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Everything posted by mccrispy

  1. This must be a new bug with 1.4.1 because I am in a similar situation: most of my fighters carry a set of Thieves Tools and I never saw this before 1.4.1. (Though these days I generally just discard them rather than attempt the Recharge check, but habits are hard to break and I sometimes roll anyway)
  2. Level 39. Ezren and Lini have Power Feats missing from some time ago because they were affected by the "failed scenario" feat-related bug. So when they hit level 39 the retrospective fix for that bug granted two Feats at the same time. FWIW Of my 12 Questing characters that are level 38 at the moment Lini, Ezren and Valeros are missing a Power Feat, while Kyra and Seelah are missing Card Feats. So clearly this is going to take some time to resolve and there's 5 characters that I can't risk playing if I decide to delete SLOT99 so that I can at least play the game to earn sufficient gold to unlock AP4. If you want my saved games and any other information I can post it if it's going to help fix the issue (even if it's only moving forward rather than fixing my current problem)
  3. Yikes! So just when you need those extra dice to give your low skill a boost, the game denies you. Great!
  4. Shouldn't have rolled both D4 at same time, they are separate effects surely? It's important from the point of view of applying damage absorbing effects
  5. Wouldn't have been able to select the second if they came from same character (unless one was a Favour). UI blocks that so it would have been spotted.
  6. Can anybody test it with both characters having Arcane (maybe Ezren and Lem)? That would tell us whether it was using the assisted character's Arcane, or just screwing up completely.
  7. I just hit something very similar in 1.4.1 see http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89445-141-quest-catch-up-on-rewards-of-feats-hits-progression-break/
  8. OK, this may well be an emulator issue as I haven't seen everyone screaming about it. Since 1.4.1 my dice are rendered incorrectly - it looks like an issue with layers that are missing, which may have something to do with the fixes applied to the z-order issues that seem to have been fixed in this patch. Here's some screenies: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gusk3pu45o41dyo/AABm181vIIhzDep4Mvj7IbgNa?dl=0
  9. This has the same symptoms as the 1.3.1 reported here http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89301-bug-role-unlock-power-feat-unlock/. However, it is on 1.4.1 and it only happens (so far) on the second set of Power Feats that I assign. Party of Four. Ezren and Lini have Power Feat + Power Feat and Harsk has Power Feat (poor old Merisiel didn't level up). I successfully assigned Power Feats for Ezren, Lini and Harsk and then hit the Progress button and came back to assign Power Feats for Ezren and Lini. At that point the Feats screen didn't work (no scrolling, no power select) though I could switch character and hit other Buttons (so I could get to the Main Menu and exit). Exiting and returning just loops through the end of scenario rewards screen and hits the problem again. Quest mode now dead in the water without a SLOT99 delete, but I'd hit the same problem with the next level up.
  10. My Android device is (at least temporarily) defunct, so I have installed on AMIDUOS. However, since installing the system from new (i.e. the first PACG version on this Android instance was 1.4.1) my Treasure Chests have disappeared. I didn't have many, but now they are gone.
  11. Were you playing on Heroic/Legendary and if so, which Wildcards were in play? This bug has been reported here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88733-1038-graul-ogrekin-automatically-rolls-my-combat-check/?hl=%2Brolled+%2Bdamage though yours is with Dorella. Perhaps you could "me too" that thread with a mention of Dorella and Hookmaw (though the Devs are investigating)
  12. Well, in my experience, number of affected users *can* in fact affect prioritization of an issue fix, so there's that. Now, if an issue has been reported by a single user only, no matter how severe, I've seen cases where it's disregarded as having low impact and never fixed at all (and I suppose many users realize this, at least on some intuitive level, hence the many threads with many 'me too' posts in Tech Support forums). I don't disagree. That's what was implied in my comment about reproducibility. I also have no problem with "me too" threads to bump up the priority of a bug as a result of "popularity".
  13. What do you mean by "no, you cannot roll the die"? Do you mean that there is a message from the game, or just that you cannot trigger the die roll? If it is the latter (as I assume) then this has been reported before - and is particularly annoying. Usually it can be fixed by using the usual VRT; Kill; Deletion escalation of workarounds per https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89357-cant-progress/
  14. Well, we didn't need you to confirm it as bug, that had already been done; but it's good to know that somebody else has seen it - so it should be possible for the Devs to repro it
  15. There are several other situations where some form of confirmation would be useful: when you are Salvaging ("Warning: you have 6 of these items in character decks, salvaging this Boon my result in missing cards") and when you are building a party ("Warning: you have more instances of these items X; Y; Z assigned to character decks than you have in your Vault, continuing will eliminate one or more from character decks")
  16. Wow! Tebbit, that description of the bug is just like a bug we have several​ patches ago! I wonder whether it's a regression, or a new bug as a result of the UI improvements that we had in 1.1.6.
  17. It depends what mode you're trying to troubleshoot. SLOT1-9 - Story Mode SLOT99 - Quest Mode SLOT98 - Tutorial Thanks for that reminder! It's been so long since I played Story Mode (waiting for AP4!) that I'd forgotten about that aspect of the game .
  18. From my (Android-specific) experience Step one is always a VRT (no risk to game state) Step two is kill the game (minimal risk to game state) Step three is Forfeit (you keep anything you gained in-game, but otherwise "lose" the game) Step four is to clear Cache/Data for Google Play (some - uncategorised - risk to game state, but I have lost experience) Step five is delete SLOT99 in your PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder (complete loss of current game) You can always post your PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder and your PFID here and hope that the Devs can fix it for you before your need to play the game forces you to adopt more aggressive methods (they won't, they're too busy and if they do look at your data it'll be "post mortem" only) HTH
  19. This is similar to the bug reported waaaaay back in June https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87504-evangelist-cannot-recharge-to-add-1d4-to-your-check-if-divine-is-an-option/?hl=evangelist Screenie: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mbe06uzd7dwlp2b/AAA4mWG681JHlGNy4Tz4B1Ofa?dl=0
  20. Valeros and Lini were at The when Valeros meet the DRs. For the first time that I can remember the D6 came up 1. So an Ogrekin in was summoned and auto-defeated itself whereupon the DR appeared on screen and the Banish graphic triggered then the game froze and - after a delay - crashed. Saved game PACG1_SAVE_GAMES.zip
  21. That's not what I read the OP as saying! I read it as saying that if Lini role an 8 on her check, then the Villain's check gains 8. This is not the same as any penalty on Lini's check being added to the Villain's check.
  22. I'm a bit torn on big bonuses: they really help with your minimum roll (so Valeros and Amiri can deal with low-level Banes with minimal effort) but they don't help as much with your maximum value, for when you have to take a chance. My default roll is "one more dice than I would need if the roll produces the average". Big bonuses do help with this approach as they shift the average, but it's a bit risky with low dice counts (while limiting damage if you roll snake eyes!)
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