmers can fix your dataset if the problem is there. It's pretty much a list of parties with members name; then there is a list of characters with their owns cards and scenarios completed with its difficulty. So it's quite easy the recovering process for corruption (without data loss). In my opinion your case seems connected to a malfunction writing/reading from the memory or during the upload to the server. It could still depends from the application by more probably it depends on hardware/network issue cause you talked about a reboot of the device. Also, the completed scenarios are connected to single character (as his equipment cards), so an illegible party no really makes you lost every progress. Check if you have your characters visible through an other party (they probably will be grey). Then dismiss the corrupted party (through the X on the top) and rearrange a new one with all you experienced characters there was in the previous one. With a little of luck, you ll have again everything as you had before quickly.
  18. I'm not sure about your model for location deck and shuffle function really exists at all When they say 'deck is shuffled' they mean really that the adt of object cards is reordered.... what do you think? A game of words just to write down something? Your modelization is inconsistent and your programming style is quite old school... really old...
  19. I have to admit that the people complaining about problems with the game on their phone really bother me. It has been stated numerous times that phones are not optimized and/or supported! It has also been stated that there will be optimization for phones in the future. I wish Obsidian had not made the app available to Android phones. You know there are more Android smartphones in the world than ios', right?
  20. If you use an Android device, it's quite easy. When you start the game, you do a login based on your Google account (you could have more than one but only one is connected to the game with yours game characters). So you just have to create the same account on the secondary device (or the emulated device) and the game will download automatically the last saved data on the server (but only for Story mode data). Then you can try to start the Story mode selecting the party. With Apple devices, you need others users or devs cause I don't know how that game version authenticates. But the solution to dismiss the party characters and add them all in a new party (every char can stay in only one party at a time) will work for sure with both the systems. Don't worry to lose your characters, when you ll have more than 6 you ll do a lot of in-out to change the party composition and swap equipment
  21. All my reports are based on my tablet Asus ZenPad 8. Then I use also a pc emulator of an other Samsung Android devise when I sit at my desk. Please don't speak for the developers, cause you are not. And you clearly aren't a programmer too, cause a devise compatibility problem with os/hardware specifications and a software logic/ui/dataset issues aren't the same thing at all. But I am, that's why you shouldn't denigrate anyone in general and in particular who studied it for year and work on it everyday. The developers can always ignore my posts or also remove them in every moment. My intention is only to help, to have a beautiful game without glitch like everyone who wrote in this technical support forum, or share some ideas for modifications, like everyone else who wrote about suggestions. Also this is a thread to help an other member to solve a problem with the emulator he is using. So, ignoring him, you are quite OT, just to insult someone else and try to start a flame because you think your software engineering knowledge are good enough...
  22. When a character moves through different locations at Legendary difficulty, the restricted routes get crazy position during the animated transition. I m using Android, no idea if it happens also with ios.
  23. Because you know them all perfectly! But a newbie that has to stop in that location for additional 2 or 3 turns to get the card at the bottom, he really need to know if it is worth or at least better than the actual cards in the characters' decks.
  24. He means those spells aren't in the pool of available cards in Quest mode, so players can't find them for some issues
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